""" Implementation of Process class for Windows """ from typing import List, Tuple from math import floor from os import strerror import os.path import ctypes import ctypes.wintypes import logging from .abstract import Process as AbstractProcess from .utils import ctypes_buffer_t, MemEditError logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Process handle privileges privileges = { 'PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION': 0x0400, 'PROCESS_VM_OPERATION': 0x0008, 'PROCESS_VM_READ': 0x0010, 'PROCESS_VM_WRITE': 0x0020, } privileges['PROCESS_RW'] = ( privileges['PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION'] | privileges['PROCESS_VM_OPERATION'] | privileges['PROCESS_VM_READ'] | privileges['PROCESS_VM_WRITE'] ) # Memory region states mem_states = { 'MEM_COMMIT': 0x1000, 'MEM_FREE': 0x10000, 'MEM_RESERVE': 0x2000, } # Memory region permissions page_protections = { 'PAGE_EXECUTE': 0x10, 'PAGE_EXECUTE_READ': 0x20, 'PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE': 0x40, 'PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY': 0x80, 'PAGE_NOACCESS': 0x01, 'PAGE_READWRITE': 0x04, 'PAGE_WRITECOPY': 0x08, } # Custom (combined) permissions page_protections['PAGE_READABLE'] = ( page_protections['PAGE_EXECUTE_READ'] | page_protections['PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE'] | page_protections['PAGE_READWRITE'] ) page_protections['PAGE_READWRITEABLE'] = ( page_protections['PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE'] | page_protections['PAGE_READWRITE'] ) # Memory types mem_types = { 'MEM_IMAGE': 0x1000000, 'MEM_MAPPED': 0x40000, 'MEM_PRIVATE': 0x20000, } # C struct for VirtualQueryEx class MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('BaseAddress', ctypes.c_void_p), ('AllocationBase', ctypes.c_void_p), ('AllocationProtect', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD), ('RegionSize', ctypes.wintypes.UINT), ('State', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD), ('Protect', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD), ('Type', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD), ] # C struct for GetSystemInfo class SYSTEM_INFO(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('wProcessorArchitecture', ctypes.wintypes.WORD), ('wReserved', ctypes.wintypes.WORD), ('dwPageSize', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD), ('lpMinimumApplicationAddress', ctypes.c_void_p), ('lpMaximumApplicationAddress', ctypes.c_void_p), ('dwActiveProcessorMask', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD), ('dwNumberOfProcessors', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD), ('dwProcessorType', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD), ('dwAllocationGranularity', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD), ('wProcessorLevel', ctypes.wintypes.WORD), ('wProcessorRevision', ctypes.wintypes.WORD), ] class Process(AbstractProcess): process_handle = None def __init__(self, process_id: int): process_handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess( privileges['PROCESS_RW'], False, process_id ) if not process_handle: raise MemEditError('Couldn\'t open process {}'.format(process_id)) self.process_handle = process_handle def close(self): ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(self.process_handle) self.process_handle = None def write_memory(self, base_address: int, write_buffer: ctypes_buffer_t): try: ctypes.windll.kernel32.WriteProcessMemory( self.process_handle, base_address, ctypes.byref(write_buffer), ctypes.sizeof(write_buffer), None ) except (BufferError, ValueError, TypeError): raise MemEditError('Error with handle {}: {}'.format(self.process_handle, self._get_last_error())) def read_memory(self, base_address: int, read_buffer: ctypes_buffer_t) -> ctypes_buffer_t: try: ctypes.windll.kernel32.ReadProcessMemory( self.process_handle, base_address, ctypes.byref(read_buffer), ctypes.sizeof(read_buffer), None ) except (BufferError, ValueError, TypeError): raise MemEditError('Error with handle {}: {}'.format(self.process_handle, self._get_last_error())) return read_buffer @staticmethod def _get_last_error() -> Tuple[int, str]: err = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetLastError() return err, strerror(err) def get_path(self) -> str: max_path_len = 260 name_buffer = (ctypes.c_char * max_path_len)() rval = ctypes.windll.psapi.GetProcessImageFileNameA( self.process_handle, name_buffer, max_path_len ) if rval > 0: return name_buffer.value.decode() else: return None @staticmethod def list_available_pids() -> List[int]: # According to EnumProcesses docs, you can't find out how many processes there are before # fetching the list. As a result, we grab 100 on the first try, and if we get a full list # of 100, repeatedly double the number until we get fewer than we asked for. n = 100 num_returned = n returned_size = ctypes.wintypes.DWORD() returned_size_ptr = ctypes.byref(returned_size) while True: pids = (ctypes.wintypes.DWORD * n)() size = ctypes.sizeof(pids) pids_ptr = ctypes.byref(pids) success = ctypes.windll.Psapi.EnumProcesses(pids_ptr, size, returned_size_ptr) if not success: raise MemEditError('Failed to enumerate processes: n={}'.format(n)) num_returned = floor(returned_size.value / ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.wintypes.DWORD)) if n == num_returned: n *= 2 continue else: break return pids[:num_returned] @staticmethod def get_pid_by_name(target_name: str) -> int or None: for pid in Process.list_available_pids(): try: logger.info('Checking name for pid {}'.format(pid)) with Process.open_process(pid) as process: path = process.get_path() name = os.path.basename(path) logger.info('Name was "{}"'.format(name)) if path is not None and name == target_name: return pid except ValueError: pass logger.info('Found no process with name {}'.format(target_name)) return None def list_mapped_regions(self, writeable_only: bool = True) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: sys_info = SYSTEM_INFO() sys_info_ptr = ctypes.byref(sys_info) ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetSystemInfo(sys_info_ptr) start = sys_info.lpMinimumApplicationAddress stop = sys_info.lpMaximumApplicationAddress def get_mem_info(address): """ Query the memory region starting at or before 'address' to get its size/type/state/permissions. """ mbi = MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION() mbi_ptr = ctypes.byref(mbi) mbi_size = ctypes.sizeof(mbi) success = ctypes.windll.kernel32.VirtualQueryEx( self.process_handle, address, mbi_ptr, mbi_size, ) if success != mbi_size: if success == 0: raise MemEditError('Failed VirtualQueryEx with handle ' + '{}: {}'.format(self.process_handle, self._get_last_error())) else: raise MemEditError('VirtualQueryEx output too short!') return mbi regions = [] page_ptr = start while page_ptr < stop: page_info = get_mem_info(page_ptr) if page_info.Type == mem_types['MEM_PRIVATE'] and \ page_info.State == mem_states['MEM_COMMIT'] and \ page_info.Protect & page_protections['PAGE_READABLE'] != 0 and \ (page_info.Protect & page_protections['PAGE_READWRITEABLE'] != 0 or not writeable_only): regions.append((page_ptr, page_ptr + page_info.RegionSize)) page_ptr += page_info.RegionSize return regions