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from typing import Dict, List
import numpy
import scipy.sparse as sparse
from .. import vec, unvec, dx_lists_t, vfield_t, field_t
from . import operators, waveguide, functional
from ..eigensolvers import signed_eigensolve, rayleigh_quotient_iteration
def solve_waveguide_mode_2d(mode_number: int,
omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
epsilon: field_t,
mu: field_t = None,
mode_margin: int = 2,
) -> Dict[str, complex or field_t]:
Given a 2d region, attempts to solve for the eigenmode with the specified mode number.
:param mode_number: Number of the mode, 0-indexed.
:param omega: Angular frequency of the simulation
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types
:param epsilon: Dielectric constant
:param mu: Magnetic permeability (default 1 everywhere)
:param mode_margin: The eigensolver will actually solve for (mode_number + mode_margin)
modes, but only return the target mode. Increasing this value can improve the solver's
ability to find the correct mode. Default 2.
:return: {'E': numpy.ndarray, 'H': numpy.ndarray, 'wavenumber': complex}
Solve for the largest-magnitude eigenvalue of the real operator
dxes_real = [[numpy.real(dx) for dx in dxi] for dxi in dxes]
A_r = waveguide.operator_e(numpy.real(omega), dxes_real, vec(numpy.real(epsilon)), vec(numpy.real(mu)))
eigvals, eigvecs = signed_eigensolve(A_r, mode_number + mode_margin)
exy = eigvecs[:, -(mode_number + 1)]
Now solve for the eigenvector of the full operator, using the real operator's
eigenvector as an initial guess for Rayleigh quotient iteration.
A = waveguide.operator_e(omega, dxes, vec(epsilon), vec(mu))
eigval, exy = rayleigh_quotient_iteration(A, exy)
# Calculate the wave-vector (force the real part to be positive)
wavenumber = numpy.sqrt(eigval)
wavenumber *= numpy.sign(numpy.real(wavenumber))
e, h = waveguide.normalized_fields_e(exy, wavenumber, omega, dxes, vec(epsilon), vec(mu))
shape = [d.size for d in dxes[0]]
fields = {
'wavenumber': wavenumber,
'E': unvec(e, shape),
'H': unvec(h, shape),
return fields
def solve_waveguide_mode(mode_number: int,
omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
axis: int,
polarity: int,
slices: List[slice],
epsilon: field_t,
mu: field_t = None,
) -> Dict[str, complex or numpy.ndarray]:
Given a 3D grid, selects a slice from the grid and attempts to
solve for an eigenmode propagating through that slice.
:param mode_number: Number of the mode, 0-indexed
:param omega: Angular frequency of the simulation
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types
:param axis: Propagation axis (0=x, 1=y, 2=z)
:param polarity: Propagation direction (+1 for +ve, -1 for -ve)
:param slices: epsilon[tuple(slices)] is used to select the portion of the grid to use
as the waveguide cross-section. slices[axis] should select only one
:param epsilon: Dielectric constant
:param mu: Magnetic permeability (default 1 everywhere)
:return: {'E': List[numpy.ndarray], 'H': List[numpy.ndarray], 'wavenumber': complex}
if mu is None:
mu = numpy.ones_like(epsilon)
slices = tuple(slices)
Solve the 2D problem in the specified plane
# Define rotation to set z as propagation direction
order = numpy.roll(range(3), 2 - axis)
reverse_order = numpy.roll(range(3), axis - 2)
# Find dx in propagation direction
dxab_forward = numpy.array([dx[order[2]][slices[order[2]]] for dx in dxes])
dx_prop = 0.5 * sum(dxab_forward)
# Reduce to 2D and solve the 2D problem
args_2d = {
'dxes': [[dx[i][slices[i]] for i in order[:2]] for dx in dxes],
'epsilon': [epsilon[i][slices].transpose(order) for i in order],
'mu': [mu[i][slices].transpose(order) for i in order],
fields_2d = solve_waveguide_mode_2d(mode_number, omega=omega, **args_2d)
