Partially fix arbitrary mode phase

Jan Petykiewicz 5 years ago
parent 41cd94fe48
commit 001c32a2e0

@ -112,9 +112,16 @@ def normalized_fields(v: numpy.ndarray,
P = 0.5 * numpy.real(S.sum()) P = 0.5 * numpy.real(S.sum())
assert P > 0, 'Found a mode propagating in the wrong direction! P={}'.format(P) assert P > 0, 'Found a mode propagating in the wrong direction! P={}'.format(P)
energy = epsilon * e.conj() * e
norm_amplitude = 1 / numpy.sqrt(P) norm_amplitude = 1 / numpy.sqrt(P)
norm_angle = -numpy.angle(e[e.size//2]) norm_angle = -numpy.angle(e[energy.argmax()]) # Will randomly add a negative sign when mode is symmetric
norm_factor = norm_amplitude * numpy.exp(1j * norm_angle)
# Try to break symmetry to assign a consistent sign [experimental]
E_weighted = unvec(e * energy * numpy.exp(1j * norm_angle), shape)
sign = numpy.sign(E_weighted[:, :max(shape[0]//2, 1), :max(shape[1]//2, 1)].real.sum())
norm_factor = sign * norm_amplitude * numpy.exp(1j * norm_angle)
e *= norm_factor e *= norm_factor
h *= norm_factor h *= norm_factor
