""" GDSII file format readers and writers using the `klamath` library. Note that GDSII references follow the same convention as `masque`, with this order of operations: 1. Mirroring 2. Rotation 3. Scaling 4. Offset and array expansion (no mirroring/rotation/scaling applied to offsets) Scaling, rotation, and mirroring apply to individual instances, not grid vectors or offsets. Notes: * absolute positioning is not supported * PLEX is not supported * ELFLAGS are not supported * GDS does not support library- or structure-level annotations * Creation/modification/access times are set to 1900-01-01 for reproducibility. """ from typing import List, Any, Dict, Tuple, Callable, Union, Sequence, Iterable, Optional from typing import Sequence, Mapping, BinaryIO import re import io import copy import base64 import struct import logging import pathlib import gzip from itertools import chain import numpy # type: ignore import klamath from klamath import records from .utils import mangle_name, make_dose_table, dose2dtype, dtype2dose from .. import Pattern, SubPattern, PatternError, Label, Shape from ..shapes import Polygon, Path from ..repetition import Grid from ..utils import rotation_matrix_2d, get_bit, set_bit, vector2, is_scalar, layer_t from ..utils import remove_colinear_vertices, normalize_mirror, annotations_t from ..library import Library logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) path_cap_map = { 0: Path.Cap.Flush, 1: Path.Cap.Circle, 2: Path.Cap.Square, 4: Path.Cap.SquareCustom, } def write(patterns: Union[Pattern, Sequence[Pattern]], stream: BinaryIO, meters_per_unit: float, logical_units_per_unit: float = 1, library_name: str = 'masque-klamath', *, modify_originals: bool = False, disambiguate_func: Callable[[Iterable[Pattern]], None] = None, ) -> None: """ Convert a `Pattern` or list of patterns to a GDSII stream, and then mapping data as follows: Pattern -> GDSII structure SubPattern -> GDSII SREF or AREF Path -> GSDII path Shape (other than path) -> GDSII boundary/ies Label -> GDSII text annnotations -> properties, where possible For each shape, layer is chosen to be equal to `shape.layer` if it is an int, or `shape.layer[0]` if it is a tuple datatype is chosen to be `shape.layer[1]` if available, otherwise `0` It is often a good idea to run `pattern.subpatternize()` prior to calling this function, especially if calling `.polygonize()` will result in very many vertices. If you want pattern polygonized with non-default arguments, just call `pattern.polygonize()` prior to calling this function. Args: patterns: A Pattern or list of patterns to convert. meters_per_unit: Written into the GDSII file, meters per (database) length unit. All distances are assumed to be an integer multiple of this unit, and are stored as such. logical_units_per_unit: Written into the GDSII file. Allows the GDSII to specify a "logical" unit which is different from the "database" unit, for display purposes. Default `1`. library_name: Library name written into the GDSII file. Default 'masque-klamath'. modify_originals: If `True`, the original pattern is modified as part of the writing process. Otherwise, a copy is made and `deepunlock()`-ed. Default `False`. disambiguate_func: Function which takes a list of patterns and alters them to make their names valid and unique. Default is `disambiguate_pattern_names`, which attempts to adhere to the GDSII standard as well as possible. WARNING: No additional error checking is performed on the results. """ if isinstance(patterns, Pattern): patterns = [patterns] if disambiguate_func is None: disambiguate_func = disambiguate_pattern_names # type: ignore assert(disambiguate_func is not None) # placate mypy if not modify_originals: patterns = [p.deepunlock() for p in copy.deepcopy(patterns)] patterns = [p.wrap_repeated_shapes() for p in patterns] # Create library header = klamath.library.FileHeader(name=library_name.encode('ASCII'), user_units_per_db_unit=logical_units_per_unit, meters_per_db_unit=meters_per_unit) header.write(stream) # Get a dict of id(pattern) -> pattern patterns_by_id = {id(pattern): pattern for pattern in patterns} for pattern in patterns: for i, p in