Apply corrections and expand to 3D
# Correct wavenumber to account for numerical dispersion.
fields_2d['wavenumber'] = 2/dx_prop * numpy.arcsin(fields_2d['wavenumber'] * dx_prop/2)
# Adjust for propagation direction
fields_2d['H'] *= polarity
# Apply phase shift to H-field
fields_2d['H'][:2] *= numpy.exp(-1j * polarity * 0.5 * fields_2d['wavenumber'] * dx_prop)
fields_2d['E'][2] *= numpy.exp(-1j * polarity * 0.5 * fields_2d['wavenumber'] * dx_prop)
# Expand E, H to full epsilon space we were given
E = numpy.zeros_like(epsilon, dtype=complex)
H = numpy.zeros_like(epsilon, dtype=complex)
for a, o in enumerate(reverse_order):
E[(a, *slices)] = fields_2d['E'][o][:, :, None].transpose(reverse_order)
H[(a, *slices)] = fields_2d['H'][o][:, :, None].transpose(reverse_order)
results = {
'wavenumber': fields_2d['wavenumber'],
'H': H,
'E': E,
return results
def compute_source(E: field_t,
wavenumber: complex,
omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
axis: int,
polarity: int,
slices: List[slice],
epsilon: field_t,
mu: field_t = None,
) -> field_t:
Given an eigenmode obtained by solve_waveguide_mode, returns the current source distribution
necessary to position a unidirectional source at the slice location.
:param E: E-field of the mode
:param wavenumber: Wavenumber of the mode
:param omega: Angular frequency of the simulation
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types
:param axis: Propagation axis (0=x, 1=y, 2=z)
:param polarity: Propagation direction (+1 for +ve, -1 for -ve)
:param slices: epsilon[tuple(slices)] is used to select the portion of the grid to use
as the waveguide cross-section. slices[axis] should select only one
:param mu: Magnetic permeability (default 1 everywhere)
:return: J distribution for the unidirectional source
E_expanded = expand_wgmode_e(E=E, dxes=dxes, wavenumber=wavenumber, axis=axis,
polarity=polarity, slices=slices)
smask = [slice(None)] * 4
if polarity > 0:
smask[axis + 1] = slice(slices[axis].start, None)
smask[axis + 1] = slice(None, slices[axis].stop)
mask = numpy.zeros_like(E_expanded, dtype=int)
mask[tuple(smask)] = 1
masked_e2j = operators.e_boundary_source(mask=vec(mask), omega=omega, dxes=dxes, epsilon=vec(epsilon), mu=vec(mu))
J = unvec(masked_e2j @ vec(E_expanded), E.shape[1:])
return J
def compute_overlap_e(E: field_t,
H: field_t,
wavenumber: complex,
omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
axis: int,
polarity: int,
slices: List[slice],
epsilon: field_t, # TODO unused??
mu: field_t = None,
) -> field_t:
Given an eigenmode obtained by solve_waveguide_mode, calculates overlap_e for the
mode orthogonality relation Integrate(((E x H_mode) + (E_mode x H)) dot dn)
[assumes reflection symmetry].
overlap_e makes use of the e2h operator to collapse the above expression into
(vec(E) @ vec(overlap_e)), allowing for simple calculation of the mode overlap.
:param E: E-field of the mode
:param H: H-field of the mode (advanced by half of a Yee cell from E)
:param wavenumber: Wavenumber of the mode
:param omega: Angular frequency of the simulation
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types
:param axis: Propagation axis (0=x, 1=y, 2=z)
:param polarity: Propagation direction (+1 for +ve, -1 for -ve)
:param slices: epsilon[tuple(slices)] is used to select the portion of the grid to use
as the waveguide cross-section. slices[axis] should select only one
:param mu: Magnetic permeability (default 1 everywhere)
:return: overlap_e for calculating the mode overlap
slices = tuple(slices)
cross_plane = [slice(None)] * 4
cross_plane[axis + 1] = slices[axis]
cross_plane = tuple(cross_plane)
# Determine phase factors for parallel slices
a_shape = numpy.roll([-1, 1, 1], axis)
a_E = numpy.real(dxes[0][axis]).cumsum()
a_H = numpy.real(dxes[1][axis]).cumsum()
iphi = -polarity * 1j * wavenumber
phase_E = numpy.exp(iphi * (a_E - a_E[slices[axis]])).reshape(a_shape)
phase_H = numpy.exp(iphi * (a_H - a_H[slices[axis]])).reshape(a_shape)
# Expand our slice to the entire grid using the calculated phase factors
Ee = phase_E * E[cross_plane]
He = phase_H * H[cross_plane]
# Write out the operator product for the mode orthogonality integral
domain = numpy.zeros_like(E[0], dtype=int)
domain[slices] = 1
npts = E[0].size
dn = numpy.zeros(npts * 3, dtype=int)
dn[0:npts] = 1
dn = numpy.roll(dn, npts * axis)
e2h = operators.e2h(omega, dxes, mu)
ds = sparse.diags(vec([domain]*3))
h_cross_ = operators.poynting_h_cross(vec(He), dxes)
e_cross_ = operators.poynting_e_cross(vec(Ee), dxes)
overlap_e = dn @ ds @ (-h_cross_ + e_cross_ @ e2h)
# Normalize
dx_forward = dxes[0][axis][slices[axis]]
norm_factor = numpy.abs(overlap_e @ vec(Ee))
overlap_e /= norm_factor * dx_forward
return unvec(overlap_e, E[0].shape)
def solve_waveguide_mode_cylindrical(mode_number: int,
omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
epsilon: vfield_t,
r0: float,
) -> Dict[str, complex or field_t]:
TODO: fixup
Given a 2d (r, y) slice of epsilon, attempts to solve for the eigenmode
of the bent waveguide with the specified mode number.
