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Functions for performing near-to-farfield transformation (and the reverse).
from typing import Dict, List, Any, Union, Sequence
import numpy
from numpy.fft import fft2, fftshift, fftfreq, ifft2, ifftshift
from numpy import pi
from ..fdmath import cfdfield_t
def near_to_farfield(
E_near: cfdfield_t,
H_near: cfdfield_t,
dx: float,
dy: float,
padded_size: Union[List[int], int, None] = None
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Compute the farfield, i.e. the distribution of the fields after propagation
through several wavelengths of uniform medium.
The input fields should be complex phasors.
E_near: List of 2 ndarrays containing the 2D phasor field slices for the transverse
E fields (e.g. [Ex, Ey] for calculating the farfield toward the z-direction).
H_near: List of 2 ndarrays containing the 2D phasor field slices for the transverse
H fields (e.g. [Hx, hy] for calculating the farfield towrad the z-direction).
dx: Cell size along x-dimension, in units of wavelength.
dy: Cell size along y-dimension, in units of wavelength.
padded_size: Shape of the output. A single integer `n` will be expanded to `(n, n)`.
Powers of 2 are most efficient for FFT computation.
Default is the smallest power of 2 larger than the input, for each axis.
Dict with keys
- `E_far`: Normalized E-field farfield; multiply by
(i k exp(-i k r) / (4 pi r)) to get the actual field value.
- `H_far`: Normalized H-field farfield; multiply by
(i k exp(-i k r) / (4 pi r)) to get the actual field value.
- `kx`, `ky`: Wavevector values corresponding to the x- and y- axes in E_far and H_far,
normalized to wavelength (dimensionless).
- `dkx`, `dky`: step size for kx and ky, normalized to wavelength.
- `theta`: arctan2(ky, kx) corresponding to each (kx, ky).
This is the angle in the x-y plane, counterclockwise from above, starting from +x.
- `phi`: arccos(kz / k) corresponding to each (kx, ky).
This is the angle away from +z.
if not len(E_near) == 2:
raise Exception('E_near must be a length-2 list of ndarrays')
if not len(H_near) == 2:
raise Exception('H_near must be a length-2 list of ndarrays')
s = E_near[0].shape
if not all(s == f.shape for f in E_near + H_near):
raise Exception('All fields must be the same shape!')
if padded_size is None:
padded_size = (2**numpy.ceil(numpy.log2(s))).astype(int)
if not hasattr(padded_size, '__len__'):
padded_size = (padded_size, padded_size) # type: ignore # checked if sequence
En_fft = [fftshift(fft2(fftshift(Eni), s=padded_size)) for Eni in E_near]
Hn_fft = [fftshift(fft2(fftshift(Hni), s=padded_size)) for Hni in H_near]
# Propagation vectors kx, ky
k = 2 * pi
kxx = 2 * pi * fftshift(fftfreq(padded_size[0], dx))
kyy = 2 * pi * fftshift(fftfreq(padded_size[1], dy))
kx, ky = numpy.meshgrid(kxx, kyy, indexing='ij')
kxy2 = kx * kx + ky * ky
kxy = numpy.sqrt(kxy2)
kz = numpy.sqrt(k * k - kxy2)
sin_th = ky / kxy
cos_th = kx / kxy
cos_phi = kz / k
sin_th[numpy.logical_and(kx == 0, ky == 0)] = 0
cos_th[numpy.logical_and(kx == 0, ky == 0)] = 1
# Normalized vector potentials N, L
N = [-Hn_fft[1] * cos_phi * cos_th + Hn_fft[0] * cos_phi * sin_th,
Hn_fft[1] * sin_th + Hn_fft[0] * cos_th]
L = [ En_fft[1] * cos_phi * cos_th - En_fft[0] * cos_phi * sin_th,
-En_fft[1] * sin_th - En_fft[0] * cos_th]
E_far = [-L[1] - N[0],
L[0] - N[1]]
H_far = [-E_far[1],
theta = numpy.arctan2(ky, kx)
phi = numpy.arccos(cos_phi)
theta[numpy.logical_and(kx == 0, ky == 0)] = 0
phi[numpy.logical_and(kx == 0, ky == 0)] = 0
# Zero fields beyond valid (phi, theta)
invalid_ind = kxy2 >= k * k
theta[invalid_ind] = 0
phi[invalid_ind] = 0
for i in range(2):
E_far[i][invalid_ind] = 0
H_far[i][invalid_ind] = 0
outputs = {
'E': E_far,
'H': H_far,
'dkx': kx[1] - kx[0],
'dky': ky[1] - ky[0],
'kx': kx,
'ky': ky,
'theta': theta,
'phi': phi,
return outputs
def far_to_nearfield(
E_far: cfdfield_t,
H_far: cfdfield_t,
dkx: float,
dky: float,
padded_size: Union[List[int], int, None] = None
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Compute the farfield, i.e. the distribution of the fields after propagation
through several wavelengths of uniform medium.
