wip junk
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Normal file
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from simphony.elements import Model
from simphony.netlist import Subcircuit
from simphony.simulation import SweepSimulation
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
class PeriodicLayer(Model):
def __init__(self, left_modes, right_modes, s_params):
self.left_modes = left_modes
self.right_modes = right_modes
self.left_ports = len(self.left_modes)
self.right_ports = len(self.right_modes)
self.s_params = s_params
def normalize_fields(self):
for mode in range(len(self.left_modes)):
for mode in range(len(self.right_modes)):
class PeriodicEME:
def __init__(self, layers=[], num_periods=1):
self.layers = layers
self.num_periods = num_periods
self.wavelength = wavelength
def propagate(self):
wl = self.wavelength
if not len(self.layers):
raise Exception("Must place layers before propagating")
num_modes = max([l.num_modes for l in self.layers])
iface = InterfaceSingleMode if num_modes == 1 else InterfaceMultiMode
eme = EME(layers=self.layers)
left, right = eme.propagate()
self.single_period = eme.s_matrix
period_layer = PeriodicLayer(left.modes, right.modes, self.single_period)
current_layer = PeriodicLayer(left.modes, right.modes, self.single_period)
interface = iface(right, left)
for _ in range(self.num_periods - 1):
current_layer.s_params = cascade(current_layer, interface, wl)
current_layer.s_params = cascade(current_layer, period_layer, wl)
self.s_params = current_layer.s_params
class EME:
def __init__(self, layers=[]):
self.layers = layers
self.wavelength = None
def propagate(self):
layers = self.layers
wl = layers[0].wavelength if self.wavelength is None else self.wavelength
if not len(layers):
raise Exception("Must place layers before propagating")
num_modes = max([l.num_modes for l in layers])
iface = InterfaceSingleMode if num_modes == 1 else InterfaceMultiMode
first_layer = layers[0]
current = Current(wl, first_layer)
interface = iface(first_layer, layers[1])
current.s = cascade(current, interface, wl)
current.right_pins = interface.right_pins
for index in range(1, len(layers) - 1):
layer1 = layers[index]
layer2 = layers[index + 1]
interface = iface(layer1, layer2)
current.s = cascade(current, layer1, wl)
current.right_pins = layer1.right_pins
current.s = cascade(current, interface, wl)
current.right_pins = interface.right_pins
last_layer = layers[-1]
current.s = cascade(current, last_layer, wl)
current.right_pins = last_layer.right_pins
self.s_matrix = current.s
return first_layer, last_layer
def stack(sa, sb):
qab = numpy.eye() - sa.r11 @ sb.r11
qba = numpy.eye() - sa.r11 @ sb.r11
#s.t12 = sa.t12 @ numpy.pinv(qab) @ sb.t12
#s.r21 = sa.t12 @ numpy.pinv(qab) @ sb.r22 @ sa.t21 + sa.r22
#s.r12 = sb.t21 @ numpy.pinv(qba) @ sa.r11 @ sb.t12 + sb.r11
#s.t21 = sb.t21 @ numpy.pinv(qba) @ sa.t21
s.t12 = sa.t12 @ numpy.linalg.solve(qab, sb.t12)
s.r21 = sa.t12 @ numpy.linalg.solve(qab, sb.r22 @ sa.t21) + sa.r22
s.r12 = sb.t21 @ numpy.linalg.solve(qba, sa.r11 @ sb.t12) + sb.r11
s.t21 = sb.t21 @ numpy.linalg.solve(qba, sa.t21)
return s
def cascade(first, second, wavelength):
circuit = Subcircuit("Device")
circuit.add([(first, "first"), (second, "second")])
for port in range(first.right_ports):
circuit.connect("first", "right" + str(port), "second", "left" + str(port))
simulation = SweepSimulation(circuit, wavelength, wavelength, num=1)
