You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

541 lines
20 KiB

Helper functions for HTML output.
import inspect
import os
import re
import subprocess
import traceback
from functools import partial, lru_cache
from typing import Callable, Match
from warnings import warn
import markdown
from markdown.inlinepatterns import InlineProcessor
from markdown.util import AtomicString, etree
import pdoc
def minify_css(css: str,
_whitespace=partial(re.compile(r'\s*([,{:;}])\s*').sub, r'\1'),
_comments=partial(re.compile(r'/\*.*?\*/', flags=re.DOTALL).sub, ''),
_trailing_semicolon=partial(re.compile(r';\s*}').sub, '}')):
Minify CSS by removing extraneous whitespace, comments, and trailing semicolons.
return _trailing_semicolon(_whitespace(_comments(css))).strip()
def minify_html(html: str,
re.compile(r'(.*?)(<pre\b.*?</pre\b\s*>)|(.*)', re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL).sub,
lambda m, _norm_space=partial(re.compile(r'\s\s+').sub, '\n'): (
_norm_space( or '') +
( or '') +
_norm_space( or '')))):
Minify HTML by replacing all consecutive whitespace with a single space
(or newline) character, except inside `<pre>` tags.
return _minify(html)
def glimpse(text: str, max_length=153, *, paragraph=True,
_split_paragraph=partial(re.compile(r'\s*\n\s*\n\s*').split, maxsplit=1),
_trim_last_word=partial(re.compile(r'\S+$').sub, ''),
_remove_titles=partial(re.compile(r'^(#+|-{4,}|={4,})', re.MULTILINE).sub, ' ')):
Returns a short excerpt (e.g. first paragraph) of text.
If `paragraph` is True, the first paragraph will be returned,
but never longer than `max_length` characters.
text = text.lstrip()
if paragraph:
text, *rest = _split_paragraph(text)
if rest:
text = text.rstrip('.')
text += ''
text = _remove_titles(text).strip()
if len(text) > max_length:
text = _trim_last_word(text[:max_length - 2])
if not text.endswith('.') or not paragraph:
text = text.rstrip('. ') + ''
return text
_md = markdown.Markdown(
"markdown.extensions.smarty": dict(
class _ToMarkdown:
This class serves as a namespace for methods converting common
documentation formats into markdown our Python-Markdown with
addons can ingest.
If debugging regexs (I can't imagine why that would be necessary
they are all perfect!) an insta-preview tool such as
will come in handy.
def _deflist(name, type, desc,
# Wraps any identifiers and string literals in parameter type spec
# in backticks while skipping common "stopwords" such as 'or', 'of',
# 'optional' ... See §4 Parameters:
lambda m: ('{}' if in ('of', 'or', 'default', 'optional') else
Returns `name`, `type`, and `desc` formatted as a
Python-Markdown definition list entry. See also:
type = _type_parts(type or '')
desc = desc or '&nbsp;'
assert _ToMarkdown._is_indented_4_spaces(desc)
assert name or type
ret = ""
if name:
ret += '**`{}`**'.format(name)
if type:
ret += ' :&ensp;{}'.format(type) if ret else type
ret += '\n: {}\n\n'.format(desc)
return ret
def _numpy_params(match,
_name_parts=partial(re.compile(', ').sub, '`**, **`')):
""" Converts NumpyDoc parameter (etc.) sections into Markdown. """
name, type, desc ="name", "type", "desc")
type = type or match.groupdict().get('just_type', None)
desc = desc.strip()
name = name and _name_parts(name)
return _ToMarkdown._deflist(name, type, desc)
def _numpy_seealso(match):
Converts NumpyDoc "See Also" section either into referenced code,
optionally within a definition list.
