""" Implementation of Process class for Linux """ from typing import List, Tuple from os import strerror import os import os.path import signal import ctypes import ctypes.util import logging from .abstract import Process as AbstractProcess from .utils import ctypes_buffer_t, MemEditError logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ptrace_commands = { 'PTRACE_GETREGS': 12, 'PTRACE_SETREGS': 13, 'PTRACE_ATTACH': 16, 'PTRACE_DETACH': 17, 'PTRACE_SYSCALL': 24, 'PTRACE_SEIZE': 16902, } # import ptrace() from libc _libc = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('c'), use_errno=True) _ptrace = _libc.ptrace _ptrace.argtypes = (ctypes.c_ulong,) * 4 _ptrace.restype = ctypes.c_long def ptrace(command: int, pid: int = 0, arg1: int = 0, arg2: int = 0) -> int: """ Call ptrace() with the provided pid and arguments. See the ```man ptrace```. """ logger.debug('ptrace({}, {}, {}, {})'.format(command, pid, arg1, arg2)) result = _ptrace(command, pid, arg1, arg2) if result == -1: errno = ctypes.get_errno() if errno: raise MemEditError('ptrace({}, {}, {}, {})'.format(command, pid, arg1, arg2) + ' failed with error {}: {}'.format(errno, strerror(errno))) return result class Process(AbstractProcess): pid = None def __init__(self, process_id: int): ptrace(ptrace_commands['PTRACE_SEIZE'], process_id) self.pid = process_id def close(self): os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGSTOP) ptrace(ptrace_commands['PTRACE_DETACH'], self.pid, 0, 0) self.pid = None def write_memory(self, base_address: int, write_buffer: ctypes_buffer_t): with open('/proc/{}/mem'.format(self.pid), 'rb+') as mem: mem.seek(base_address) mem.write(write_buffer) def read_memory(self, base_address: int, read_buffer: ctypes_buffer_t) -> ctypes_buffer_t: with open('/proc/{}/mem'.format(self.pid), 'rb+') as mem: mem.seek(base_address) mem.readinto(read_buffer) return read_buffer def get_path(self) -> str: try: with open('/proc/{}/cmdline', 'rb') as f: return f.read().decode().split('\x00')[0] except FileNotFoundError: return '' @staticmethod def list_available_pids() -> List[int]: pids = [] for pid_str in os.listdir('/proc'): try: pids.append(int(pid_str)) except ValueError: continue return pids @staticmethod def get_pid_by_name(target_name: str) -> int: for pid in Process.list_available_pids(): try: logger.info('Checking name for pid {}'.format(pid)) with open('/proc/{}/cmdline'.format(pid), 'rb') as cmdline: path = cmdline.read().decode().split('\x00')[0] except FileNotFoundError: continue name = os.path.basename(path) logger.info('Name was "{}"'.format(name)) if path is not None and name == target_name: return pid logger.info('Found no process with name {}'.format(target_name)) return None def list_mapped_regions(self, writeable_only: bool = True) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: regions = [] with open('/proc/{}/maps'.format(self.pid), 'r') as maps: for line in maps: bounds, privileges = line.split()[0:2] if 'r' not in privileges: continue if writeable_only and 'w' not in privileges: continue start, stop = (int(bound, 16) for bound in bounds.split('-')) regions.append((start, stop)) return regions