result = simulation.simulate()
return result.s
class InterfaceSingleMode(Model):
def __init__(self, layer1, layer2, num_modes=1):
self.num_modes = num_modes
self.num_ports = 2 * num_modes
self.s = self.solve(layer1, layer2, num_modes)
def solve(self, layer1, layer2, num_modes):
nm = num_modes
s = numpy.zeros((2 * nm, 2 * nm), dtype=complex)
for ii, left_mode in enumerate(layer1.modes):
for oo, right_mode in enumerate(layer2.modes):
r, t = get_rt(left_mode, right_mode)
s[ oo, ii] = r
s[nm + oo, ii] = t
for ii, right_mode in enumerate(layer2.modes):
for oo, left_mode in enumerate(layer1.modes):
r, t = get_rt(right_mode, left_mode)
s[ oo, nm + ii] = t
s[nm + oo, nm + ii] = r
return s
class InterfaceMultiMode(Model):
def __init__(self, layer1, layer2):
self.s = self.solve(layer1, layer2)
def solve(self, layer1, layer2):
n1p = layer1.num_modes
n2p = layer2.num_modes
num_ports = n1p + n2p
s = numpy.zeros((num_ports, num_ports), dtype=complex)
for l1p in range(n1p):
ts = get_t(l1p, layer1, layer2)
rs = get_r(l1p, layer1, layer2, ts)
s[n1p:, l1p] = ts
s[:n1p, l1p] = rs
for l2p in range(n2p):
ts = get_t(l2p, layer2, layer1)
rs = get_r(l2p, layer2, layer1, ts)
s[:n1p, n1p + l2p] = ts
s[n1p:, n1p + l2p] = rs
return s
def get_t(p, left, right):
A = numpy.empty(left.num_modes, right.num_modes, dtype=complex)
for i in range(left.num_modes):
for k in range(right.num_modes):
# TODO optimize loop
A[i, k] = inner_product(right[k], left[i]) + inner_product(left[i], right[k])
b = numpy.zeros(left.num_modes)
b[p] = 2 * inner_product(left[p], left[p])
x = numpy.linalg.solve(A, b)
# NOTE: `A` does not depend on `p`, so it might make sense to partially precompute
# the solution (pinv(A), or LU decomposition?)
# Actually solve() can take multiple vectors, so just pass it something with the full diagonal?
xx = numpy.matmul(numpy.linalg.pinv(A), b) #TODO verify
assert numpy.allclose(xx, x)
return x
def get_r(p, left, right, t):
r = numpy.empty(left.num_modes, dtype=complex)
for ii in range(left.num_modes):
r[ii] = sum((inner_product(right[kk], left[ii]) - inner_product(left[ii], right[kk])) * t[kk]
for kk in range(right.num_modes)
) / (2 * inner_product(left[ii], left[ii]))
return r
def get_rt(left, right):
a = 0.5 * (inner_product(left, right) + inner_product(right, left))
b = 0.5 * (inner_product(left, right) - inner_product(right, left))
t = (a ** 2 - b ** 2) / a
r = 1 - t / (a + b)
return -r, t
def inner_product(left_E, right_H, dxes):
# ExHy' - EyHx'
cross_z = left_E[0] * right_H[1].conj() - left_E[1] * right_H[0].conj()
# cross_z = numpy.cross(left_E, numpy.conj(right_H), axisa=0, axisb=0, axisc=0)[2]
return numpy.trapz(numpy.trapz(cross_z, dxes[0][0]), dxes[0][1]) / 2 # TODO might need cumsum on dxes
def propagation_matrix(mode_neffs: ArrayLike, wavelength: float, distance: float):
eigenv = numpy.array(mode_neffs, copy=False) * 2 * numpy.pi / wavelength
prop_diag = numpy.diag(numpy.exp(distance * 1j * numpy.hstack((eigenv, eigenv))))
prop_matrix = numpy.roll(prop_diag, len(eigenv), axis=0)
return prop_matrix
def connect_s(
A: NDArray[numpy.complex128],
k: int,
B: NDArray[numpy.complex128],
l: int,
) -> NDArray[numpy.complex128]:
connect two n-port networks' s-matrices together.
specifically, connect port `k` on network `A` to port `l` on network
`B`. The resultant network has nports = (A.rank + B.rank-2); first
(A.rank - 1) ports are from `A`, remainder are from B.
