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from typing import Optional, Tuple, Iterable, List
import pytest # type: ignore
import numpy # type: ignore
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose # type: ignore
from .. import fdfd
from ..fdmath import vec, unvec, dx_lists_mut
#from .utils import assert_close, assert_fields_close
from .test_fdfd import FDResult
from .conftest import FixtureRequest
def test_pml(sim: FDResult, src_polarity: int) -> None:
e_sqr = numpy.squeeze((sim.e.conj() * sim.e).sum(axis=0))
# from matplotlib import pyplot
# pyplot.figure()
# pyplot.plot(numpy.squeeze(e_sqr))
e_sqr_tgt = e_sqr[16:19]
e_sqr_rev = e_sqr[10:13]
if src_polarity < 0:
e_sqr_tgt, e_sqr_rev = e_sqr_rev, e_sqr_tgt
assert_allclose(e_sqr_rev, 0, atol=1e-12)
assert_allclose(e_sqr_tgt, 1, rtol=3e-6)
# pyplot.figure()
# pyplot.plot(numpy.squeeze(sim.e[0].real), label='Ex_real')
# pyplot.plot(numpy.squeeze(sim.e[0].imag), label='Ex_imag')
# pyplot.plot(numpy.squeeze(sim.e[1].real), label='Ey_real')
# pyplot.plot(numpy.squeeze(sim.e[1].imag), label='Ey_imag')
# pyplot.plot(numpy.squeeze(sim.e[2].real), label='Ez_real')
# pyplot.plot(numpy.squeeze(sim.e[2].imag), label='Ez_imag')
# pyplot.legend()
# Test fixtures
# ####################################
# Also see
@pytest.fixture(params=[1 / 1500])
def omega(request: FixtureRequest) -> Iterable[float]:
yield request.param
def pec(request: FixtureRequest) -> Iterable[Optional[numpy.ndarray]]:
yield request.param
def pmc(request: FixtureRequest) -> Iterable[Optional[numpy.ndarray]]:
yield request.param
@pytest.fixture(params=[(30, 1, 1),
(1, 30, 1),
(1, 1, 30)])
def shape(request: FixtureRequest) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, ...]]:
yield (3, *request.param)
@pytest.fixture(params=[+1, -1])
def src_polarity(request: FixtureRequest) -> Iterable[int]:
yield request.param
def j_distribution(request: FixtureRequest,
shape: Tuple[int, ...],
epsilon: numpy.ndarray,
dxes: dx_lists_mut,
omega: float,
src_polarity: int,
) -> Iterable[numpy.ndarray]:
j = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=complex)
dim = numpy.where(numpy.array(shape[1:]) > 1)[0][0] # Propagation axis
other_dims = [0, 1, 2]
dx_prop = (dxes[0][dim][shape[dim + 1] // 2]
+ dxes[1][dim][shape[dim + 1] // 2]) / 2 # TODO is this right for nonuniform dxes?
# Mask only contains components orthogonal to propagation direction
center_mask = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=bool)
center_mask[other_dims, shape[1] // 2, shape[2] // 2, shape[3] // 2] = True
if (epsilon[center_mask] != epsilon[center_mask][0]).any():
center_mask[other_dims[1]] = False # If epsilon is not isotropic, pick only one dimension
wavenumber = omega * numpy.sqrt(epsilon[center_mask].mean())
wavenumber_corrected = 2 / dx_prop * numpy.arcsin(wavenumber * dx_prop / 2)
e = numpy.zeros_like(epsilon, dtype=complex)
e[center_mask] = 1 / numpy.linalg.norm(center_mask[:])
slices = [slice(None), slice(None), slice(None)]
slices[dim] = slice(shape[dim + 1] // 2,
shape[dim + 1] // 2 + 1)
j = fdfd.waveguide_3d.compute_source(E=e, wavenumber=wavenumber_corrected, omega=omega, dxes=dxes,
axis=dim, polarity=src_polarity, slices=slices, epsilon=epsilon)
yield j
def epsilon(request: FixtureRequest,
shape: Tuple[int, ...],
epsilon_bg: float,
epsilon_fg: float,
) -> Iterable[numpy.ndarray]:
epsilon = numpy.full(shape, epsilon_fg, dtype=float)
yield epsilon
def dxes(request: FixtureRequest,
shape: Tuple[int, ...],
dx: float,
omega: float,
epsilon_fg: float,
) -> Iterable[List[List[numpy.ndarray]]]:
if request.param == 'uniform':
dxes = [[numpy.full(s, dx) for s in shape[1:]] for _ in range(2)]
dim = numpy.where(numpy.array(shape[1:]) > 1)[0][0] # Propagation axis
for axis in (dim,):
for polarity in (-1, 1):
dxes = fdfd.scpml.stretch_with_scpml(dxes, axis=axis, polarity=polarity,
omega=omega, epsilon_effective=epsilon_fg,
yield dxes
def sim(request: FixtureRequest,
shape: Tuple[int, ...],
epsilon: numpy.ndarray,
dxes: dx_lists_mut,
j_distribution: numpy.ndarray,
omega: float,
pec: Optional[numpy.ndarray],
pmc: Optional[numpy.ndarray],
) -> FDResult:
j_vec = vec(j_distribution)
eps_vec = vec(epsilon)
e_vec = fdfd.solvers.generic(J=j_vec, omega=omega, dxes=dxes, epsilon=eps_vec,
matrix_solver_opts={'atol': 1e-15, 'tol': 1e-11})
e = unvec(e_vec, shape[1:])
sim = FDResult(
dxes=[list(d) for d in dxes],
return sim