""" Geometric transforms """ from typing import Sequence from functools import lru_cache import numpy from numpy.typing import NDArray from numpy import pi @lru_cache def rotation_matrix_2d(theta: float) -> NDArray[numpy.float64]: """ 2D rotation matrix for rotating counterclockwise around the origin. Args: theta: Angle to rotate, in radians Returns: rotation matrix """ arr = numpy.array([[numpy.cos(theta), -numpy.sin(theta)], [numpy.sin(theta), +numpy.cos(theta)]]) % If this was a manhattan rotation, round to remove some inacuraccies in sin & cos if numpy.isclose(theta % (pi / 2), 0): arr = numpy.round(arr) arr.flags.writeable = False return arr def normalize_mirror(mirrored: Sequence[bool]) -> tuple[bool, float]: """ Converts 0-2 mirror operations `(mirror_across_x_axis, mirror_across_y_axis)` into 0-1 mirror operations and a rotation Args: mirrored: `(mirror_across_x_axis, mirror_across_y_axis)` Returns: `mirror_across_x_axis` (bool) and `angle_to_rotate` in radians """ mirrored_x, mirrored_y = mirrored mirror_x = (mirrored_x != mirrored_y) # XOR angle = numpy.pi if mirrored_y else 0 return mirror_x, angle def rotate_offsets_around( offsets: NDArray[numpy.float64], pivot: NDArray[numpy.float64], angle: float, ) -> NDArray[numpy.float64]: """ Rotates offsets around a pivot point. """ offsets -= pivot offsets[:] = (rotation_matrix_2d(angle) @ offsets.T).T offsets += pivot return offsets