A: S-parameter matrix of `A`, shape is fxnxn
k: port index on `A` (port indices start from 0)
B: S-parameter matrix of `B`, shape is fxnxn
l: port index on `B`
C: new S-parameter matrix
if k > A.shape[-1] - 1 or l > B.shape[-1] - 1:
raise ValueError("port indices are out of range")
C = scipy.sparse.block_diag((A, B), dtype=complex)
return innerconnect_s(C, k, A.shape[0] + l)
def innerconnect_s(
S: NDArray[numpy.complex128],
k: int,
l: int,
) -> NDArray[numpy.complex128]:
n x n x freq
connect two ports of a single n-port network's s-matrix.
Specifically, connect port `k` to port `l` on `S`. This results in
a (n-2)-port network.
S: S-parameter matrix of `S`, shape is fxnxn
k: port index on `S` (port indices start from 0)
l: port index on `S`
new S-parameter matrix
- Compton, R.C., "Perspectives in microwave circuit analysis",
- Filipsson, G., "A New General Computer Algorithm for S-Matrix Calculation
of Interconnected Multiports",
if k > S.shape[-1] - 1 or l > S.shape[-1] - 1:
raise ValueError("port indices are out of range")
l = [l]
k = [k]
mkl = 1 - S[k, l]
mlk = 1 - S[l, k]
C = S + (
S[k, :] * S[:, l] * mlk
+ S[l, :] * S[:, k] * mkl
+ S[k, :] * S[l, l] * S[:, k]
+ S[l, :] * S[k, k] * S[:, l]
) / (
mlk * mkl - S[k, k] * S[l, l]
# remove connected ports
C = npy.delete(C, (k, l), 1)
C = npy.delete(C, (k, l), 2)
return C
def s2abcd(
S: NDArray[numpy.complex128],
z0: NDArray[numpy.complex128],
) -> NDArray[numpy.complex128]:
assert numpy.array_equal(S.shape[:2] == (2, 2))
Z1, Z2 = z0
cross = S[0, 1] * S[1, 0]
T = numpy.empty_like(S, dtype=complex)
T[0, 0, :] = (Z1.conj() + S[0, 0] * Z1) * (1 - S[1, 1]) + cross * Z1 # A numerator
T[0, 1, :] = (Z1.conj() + S[0, 0] * Z1) * (Z1.conj() + S[1, 1] * Z2) - cross * Z1 * Z2 # B numerator
T[1, 0, :] = (1 - S[0, 0]) * (1 - S[1, 1]) - cross # C numerator
T[1, 1, :] = (1 - S[0, 0]) * (Z2.conj() + S[1, 1] * Z2) + cross * Z2 # D numerator
det = 2 * S[1, 0] * numpy.sqrt(Z1.real * Z2.real)
T /= det
return T
def generalize_S(
S: NDArray[numpy.complex128],
r0: float,
z0: NDArray[numpy.complex128],
) -> NDArray[numpy.complex128]:
g = (z0 - r0) / (z0 + r0)
D = numpy.diag((1 - g) / numpy.abs(1 - g.conj()) * numpy.sqrt(1 - numpy.abs(g * g.conj())))
G = numpy.diag(g)
U = numpy.eye(S.shape[0])
S_gen = pinv(D.conj()) @ (S - G.conj()) @ pinv(U - G @ S) @ D
return S_gen
def change_R0(
S: NDArray[numpy.complex128],
r1: float,
r2: float,
) -> NDArray[numpy.complex128]:
g = (r2 - r1) / (r2 + r1)
U = numpy.eye(S.shape[0])
G = U * g
S_r2 = (S - G) @ pinv(U - G @ S)
return S_r2
# Zc = numpy.sqrt(B / C)
# gamma = numpy.arccosh(A) / L_TL
# n_eff = -1j * gamma * c_light / (2 * pi * f)
# n_eff_grp = n_eff + f * diff(n_eff) / diff(f)
# attenuation = (1 - S[0, 0] * S[0, 0].conj()) / (S[1, 0] * S[1, 0].conj())
# R = numpy.real(gamma * Zc)
# C = numpy.real(gamma / Zc)
# L = numpy.imag(gamma * Zc) / (-1j * 2 * pi * f)
# G = numpy.imag(gamma / Zc) / (-1j * 2 * pi * f)
Normal file
Normal file
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# Based on scripts from Andy H. va rfcafe
# Conversions Between S, Z, Y, h, ABCD, and T Parameters which are Valid for Complex Source and Load Impedances
# Dean A. Frickey, Member, EEE
# Tables I and II
import numpy
def s_to_z(s, z0):
Scattering (S) to Impedance (Z)
s: The scattering matrix.