spec_with_desc, simple_list = match.groups()
if spec_with_desc:
return '\n\n'.join('`{}`\n: {}'.format(*map(str.strip, line.split(':', 1)))
for line in filter(None, spec_with_desc.split('\n')))
return ', '.join('`{}`'.format(i) for i in simple_list.split(', '))
def _numpy_sections(match):
Convert sections with parameter, return, and see also lists to Markdown
section, body = match.groups()
if section.title() == 'See Also':
body = re.sub(r'^((?:\n?[\w.]* ?: .*)+)|(.*\w.*)',
_ToMarkdown._numpy_seealso, body)
elif section.title() in ('Returns', 'Yields', 'Raises', 'Warns'):
body = re.sub(r'^(?:(?P<name>\*{0,2}\w+(?:, \*{0,2}\w+)*)'
r'(?: ?: (?P<type>.*))|'
r'(?P<desc>(?:\n(?: {4}.*|$))*)',
_ToMarkdown._numpy_params, body, flags=re.MULTILINE)
body = re.sub(r'^(?P<name>\*{0,2}\w+(?:, \*{0,2}\w+)*)'
r'(?: ?: (?P<type>.*))?(?<!\.)$'
r'(?P<desc>(?:\n(?: {4}.*|$))*)',
_ToMarkdown._numpy_params, body, flags=re.MULTILINE)
return section + '\n-----\n' + body
def numpy(text):
Convert `text` in numpydoc docstring format to Markdown
to be further converted later.
return re.sub(r'^(\w[\w ]+)\n-{3,}\n'
_ToMarkdown._numpy_sections, text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
def _is_indented_4_spaces(txt, _3_spaces_or_less=re.compile(r'\n\s{0,3}\S').search):
return '\n' not in txt or not _3_spaces_or_less(txt)
def _fix_indent(name, type, desc):
"""Maybe fix indent from 2 to 4 spaces."""
if not _ToMarkdown._is_indented_4_spaces(desc):
desc = desc.replace('\n', '\n ')
return name, type, desc
def indent(indent, text, *, clean_first=False):
if clean_first:
text = inspect.cleandoc(text)
return re.sub(r'\n', '\n' + indent, indent + text.rstrip())
def google(text,
re.compile(r'^([A-Z]\w+):$\n((?:\n?(?: {2,}.*|$))+)', re.MULTILINE).sub,
lambda m, _params=partial(
re.compile(r'^([\w*]+)(?: \(([\w.,=\[\] ]+)\))?: '
r'((?:.*)(?:\n(?: {2,}.*|$))*)', re.MULTILINE).sub,
lambda m: _ToMarkdown._deflist(*_ToMarkdown._fix_indent(*m.groups()))): ( if not else '\n{}\n-----\n{}'.format(, _params(inspect.cleandoc('\n' +
Convert `text` in Google-style docstring format to Markdown
to be further converted later.
return _googledoc_sections(text)
def _admonition(match, module=None, limit_types=None):
indent, type, value, text = match.groups()
if limit_types and type not in limit_types:
if type == 'include' and module:
return _ToMarkdown._include_file(indent, value,
_ToMarkdown._directive_opts(text), module)
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError('`.. include:: {}` error in module {!r}: {}'
.format(value,, e))
if type in ('image', 'figure'):
return '{}![{}]({})\n'.format(
indent, text.translate(str.maketrans({'\n': ' ',
'[': '\\[',
']': '\\]'})).strip(), value)
if type == 'math':
return _ToMarkdown.indent(indent,
'\\[ ' + text.strip() + ' \\]',
if type == 'versionchanged':
title = 'Changed in version:&ensp;' + value
elif type == 'versionadded':
title = 'Added in version:&ensp;' + value
elif type == 'deprecated' and value:
title = 'Deprecated since version:&ensp;' + value
elif type == 'admonition':
title = value
elif type.lower() == 'todo':
title = 'TODO'
text = value + ' ' + text
title = type.capitalize()
if value:
title += ':&ensp;' + value
text = _ToMarkdown.indent(indent + ' ', text, clean_first=True)
return '{}!!! {} "{}"\n{}\n'.format(indent, type, title, text)
def admonitions(text, module, limit_types=None):
Process reStructuredText's block directives such as
`.. warning::`, `.. deprecated::`, `.. versionadded::`, etc.
and turn them into Python-M>arkdown admonitions.