The input fields should be complex phasors.
E_far: List of 2 ndarrays containing the 2D phasor field slices for the transverse
E fields (e.g. [Ex, Ey] for calculating the nearfield toward the z-direction).
Fields should be normalized so that
E_far = E_far_actual / (i k exp(-i k r) / (4 pi r))
H_far: List of 2 ndarrays containing the 2D phasor field slices for the transverse
H fields (e.g. [Hx, hy] for calculating the nearfield toward the z-direction).
Fields should be normalized so that
H_far = H_far_actual / (i k exp(-i k r) / (4 pi r))
dkx: kx discretization, in units of wavelength.
dky: ky discretization, in units of wavelength.
padded_size: Shape of the output. A single integer `n` will be expanded to `(n, n)`.
Powers of 2 are most efficient for FFT computation.
Default is the smallest power of 2 larger than the input, for each axis.
Dict with keys
- `E`: E-field nearfield
- `H`: H-field nearfield
- `dx`, `dy`: spatial discretization, normalized to wavelength (dimensionless)
if not len(E_far) == 2:
raise Exception('E_far must be a length-2 list of ndarrays')
if not len(H_far) == 2:
raise Exception('H_far must be a length-2 list of ndarrays')
s = E_far[0].shape
if not all(s == f.shape for f in E_far + H_far):
raise Exception('All fields must be the same shape!')
if padded_size is None:
padded_size = (2 ** numpy.ceil(numpy.log2(s))).astype(int)
if not hasattr(padded_size, '__len__'):
padded_size = (padded_size, padded_size) # type: ignore # checked if sequence
k = 2 * pi
kxs = fftshift(fftfreq(s[0], 1 / (s[0] * dkx)))
kys = fftshift(fftfreq(s[0], 1 / (s[1] * dky)))
kx, ky = numpy.meshgrid(kxs, kys, indexing='ij')
kxy2 = kx * kx + ky * ky
kxy = numpy.sqrt(kxy2)
kz = numpy.sqrt(k * k - kxy2)
sin_th = ky / kxy
cos_th = kx / kxy
cos_phi = kz / k
sin_th[numpy.logical_and(kx == 0, ky == 0)] = 0
cos_th[numpy.logical_and(kx == 0, ky == 0)] = 1
theta = numpy.arctan2(ky, kx)
phi = numpy.arccos(cos_phi)
theta[numpy.logical_and(kx == 0, ky == 0)] = 0
phi[numpy.logical_and(kx == 0, ky == 0)] = 0
# Zero fields beyond valid (phi, theta)
invalid_ind = kxy2 >= k * k
theta[invalid_ind] = 0
phi[invalid_ind] = 0
for i in range(2):
E_far[i][invalid_ind] = 0
H_far[i][invalid_ind] = 0
# Normalized vector potentials N, L
L = [0.5 * E_far[1],
-0.5 * E_far[0]]
N = [L[1],
En_fft = [-( L[0] * sin_th + L[1] * cos_phi * cos_th) / cos_phi,
-(-L[0] * cos_th + L[1] * cos_phi * sin_th) / cos_phi]
Hn_fft = [( N[0] * sin_th + N[1] * cos_phi * cos_th) / cos_phi,
(-N[0] * cos_th + N[1] * cos_phi * sin_th) / cos_phi]
for i in range(2):
En_fft[i][cos_phi == 0] = 0
Hn_fft[i][cos_phi == 0] = 0
E_near = [ifftshift(ifft2(ifftshift(Ei), s=padded_size)) for Ei in En_fft]
H_near = [ifftshift(ifft2(ifftshift(Hi), s=padded_size)) for Hi in Hn_fft]
dx = 2 * pi / (s[0] * dkx)
dy = 2 * pi / (s[0] * dky)
outputs = {
'E': E_near,
'H': H_near,
'dx': dx,
'dy': dy,
return outputs