z0: The port impedances (Ohms).
The impedance matrix.
z0c = numpy.conj(z0)
z = numpy.empty([2, 2], dtype=complex)
z[0, 0] = (z0c[0] + s[0, 0] * z0[0]) * (1 - s[1, 1]) + s[0, 1] * s[1, 0] * z0[0]
z[0, 1] = 2 * s[0, 1] * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
z[1, 0] = 2 * s[1, 0] * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
z[1, 1] = (1 - s[0, 0]) * (z0c[1] + s[1, 1] * z0[1]) + s[0, 1] * s[1, 0] * z0[1]
z /= (1 - s[0, 0]) * (1 - s[1, 1]) - s[0, 1] * s[1, 0]
return z
def z_to_s(z, z0):
Impedance (Z) to Scattering (S)
z: The impedance matrix.
z0: The port impedances (Ohms).
The scattering matrix.
z0c = numpy.conj(z0)
s = numpy.empty([2, 2], dtype=complex)
s[0, 0] = (z[0, 0] - z0c[0]) * (z[1, 1] + z0[1]) - z[0, 1] * z[1, 0]
s[0, 1] = 2 * z[0, 1] * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
s[1, 0] = 2 * z[1, 0] * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
s[1, 1] = (z[0, 0] + z0[0]) * (z[1, 1] - z0c[1]) - z[0, 1] * z[1, 0]
s /= (z[0, 0] + z0[0]) * (z[1, 1] + z0[1]) - z[0, 1] * z[1, 0]
return s
def s_to_y(s, z0):
Scattering (S) to Admittance (Y)
s: The scattering matrix.
z0: The port impedances (Ohms).
The admittance matrix.
z0c = numpy.conj(z0)
y = numpy.empty([2, 2], dtype=complex)
y[0, 0] = (1 - s[0, 0]) * (z0c[1] + s[1, 1] * z0[1]) + s[0,1] * s[1, 0] * z0[1]
y[0, 1] = -2 * s[0,1] * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
y[1, 0] = -2 * s[1, 0] * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
y[1, 1] = (z0c[0] + s[0, 0] * z0[0]) * (1 - s[1,1]) + s[0,1] * s[1, 0] * z0[0]
y /= (z0c[0] + s[0, 0] * z0[0]) * (z0c[1] + s[1, 1] * z0[1]) - s[0,1] * s[1, 0] * z0[0] * z0[1]
return y
def y_to_s(y, z0):
Admittance (Y) to Scattering (S)
y: The admittance matrix.
z0: The port impedances (Ohms).
The scattering matrix.
z0c = numpy.conj(z0)
s = numpy.empty([2, 2], dtype=complex)
s[0, 0] = (1 - y[0, 0] * z0c[0]) * (1 + y[1, 1] * z0[1]) + y[0,1] * y[1, 0] * z0c[0] * z0[1]
s[0, 1] = -2 * y[0,1] * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
s[1, 0] = -2 * y[1, 0] * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
s[1, 1] = (1 + y[0, 0] * z0[0]) * (1 - y[1,1] * z0c[1]) + y[0,1] * y[1, 0] * z0[0] * z0c[1]
s /= (1 + y[0, 0] * z0[0]) * (1 + y[1, 1] * z0[1]) - y[0,1] * y[1, 0] * z0[0] * z0[1]
return s
def s_to_h(s, z0):
Scattering (S) to Hybrid (H)
s: The scattering matrix.
z0: The port impedances (Ohms).