pattern.referenced_patterns_by_id().items(): patterns_by_id[i] = p disambiguate_func(patterns_by_id.values()) # Now create a structure for each pattern, and add in any Boundary and SREF elements for pat in patterns_by_id.values(): elements: List[klamath.elements.Element] = [] elements += _shapes_to_elements(pat.shapes) elements += _labels_to_texts(pat.labels) elements += _subpatterns_to_refs(pat.subpatterns) klamath.library.write_struct(stream, name=pat.name.encode('ASCII'), elements=elements) records.ENDLIB.write(stream, None) def writefile(patterns: Union[Sequence[Pattern], Pattern], filename: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *args, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Wrapper for `masque.file.gdsii.write()` that takes a filename or path instead of a stream. Will automatically compress the file if it has a .gz suffix. Args: patterns: `Pattern` or list of patterns to save filename: Filename to save to. *args: passed to `masque.file.gdsii.write` **kwargs: passed to `masque.file.gdsii.write` """ path = pathlib.Path(filename) if path.suffix == '.gz': open_func: Callable = gzip.open else: open_func = open with io.BufferedWriter(open_func(path, mode='wb')) as stream: write(patterns, stream, *args, **kwargs) def readfile(filename: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *args, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Pattern], Dict[str, Any]]: """ Wrapper for `masque.file.gdsii.read()` that takes a filename or path instead of a stream. Will automatically decompress files with a .gz suffix. Args: filename: Filename to save to. *args: passed to `masque.file.gdsii.read` **kwargs: passed to `masque.file.gdsii.read` """ path = pathlib.Path(filename) if path.suffix == '.gz': open_func: Callable = gzip.open else: open_func = open with io.BufferedReader(open_func(path, mode='rb')) as stream: results = read(stream)#, *args, **kwargs) return results def read(stream: BinaryIO, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Pattern], Dict[str, Any]]: """ Read a gdsii file and translate it into a dict of Pattern objects. GDSII structures are translated into Pattern objects; boundaries are translated into polygons, and srefs and arefs are translated into SubPattern objects. Additional library info is returned in a dict, containing: 'name': name of the library 'meters_per_unit': number of meters per database unit (all values are in database units) 'logical_units_per_unit': number of "logical" units displayed by layout tools (typically microns) per database unit Args: stream: Stream to read from. Returns: - Dict of pattern_name:Patterns generated from GDSII structures - Dict of GDSII library info """ raw_mode = True # Whether to construct shapes in raw mode (less error checking) library_info = _read_header(stream) patterns = [] found_struct = records.BGNSTR.skip_past(stream) while found_struct: name = records.STRNAME.skip_and_read(stream) pat = read_elements(stream, name=name.decode('ASCII')) patterns.append(pat) found_struct = records.BGNSTR.skip_past(stream) # Create a dict of {pattern.name: pattern, ...}, then fix up all subpattern.pattern entries # according to the subpattern.identifier (which is deleted after use). patterns_dict = dict(((p.name, p) for p in patterns)) for p in patterns_dict.values(): for sp in p.subpatterns: sp.pattern = patterns_dict[sp.identifier[0]] del sp.identifier return patterns_dict, library_info def _read_header(stream: BinaryIO) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Read the file header and create the library_info dict. """ header = klamath.library.FileHeader.read(stream) library_info = {'name': header.name.decode('ASCII'), 'meters_per_unit': header.meters_per_db_unit, 'logical_units_per_unit': header.user_units_per_db_unit, } return library_info def read_elements(stream: BinaryIO, name: str, raw_mode: bool = True, ) -> Pattern: """ Read elements from a GDS structure and build a Pattern from them. Args: stream: Seekable stream, positioned at a record boundary. Will be read until an ENDSTR record is consumed. name: Name of the resulting Pattern raw_mode: If True, bypass per-shape consistency checking Returns: A pattern