:param mode_number: Number of the mode, 0-indexed
:param omega: Angular frequency of the simulation
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types.
The first coordinate is assumed to be r, the second is y.
:param epsilon: Dielectric constant
:param r0: Radius of curvature for the simulation. This should be the minimum value of
r within the simulation domain.
:return: {'E': List[numpy.ndarray], 'H': List[numpy.ndarray], 'wavenumber': complex}
Solve for the largest-magnitude eigenvalue of the real operator
dxes_real = [[numpy.real(dx) for dx in dxi] for dxi in dxes]
A_r = waveguide.cylindrical_operator(numpy.real(omega), dxes_real, numpy.real(epsilon), r0)
eigvals, eigvecs = signed_eigensolve(A_r, mode_number + 3)
e_xy = eigvecs[:, -(mode_number+1)]
Now solve for the eigenvector of the full operator, using the real operator's
eigenvector as an initial guess for Rayleigh quotient iteration.
A = waveguide.cylindrical_operator(omega, dxes, epsilon, r0)
eigval, e_xy = rayleigh_quotient_iteration(A, e_xy)
# Calculate the wave-vector (force the real part to be positive)
wavenumber = numpy.sqrt(eigval)
wavenumber *= numpy.sign(numpy.real(wavenumber))
# TODO: Perform correction on wavenumber to account for numerical dispersion.
shape = [d.size for d in dxes[0]]
e_xy = numpy.hstack((e_xy, numpy.zeros(shape[0] * shape[1])))
fields = {
'wavenumber': wavenumber,
'E': unvec(e_xy, shape),
# 'E': unvec(e, shape),
# 'H': unvec(h, shape),
return fields
def compute_overlap_ce(E: field_t,
wavenumber: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
axis: int,
polarity: int,
slices: List[slice],
) -> field_t:
slices = tuple(slices)
5 years ago
Ee = expand_wgmode_e(E=E, wavenumber=wavenumber, dxes=dxes,
axis=axis, polarity=polarity, slices=slices)
start, stop = sorted((slices[axis].start, slices[axis].start - 2 * polarity))
slices2 = list(slices)
slices2[axis] = slice(start, stop)
5 years ago
slices2 = (slice(None), *slices2)
Etgt = numpy.zeros_like(Ee)
Etgt[slices2] = Ee[slices2]
Etgt /= (Etgt.conj() * Etgt).sum()
return Etgt, slices2
def expand_wgmode_e(E: field_t,
wavenumber: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
axis: int,
polarity: int,
slices: List[slice],
) -> field_t:
slices = tuple(slices)
# Determine phase factors for parallel slices
a_shape = numpy.roll([1, -1, 1, 1], axis)
a_E = numpy.real(dxes[0][axis]).cumsum()
r_E = a_E - a_E[slices[axis]]
iphi = polarity * -1j * wavenumber
phase_E = numpy.exp(iphi * r_E).reshape(a_shape)
# Expand our slice to the entire grid using the phase factors
E_expanded = numpy.zeros_like(E)
slices_exp = list(slices)
slices_exp[axis] = slice(E.shape[axis + 1])
slices_exp = (slice(None), *slices_exp)
slices_in = (slice(None), *slices)
E_expanded[slices_exp] = phase_E * numpy.array(E)[slices_in]
return E_expanded