The hybrid matrix.
z0c = numpy.conj(z0)
h = numpy.empty([2, 2], dtype=complex)
h[0, 0] = (z0c[0] + s[0, 0] * z0[0]) * (z0c[1] + s[1, 1] * z0[1]) - s[0,1] * s[1, 0] * z0[0] * z0[1]
h[0, 1] = 2 * s[0,1] * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
h[1, 0] = -2 * s[1, 0] * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
h[1, 1] = (1 - s[0, 0]) * (1 - s[1,1]) - s[0,1] * s[1, 0]
h /= (1 - s[0, 0]) * (z0c[1] + s[1, 1] * z0[1]) + s[0,1] * s[1, 0] * z0[1]
return h
def h_to_s(h, z0):
Hybrid (H) to Scattering (S)
h: The hybrid matrix.
z0: The port impedances (Ohms).
The scattering matrix.
z0c = numpy.conj(z0)
s = numpy.empty([2, 2], dtype=complex)
s[0, 0] = (h[0, 0] - z0c[0]) * (1 + h[1, 1] * z0[1]) - h[0,1] * h[1, 0] * z0[1]
s[0, 1] = 2 * h[0,1] * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
s[1, 0] = -2 * h[1, 0] * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
s[1, 1] = (z0[0] + h[0, 0]) * (1 - h[1,1] * z0c[1]) + h[0,1] * h[1, 0] * z0c[1]
s /= (z0[0] + h[0, 0]) * (1 + h[1, 1] * z0[1]) - h[0,1] * h[1, 0] * z0[1]
return s
def s_to_abcd(s, z0):
Scattering to Chain (ABCD)
s: The scattering matrix.
z0: The port impedances (Ohms).
The chain matrix.
z0c = numpy.conj(z0)
ans = numpy.empty([2, 2], dtype=complex)
ans[0, 0] = (z0c[0] + s[0, 0] * z0[0]) * (1 - s[1, 1]) + s[0,1] * s[1, 0] * z0[0]
ans[0, 1] = (z0c[0] + s[0, 0] * z0[0]) * (z0c[1] + s[1,1] * z0[1]) - s[0,1] * s[1, 0] * z0[0] * z0[1]
ans[1, 0] = (1 - s[0, 0]) * (1 - s[1, 1]) - s[0,1] * s[1, 0]
ans[1, 1] = (1 - s[0, 0]) * (z0c[1] + s[1,1] * z0[1]) + s[0,1] * s[1, 0] * z0[1]
ans /= 2 * s[1, 0] * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
return ans
def abcd_to_s(abcd, z0):
Chain (ABCD) to Scattering (S)
abcd: The chain matrix.
z0: The port impedances (Ohms).
The scattering matrix.
A = abcd[0, 0]
B = abcd[0, 1]
C = abcd[1, 0]
D = abcd[1, 1]
z0c = numpy.conj(z0)
s = numpy.empty([2, 2], dtype=complex)
s[0, 0] = A * z0[1] + B - C * z0c[0] * z0[1] - D * z0c[0]
s[0, 1] = 2 * (A * D - B * C) * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
s[1, 0] = 2 * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
s[1, 1] = -A * z0c[1] + B - C * z0[0] * z0c[1] + D * z0[0]
s /= A * z0[1] + B + C * z0[0] * z0[1] + D * z0[0]
return s
def t_to_z(t, z0):
Chain Transfer (T) to Impedance (Z)
t: The chain transfer matrix.
z0: The port impedances (Ohms).
The impedance matrix.
z0c = numpy.conj(z0)
z = numpy.empty([2, 2], dtype=complex)
z[0, 0] = z0c[0] * (t[0, 0] + t[0, 1]) + z0[0] * (t[1, 0] + t[1,1])
z[0, 1] = 2 * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real) * (t[0, 0] * t[1,1] - t[0,1] * t[1, 0])
z[1, 0] = 2 * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
z[1, 1] = z0c[1] * (t[0, 0] - t[1, 0]) - z0[1] * (t[0,1] - t[1,1])
z /= t[0, 0] + t[0, 1] - t[1, 0] - t[1,1]
return z
def z_to_t(z, z0):
Impedance (Z) to Chain Transfer (T)
z: The impedance matrix.
z0: The port impedances (Ohms).