`limit_types` is optionally a set of directives to limit processing to.
substitute = partial(re.compile(r'^(?P<indent> *)\.\. ?(\w+)::(?: *(.*))?'
r'((?:\n(?:(?P=indent) +.*| *$))*)', re.MULTILINE).sub,
partial(_ToMarkdown._admonition, module=module,
# Apply twice for nested (e.g. image inside warning)
return substitute(substitute(text))
def _include_file(indent: str, path: str, options: dict, module: pdoc.Module) -> str:
start_line = int(options.get('start-line', 0))
end_line = int(options.get('end-line', 0)) or None
start_after = options.get('start-after')
end_before = options.get('end-before')
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(module.obj.__file__), path),
encoding='utf-8') as f:
text = ''.join(list(f)[start_line:end_line])
if start_after:
text = text[text.index(start_after) + len(start_after):]
if end_before:
text = text[:text.index(end_before)]
return _ToMarkdown.indent(indent, text)
def _directive_opts(text: str) -> dict:
return dict(re.findall(r'^ *:([^:]+): *(.*)', text, re.MULTILINE))
def doctests(text,
r'(?P=fence)?', re.MULTILINE).sub,
lambda m: ( if'fence') else
('\n ' + '\n '.join('\n')) + '\n\n')))):
Indent non-fenced (`~~~`) top-level (0-indented)
doctest blocks so they render as code.
if not text.endswith('\n'): # Needed for the r'(?:\n.*)?\n\n?)+' line (GH-72)
text += '\n'
return _indent_doctests(text)
def raw_urls(text):
"""Wrap URLs in Python-Markdown-compatible <angle brackets>."""
return re.sub(r'(?<![<"\'])(\s*)((?:http|ftp)s?://[^>)\s]+)(\s*)', r'\1<\2>\3', text)
import subprocess
class _MathPattern(InlineProcessor):
NAME = 'pdoc-math'
PATTERN = r'(?<!\S|\\)(?:\\\((.+?)\\\)|\\\[(.+?)\\\]|\$\$(.+?)\$\$|\$(\S.*?)\$)'
PRIORITY = 181 # Larger than that of 'escape' pattern
def handleMatch(self, m, data):
for value, is_block in zip(m.groups(), (False, True, True, False)):
if value:
# script = etree.Element('script', type='math/tex' + ('; mode=display' if is_block else ''))
# preview = etree.Element('span', {'class': 'MathJax_Preview'})
# preview.text = script.text = AtomicString(value)
# wrapper = etree.Element('span')
## wrapper.extend([preview, script])
# p = subprocess.Popen('/home/jan/projects/meanas/node_modules/.bin/katex',
# bufsize=4096,
# stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
# stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# stdout, stderr = p.communicate(value.encode())
# if stderr:
# print(stderr.decode(), '\ninput:', value)
# wrapper.text = stdout.decode())
wrapper = etree.Element('eq')
wrapper.text = AtomicString(value)
return wrapper, m.start(0), m.end(0)
def to_html(text: str, docformat: str = 'numpy,google', *,
module: pdoc.Module = None, link: Callable[..., str] = None,
latex_math: bool = False):
Returns HTML of `text` interpreted as `docformat`.
By default, Numpydoc and Google-style docstrings are assumed,
as well as pure Markdown.
`module` should be the documented module (so the references can be
resolved) and `link` is the hyperlinking function like the one in the
example template.
# Optionally register our math syntax processor
if not latex_math and _MathPattern.NAME in _md.inlinePatterns:
elif latex_math and _MathPattern.NAME not in _md.inlinePatterns:
md = to_markdown(text, docformat=docformat, module=module, link=link)
return _md.reset().convert(md)
def to_markdown(text: str, docformat: str = 'numpy,google', *,
module: pdoc.Module = None, link: Callable[..., str] = None,
# Matches markdown code spans not +directly+ within links.
# E.g. `code` and [foo is `bar`]() but not [`code`](...)
# Also skips \-escaped grave quotes.
Returns `text`, assumed to be a docstring in `docformat`, converted to markdown.
