move magma solver into different package

jan 8 years ago
parent 56df805e24
commit c2d43b01df

@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
import numpy
from numpy.ctypeslib import ndpointer
import ctypes
# h5py used by (uncalled) h5_write(); not used in currently-called code
from fdfd_tools import vec, unvec, waveguide_mode
import fdfd_tools, fdfd_tools.functional, fdfd_tools.grid
@ -10,64 +6,12 @@ import gridlock
from matplotlib import pyplot
#import magma_fdfd
from opencl_fdfd import cg_solver, csr
__author__ = 'Jan Petykiewicz'
def complex_to_alternating(x: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray:
stacked = numpy.vstack((numpy.real(x), numpy.imag(x)))
return stacked.T.astype(numpy.float64).flatten()
def solve_A(A, b: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray:
A_vals = complex_to_alternating(
b_vals = complex_to_alternating(b)
x_vals = numpy.zeros_like(b_vals)
args = ['dummy',
'--solver', 'QMR',
'--maxiter', '40000',
'--atol', '1e-6',
'--verbose', '100']
argc = ctypes.c_int(len(args))
argv_arr_t = ctypes.c_char_p * len(args)
argv_arr = argv_arr_t()
argv_arr[:] = [s.encode('ascii') for s in args]
A_dim = ctypes.c_int(A.shape[0])
A_nnz = ctypes.c_int(A.nnz)
npdouble = ndpointer(ctypes.c_double)
npint = ndpointer(ctypes.c_int)
lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('/home/jan/magma_solve/')
c_solver = lib.zsolve
c_solver.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, argv_arr_t,
ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int,
npdouble, npint, npint, npdouble, npdouble]
c_solver(argc, argv_arr, A_dim, A_nnz, A_vals,
b_vals, x_vals)
x = (x_vals[::2] + 1j * x_vals[1::2]).flatten()
return x
def write_h5(filename, A, b):
import h5py
# dtype=np.dtype([('real', 'float64'), ('imag', 'float64')])
h5py.get_config().complex_names = ('real', 'imag')
with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as mat_file:
mat_file['/A/ir'] = A.indices.astype(numpy.intc)
mat_file['/A/jc'] = A.indptr.astype(numpy.intc)
mat_file['/A/data'] =
mat_file['/b'] = b
mat_file['/x'] = numpy.zeros_like(b)
def test0():
dx = 50 # discretization (nm/cell)
pml_thickness = 10 # (number of cells)
@ -200,7 +144,7 @@ def test1():
b = -1j * omega * vec(J)
A = fdfd_tools.operators.e_full(**sim_args).tocsr()
# x = solve_A(A, b)
# x = magma_fdfd.solve_A(A, b)
# x = csr.cg_solver(J=vec(J), **sim_args)
x = cg_solver(J=vec(J), **sim_args)