The chain transfer matrix.
z0c = numpy.conj(z0)
t = numpy.empty([2, 2], dtype=complex)
t[0, 0] = (z[0, 0] + z0[0]) * (z[1, 1] + z0[1]) - z[0,1] * z[1, 0]
t[0, 1] = (z[0, 0] + z0[0]) * (z0c[1] - z[1,1]) + z[0,1] * z[1, 0]
t[1, 0] = (z[0, 0] - z0c[0]) * (z[1, 1] + z0[1]) - z[0,1] * z[1, 0]
t[1, 1] = (z0c[0] - z[0, 0]) * (z[1,1] - z0c[1]) + z[0,1] * z[1, 0]
t /= 2 * z[1, 0] * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
return t
def t_to_y(t, z0):
Chain Transfer (T) to Admittance (Y)
t: The chain transfer matrix.
z0: The port impedances (Ohms).
The admittance matrix.
z0c = numpy.conj(z0)
y = numpy.empty([2, 2], dtype=complex)
y[0, 0] = z0c[1] * (t[0, 0] - t[1, 0]) - z0[1] * (t[0, 1] - t[1,1])
y[0, 1] = -2 * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real) * (t[0, 0] * t[1,1] - t[0,1] * t[1, 0])
y[1, 0] = -2 * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
y[1, 1] = z0c[0] * (t[0, 0] + t[0,1]) + z0[0] * (t[1, 0] + t[1,1])
y /= t[0, 0] * z0c[0] * z0c[1] - t[0, 1] * z0c[0] * z0[1] + t[1, 0] * z0[0] * z0c[1] - t[1,1] * z0[0] * z0[1]
return y
def y_to_t(y, z0):
Admittance (Y) to Chain Transfer (T)
y: The admittance matrix.
z0: The port impedances (Ohms).
The chain transfer matrix.
z0c = numpy.conj(z0)
t = numpy.empty([2, 2], dtype=complex)
t[0, 0] = (-1 - y[0, 0] * z0[0]) * (1 + y[1, 1] * z0[1]) + y[0,1] * y[1, 0] * z0[0] * z0[1]
t[0, 1] = (1 + y[0, 0] * z0[0]) * (1 - y[1,1] * z0c[1]) + y[0,1] * y[1, 0] * z0[0] * z0c[1]
t[1, 0] = (y[0, 0] * z0c[0] - 1) * (1 + y[1, 1] * z0[1]) - y[0,1] * y[1, 0] * z0c[0] * z0[1]
t[1, 1] = (1 - y[0, 0] * z0c[0]) * (1 - y[1,1] * z0c[1]) - y[0,1] * y[1, 0] * z0c[0] * z0c[1]
t /= 2 * y[1, 0] * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
return t
def t_to_h(t, z0):
Chain Transfer (T) to Hybrid (H)
t: The chain transfer matrix.
z0: The port impedances (Ohms).
The hybrid matrix.
z0c = numpy.conj(z0)
h = numpy.empty([2, 2], dtype=complex)
h[0, 0] = z0c[1]*(t[0, 0] * z0c[0] + t[1, 0] * z0[0]) - z0[1] * (t[0, 1] * z0c[0] + t[1,1] * z0[0])
h[0, 1] = 2 * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real) * (t[0, 0] * t[1,1] - t[0,1] * t[1, 0])
h[1, 0] = -2 * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
h[1, 1] = t[0, 0] + t[0,1] - t[1, 0] - t[1,1]
h /= z0c[1] * (t[0, 0] - t[1, 0]) - z0[1] * (t[0, 1] - t[1,1])
return h
def h_to_t(h, z0):
Hybrid (H) to Chain Transfer (T)
t: The hybrid matrix.
z0: The port impedances (Ohms).