`module` should be the documented module (so the references can be
resolved) and `link` is the hyperlinking function like the one in the
example template.
assert all(i in (None, '', 'numpy', 'google') for i in docformat.split(',')), docformat
text = _ToMarkdown.admonitions(text, module)
text = _ToMarkdown.raw_urls(text)
if 'google' in docformat:
text =
# If doing both, do numpy after google, otherwise google-style's
# headings are incorrectly interpreted as numpy params
if 'numpy' in docformat:
text = _ToMarkdown.numpy(text)
text = _ToMarkdown.doctests(text)
if module and link:
text = _code_refs(partial(_linkify, link=link, module=module, fmt='`{}`'), text)
return text
class ReferenceWarning(UserWarning):
This warning is raised in `to_html` when a object reference in markdown
doesn't match any documented objects.
Look for this warning to catch typos / references to obsolete symbols.
def _linkify(match: Match, link: Callable[..., str], module: pdoc.Module,
_is_pyident=re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z_]\w*(\.\w+)+$').match, **kwargs):
matched =
refname = matched.strip('`')
dobj = module.find_ident(refname)
if isinstance(dobj, pdoc.External):
if not _is_pyident(refname):
return matched
# If refname in documentation has a typo or is obsolete, warn.
# XXX: Assume at least the first part of refname, i.e. the package, is correct.
module_part = module.find_ident(refname.split('.')[0])
if not isinstance(module_part, pdoc.External):
warn('Code reference `{}` in module "{}" does not match any '
'documented object.'.format(refname, module.refname),
ReferenceWarning, stacklevel=3)
return link(dobj, **kwargs)
def extract_toc(text: str):
Returns HTML Table of Contents containing markdown titles in `text`.
toc, _ = _md.reset().convert('[TOC]\n\n@CUT@\n\n' + text).split('@CUT@', 1)
if toc.endswith('<p>'): # CUT was put into its own paragraph
toc = toc[:-3].rstrip()
return toc
def format_git_link(template: str, dobj: pdoc.Doc):
Interpolate `template` as a formatted string literal using values extracted
from `dobj` and the working environment.
if not template:
return None
if 'commit' in _str_template_fields(template):
commit = _git_head_commit()
abs_path = inspect.getfile(inspect.unwrap(dobj.obj))
path = _project_relative_path(abs_path)
lines, start_line = inspect.getsourcelines(dobj.obj)
end_line = start_line + len(lines) - 1
url = template.format(**locals())
return url
except Exception:
warn('format_git_link for {} failed:\n{}'.format(dobj.obj, traceback.format_exc()))
return None
def _git_head_commit():
If the working directory is part of a git repository, return the
head git commit hash. Otherwise, raise a CalledProcessError.
process_args = ['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']
commit = subprocess.check_output(process_args, universal_newlines=True).strip()
return commit
except OSError as error:
warn("git executable not found on system:\n{}".format(error))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error:
"Ensure pdoc is run within a git repository.\n"
"`{}` failed with output:\n{}"
.format(' '.join(process_args), error.output)
return None
def _git_project_root():
Return the path to project root directory or None if indeterminate.
path = None
for cmd in (['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-superproject-working-tree'],
['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel']):
path = subprocess.check_output(cmd, universal_newlines=True).rstrip('\r\n')
if path:
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError):
return path
def _project_relative_path(absolute_path):
Convert an absolute path of a python source file to a project-relative path.
Assumes the project's path is either the current working directory or
Python library installation.
from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
for prefix_path in (_git_project_root() or os.getcwd(),
common_path = os.path.commonpath([prefix_path, absolute_path])
if common_path == prefix_path:
# absolute_path is a descendant of prefix_path
return os.path.relpath(absolute_path, prefix_path)
raise RuntimeError(
"absolute path {!r} is not a descendant of the current working directory "
"or of the system's python library."
def _str_template_fields(template):
Return a list of `str.format` field names in a template string.
from string import Formatter
return [
for _, field_name, _, _ in Formatter().parse(template)
if field_name is not None