make vectorization docs point to the right functions

jan 3 years ago
parent 61c85fc654
commit 8faefff98d

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Sparse matrix operators for use with electromagnetic wave equations.
These functions return sparse-matrix (`scipy.sparse.spmatrix`) representations of
a variety of operators, intended for use with E and H fields vectorized using the
`meanas.vec()` and `meanas.unvec()` functions.
`meanas.fdmath.vectorization.vec()` and `meanas.fdmath.vectorization.unvec()` functions.
E- and H-field values are defined on a Yee cell; `epsilon` values should be calculated for
cells centered at each E component (`mu` at each H component).

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def generic(omega: complex,
Conjugate gradient FDFD solver using CSR sparse matrices.
All ndarray arguments should be 1D arrays, as returned by `meanas.vec()`.
All ndarray arguments should be 1D arrays, as returned by `meanas.fdmath.vectorization.vec()`.
omega: Complex frequency to solve at.