The chain transfer matrix.
z0c = numpy.conj(z0)
t = numpy.empty([2, 2], dtype=complex)
t[0, 0] = (-h[0, 0] - z0[0]) * (1 + h[1, 1] * z0[1]) + h[0,1] * h[1, 0] * z0[1]
t[0, 1] = (h[0, 0] + z0[0]) * (1 - h[1,1] * z0c[1]) + h[0,1] * h[1, 0] * z0c[1]
t[1, 0] = (z0c[0] - h[0, 0]) * (1 + h[1, 1] * z0[1]) + h[0,1] * h[1, 0] * z0[1]
t[1, 1] = (h[0, 0] - z0c[0]) * (1 - h[1,1] * z0c[1]) + h[0,1] * h[1, 0] * z0c[1]
t /= 2 * h[1, 0] * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
return t
def t_to_abcd(t, z0):
Chain Transfer (T) to Chain (ABCD)
t: The chain transfer matrix.
z0: The port impedances (Ohms).
The chain matrix.
z0c = numpy.conj(z0)
ans = numpy.empty([2, 2], dtype=complex)
ans[0, 0] = z0c[0] * (t[0, 0] + t[0, 1]) + z0[0] * (t[1, 0] + t[1, 1])
ans[0, 1] = z0c[1] * (t[0, 0] * z0c[0] + t[1, 0] * z0[0]) - z0[1] * (t[0, 1] * z0c[0] + t[1, 1] * z0[0])
ans[1, 0] = t[0, 0] + t[0, 1] - t[1, 0] - t[1, 1]
ans[1, 1] = z0c[1] * (t[0, 0] - t[1, 0]) - z0[1] * (t[0, 1] - t[1, 1])
ans /= 2 * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
return ans
def abcd_to_t(abcd, z0):
Chain (ABCD) to Chain Transfer (T)
abcd: The chain matrix.
z0: The port impedances (Ohms).
The chain transfer matrix.
# Break out the components
A = abcd[0, 0]
B = abcd[0, 1]
C = abcd[1, 0]
D = abcd[1, 1]
z0c = numpy.conj(z0)
t = numpy.empty([2, 2], dtype=complex)
t[0, 0] = A * z0[1] + B + C * z0[0] * z0[1] + D * z0[0]
t[0, 1] = A * z0c[1] - B + C * z0[0] * z0c[1] - D * z0[0]
t[1, 0] = A * z0[1] + B - C * z0c[0] * z0[1] - D * z0c[0]
t[1, 1] = A * z0c[1] - B - C * z0c[0] * z0c[1] + D * z0c[0]
t /= 2 * numpy.sqrt(z0[0].real * z0[1].real)
return t
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Conversions Between S, Z, Y, h, ABCD, and T Parameters which are Valid for Complex Source and Load Impedances
# Dean A. Frickey, Member, EEE
# Tables I and II
import numpy as np
from two_port_conversions import *
""" Testing """
# Analog Devices - HMC455LP3 - S parameters
# High output IP3 GaAs InGaP Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor
# MHz S (Magntidue and Angle (deg))
# 1487.273 0.409 160.117 4.367 163.864 0.063 115.967 0.254 -132.654
s11 = 0.409 * np.exp(1j * np.radians(160.117))
s12 = 4.367 * np.exp(1j * np.radians(163.864))
s21 = 0.063 * np.exp(1j * np.radians(115.967))
s22 = 0.254 * np.exp(1j * np.radians(-132.654))
s_orig = np.array([[s11, s12], [s21, s22]])
# Data specified at 50 Ohms (adding small complex component to test conversions)
z1, z2 = 50 + 0.01j, 50 - 0.02j
z0 = np.array([z1, z2])
""" Conversions """
print(f'Original S: \n{s_orig}\n')
# S --> Z --> T --> Z --> S
z = s_to_z(s_orig, z0)
t = z_to_t(z, z0)
z = t_to_z(t, z0)
s = z_to_s(z, z0)
