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Solvers for eigenvalue / eigenvector problems
from typing import Tuple, List
import numpy
from numpy.linalg import norm
from scipy import sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spalg
def power_iteration(operator: sparse.spmatrix,
guess_vector: numpy.ndarray = None,
iterations: int = 20,
) -> Tuple[complex, numpy.ndarray]:
Use power iteration to estimate the dominant eigenvector of a matrix.
:param operator: Matrix to analyze.
:param guess_vector: Starting point for the eigenvector. Default is a randomly chosen vector.
:param iterations: Number of iterations to perform. Default 20.
:return: (Largest-magnitude eigenvalue, Corresponding eigenvector estimate)
if numpy.any(numpy.equal(guess_vector, None)):
v = numpy.random.rand(operator.shape[0])
v = guess_vector
for _ in range(iterations):
v = operator @ v
v /= norm(v)
lm_eigval = v.conj() @ operator @ v
return lm_eigval, v
def rayleigh_quotient_iteration(operator: sparse.spmatrix,
guess_vector: numpy.ndarray,
iterations: int = 40,
tolerance: float = 1e-13,
) -> Tuple[complex, numpy.ndarray]:
Use Rayleigh quotient iteration to refine an eigenvector guess.
:param operator: Matrix to analyze.
:param guess_vector: Eigenvector to refine.
:param iterations: Maximum number of iterations to perform. Default 40.
:param tolerance: Stop iteration if (A - I*eigenvalue) @ v < tolerance.
Default 1e-13.
:return: (eigenvalue, eigenvector)
v = guess_vector
for _ in range(iterations):
eigval = v.conj() @ operator @ v
if norm(operator @ v - eigval * v) < tolerance:
v = spalg.spsolve(operator - eigval * sparse.eye(operator.shape[0]), v)
v /= norm(v)
return eigval, v
def signed_eigensolve(operator: sparse.spmatrix,
how_many: int,
negative: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:
Find the largest-magnitude positive-only (or negative-only) eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of the provided matrix.
:param operator: Matrix to analyze.
:param how_many: How many eigenvalues to find.
:param negative: Whether to find negative-only eigenvalues.
Default False (positive only).
:return: (sorted list of eigenvalues, 2D ndarray of corresponding eigenvectors)
eigenvectors[:, k] corresponds to the k-th eigenvalue
# Use power iteration to estimate the dominant eigenvector
lm_eigval, _ = power_iteration(operator)
Shift by the absolute value of the largest eigenvalue, then find a few of the
largest-magnitude (shifted) eigenvalues. A positive shift ensures that we find the
largest _positive_ eigenvalues, since any negative eigenvalues will be shifted to the
range 0 >= neg_eigval + abs(lm_eigval) > abs(lm_eigval)
if negative:
shifted_operator = operator - abs(lm_eigval) * sparse.eye(operator.shape[0])
shifted_operator = operator + abs(lm_eigval) * sparse.eye(operator.shape[0])
eigenvalues, eigenvectors = spalg.eigs(shifted_operator, which='LM', k=how_many, ncv=50)
k = eigenvalues.argsort()
return eigenvalues[k], eigenvectors[:, k]