print(f'Test (S --> Z --> T --> Z --> S): \n{s}\n')
# S --> Y --> T --> Y --> S
y = s_to_y(s_orig, z0)
t = y_to_t(y, z0)
y = t_to_y(t, z0)
s = y_to_s(y, z0)
print(f'Test (S --> Y --> T --> Y --> S): \n{s}\n')
# S --> H --> T --> H --> S
h = s_to_h(s_orig, z0)
t = h_to_t(h, z0)
h = t_to_h(t, z0)
s = h_to_s(h, z0)
print(f'Test (S --> H --> T --> H --> S): \n{s}\n')
# S --> ABCD --> T --> ABCD --> S
abcd = s_to_abcd(s_orig, z0)
t = abcd_to_t(abcd, z0)
abcd = t_to_abcd(t, z0)
s = abcd_to_s(abcd, z0)
print(f'Test (S --> ABCD --> T --> ABCD --> S): \n{s}\n')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
import numpy
from numpy import sqrt, real, abs
from numpy.linalg import pinv
def diag(twod):
# numpy.diag() but makes a stack of diagonal matrices
return numpy.einsum('ij,jk->ijk', twod, numpy.eye(twod.shape[-1], dtype=twod.dtype))
def s2z(s, zref):
# G0_inv @ inv(I - S) @ (S Z0 + Z0*) @ G0
# Where Z0 is diag(zref) and G0 = diag(1/sqrt(abs(real(zref))))
nf = s.shape[-1]
I = numpy.eye(nf)[None, :, :]
zref = numpy.array(zref, copy=False)
gref = 1 / sqrt(abs(zref.real))
z = diag(1 / gref) @ pinv(I - s) @ ( S @ diag(zref) + diag(zref).conj()) @ diag(gref)
return z
def change_of_zref(
s, # (nf, np, np)
zref_old, # (nf, np)
zref_new, # (nf, np)
# Change-of-Z0 to Z0'
# S' = inv(A) @ (S - rho*) @ inv(I - rho @ S) @ A*
# A = inv(G0') @ G0 @ inv(I - rho*) (diagonal)
# rho = (Z0' - Z0) @ inv(Z0' + Z0) (diagonal)
I = numpy.eye(SL.shape[-1])[None, :, :]
zref_old = numpy.array(zref_old, copy=False)
zref_new = numpy.array(zref_new, copy=False)
g_old = 1 / sqrt(abs(zref_old.real))
r_new = sqrt(abs(zref_new.real))
rhov = (zref_new - zref_old) / (zref_new + zref_old)
av = r_new * g_old / (1 - rhov.conj())
s_new = diag(1 / av) @ (s - diag(rhov.conj())) @ pinv(I[None, :] - diag(rhov) @ S) @ diag(av.conj())
return s_new
def embedding(
See, # (nf, ne, ne)
Sei, # (nf, ne, ni)
Sie, # (nf, ni, ne)
Sii, # (nf, ni, ni)
SL, # (nf, ni, ni)
# Reveyrand, doi:10.1109/INMMIC.2018.8430023
I = numpy.eye(SL.shape[-1])[None, :, :]
S_tot = See + Sei @ pinv(I - SL @ Sii) @ SL @ Sie
return S_tot
def deembedding(
Sei, # (nf, ne, ni)
Sie, # (nf, ni, ne)
Sext, # (nf, ne, ne)
See, # (nf, ne, ne)
Si, # (nf, ni, ni)
# Reveyrand, doi:10.1109/INMMIC.2018.8430023
# Requires balanced number of ports, similar to VNA calibration
Sei_inv = pinv(Sei)
Sdif = Sext - See
return Sei_inv @ Sdif @ pinv(Sie + Sii @ Sei_inv @ Sdif)
def thru_with_Zref_change(
zref0, # (nf,)
zref1, # (nf,)
nf = zref0.shape[0]
s = numpy.empty((nf, 2, 2), dtype=complex)
s[:, 0, 0] = zref1 - zref0
s[:, 0, 1] = 2 * sqrt(zref0 * zref1)
s[:, 1, 0] = s[:, 0, 1]
s[:, 1, 1] = -s[:, 0, 0]
s /= zref0 + zref1
return s
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