containing the elements that were read. """ pat = Pattern(name) elements = klamath.library.read_elements(stream) for element in elements: if isinstance(element, klamath.elements.Boundary): poly = _boundary_to_polygon(element, raw_mode) pat.shapes.append(poly) elif isinstance(element, klamath.elements.Path): path = _gpath_to_mpath(element, raw_mode) pat.shapes.append(path) elif isinstance(element, klamath.elements.Text): label = Label(offset=element.xy.astype(float), layer=element.layer, string=element.string.decode('ASCII'), annotations=_properties_to_annotations(element.properties)) pat.labels.append(label) elif isinstance(element, klamath.elements.Reference): pat.subpatterns.append(_ref_to_subpat(element)) return pat def _mlayer2gds(mlayer: layer_t) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Helper to turn a layer tuple-or-int into a layer and datatype""" if isinstance(mlayer, int): layer = mlayer data_type = 0 elif isinstance(mlayer, tuple): layer = mlayer[0] if len(mlayer) > 1: data_type = mlayer[1] else: data_type = 0 else: raise PatternError(f'Invalid layer for gdsii: {mlayer}. Note that gdsii layers cannot be strings.') return layer, data_type def _ref_to_subpat(ref: klamath.library.Reference, ) -> SubPattern: """ Helper function to create a SubPattern from an SREF or AREF. Sets subpat.pattern to None and sets the instance .identifier to (struct_name,). """ xy = ref.xy.astype(float) offset = xy[0] repetition = None if ref.colrow is not None: a_count, b_count = ref.colrow a_vector = (xy[1] - offset) / a_count b_vector = (xy[2] - offset) / b_count repetition = Grid(a_vector=a_vector, b_vector=b_vector, a_count=a_count, b_count=b_count) subpat = SubPattern(pattern=None, offset=offset, rotation=numpy.deg2rad(ref.angle_deg), scale=ref.mag, mirrored=(ref.invert_y, False), annotations=_properties_to_annotations(ref.properties), repetition=repetition) subpat.identifier = (ref.struct_name.decode('ASCII'),) return subpat def _gpath_to_mpath(gpath: klamath.library.Path, raw_mode: bool) -> Path: if gpath.path_type in path_cap_map: cap = path_cap_map[gpath.path_type] else: raise PatternError(f'Unrecognized path type: {gpath.path_type}') mpath = Path(vertices=gpath.xy.astype(float), layer=gpath.layer, width=gpath.width, cap=cap, offset=numpy.zeros(2), annotations=_properties_to_annotations(gpath.properties), raw=raw_mode, ) if cap == Path.Cap.SquareCustom: mpath.cap_extensions = gpath.extension return mpath def _boundary_to_polygon(boundary: klamath.library.Boundary, raw_mode: bool) -> Polygon: return Polygon(vertices=boundary.xy[:-1].astype(float), layer=boundary.layer, offset=numpy.zeros(2), annotations=_properties_to_annotations(boundary.properties), raw=raw_mode, ) def _subpatterns_to_refs(subpatterns: List[SubPattern] ) -> List[klamath.library.Reference]: refs = [] for subpat in subpatterns: if subpat.pattern is None: continue encoded_name = subpat.pattern.name.encode('ASCII') # Note: GDS mirrors first and rotates second mirror_across_x, extra_angle = normalize_mirror(subpat.mirrored) rep = subpat.repetition angle_deg = numpy.rad2deg(subpat.rotation + extra_angle) % 360 properties = _annotations_to_properties(subpat.annotations, 512) if isinstance(rep, Grid): xy = numpy.array(subpat.offset) + [ [0, 0], rep.a_vector * rep.a_count, rep.b_vector * rep.b_count, ] aref = klamath.library.Reference(struct_name=encoded_name, xy=numpy.round(xy).astype(int), colrow=(numpy.round(rep.a_count), numpy.round(rep.b_count)), angle_deg=angle_deg, invert_y=mirror_across_x, mag=subpat.scale, properties=properties) refs.append(aref) elif rep is None: ref = klamath.library.Reference(struct_name=encoded_name, xy=numpy.round([subpat.offset]).astype(int), colrow=None, angle_deg=angle_deg, invert_y=mirror_across_x, mag=subpat.scale, properties=properties) refs.append(ref) else: new_srefs = [klamath.library.Reference(struct_name=encoded_name, xy=numpy.round([subpat.offset + dd]).astype(int), colrow=None, angle_deg=angle_deg, invert_y=mirror_across_x, mag=subpat.scale, properties=properties) for dd in rep.displacements] refs += new_srefs return refs def _properties_to_annotations(properties: Dict[int, bytes]) -> annotations_t: return {str(k): [v.decode()] for k, v in properties.items()} def _annotations_to_properties(annotations: annotations_t, max_len: int = 126) -> Dict[int, bytes]: cum_len = 0 props = {} for key, vals in annotations.items(): try: i = int(key) except: raise PatternError(f'Annotation key {key} is not convertable to an integer') if not (0 < i < 126): raise PatternError(f'Annotation key {key} converts to {i} (must be in the range [1,125])') val_strings = ' '.join(str(val) for val in vals) b = val_strings.encode() if len(b) > 126: raise PatternError(f'Annotation value {b!r} is longer than 126 characters!') cum_len += numpy.ceil(len(b) / 2) * 2 + 2 if cum_len > max_len: raise PatternError(f'Sum of annotation data will be longer than {max_len} bytes! Generated bytes were {b!r}') props[i] = b return props def _shapes_to_elements(shapes: List[Shape], polygonize_paths: bool = False ) -> List[klamath.elements.Element]: elements: List[klamath.elements.Element] = [] # Add a Boundary element for each shape, and Path elements if necessary for shape in shapes: layer, data_type = _mlayer2gds(shape.layer) properties = _annotations_to_properties(shape.annotations, 128) if isinstance(shape, Path) and not polygonize_paths: xy = numpy.round(shape.vertices + shape.offset).astype(int) width = numpy.round(shape.width).astype(int) path_type = next(k for k, v in path_cap_map.items() if v == shape.cap) #reverse lookup extension: Tuple[int, int] if shape.cap == Path.Cap.SquareCustom and shape.cap_extensions is not None: extension = tuple(shape.cap_extensions) # type: ignore else: extension = (0, 0) path = klamath.elements.Path(layer=(layer, data_type), xy=xy, path_type=path_type, width=width, extension=extension, properties=properties) elements.append(path) else: for polygon in shape.to_polygons(): xy_open = numpy.round(polygon.vertices + polygon.offset).astype(int) xy_closed = numpy.vstack((xy_open, xy_open[0, :])) boundary = klamath.elements.Boundary(layer=(layer, data_type), xy=xy_closed, properties=properties) elements.append(boundary) return elements def _labels_to_texts(labels: List[Label]) -> List[klamath.elements.Text]: texts = [] for label in labels: properties = _annotations_to_properties(label.annotations, 128) layer, text_type = _mlayer2gds(label.layer) xy = numpy.round([label.offset]).astype(int) text = klamath.elements.Text(layer=(layer, text_type), xy=xy, string=label.string.encode('ASCII'), properties=properties, presentation=0, #TODO maybe set some of these? angle_deg=0, invert_y=False, width=0, path_type=0, mag=1) texts.append(text) return texts def disambiguate_pattern_names(patterns: Sequence[Pattern], max_name_length: int = 32, suffix_length: int = 6, dup_warn_filter: Optional[Callable[[str,], bool]] = None, ): """ Args: patterns: List of patterns to disambiguate max_name_length: Names longer than this will be truncated suffix_length: Names which get truncated are truncated by this many extra characters. This is to leave room for a suffix if one is necessary. dup_warn_filter: (optional) Function for suppressing warnings about cell names changing. Receives the cell name and returns `False` if the warning should be suppressed and `True` if it should be displayed. Default displays all warnings. """ used_names = [] for pat in set(patterns): # Shorten names which already exceed max-length if len(pat.name) > max_name_length: shortened_name = pat.name[:max_name_length - suffix_length] logger.warning(f'Pattern name "{pat.name}" is too long ({len(pat.name)}/{max_name_length} chars),\n' + f' shortening to "{shortened_name}" before generating suffix') else: shortened_name = pat.name # Remove invalid characters sanitized_name = re.compile('[^A-Za-z0-9_\?\$]').sub('_', shortened_name) # Add a suffix that makes the name unique i = 0 suffixed_name = sanitized_name while suffixed_name in used_names or suffixed_name == '': suffix = base64.b64encode(struct.pack('>Q', i), b'$?').decode('ASCII') suffixed_name = sanitized_name + '$' + suffix[:-1].lstrip('A') i += 1 if sanitized_name == '': logger.warning(f'Empty pattern name saved as "{suffixed_name}"') elif suffixed_name != sanitized_name: if dup_warn_filter is None or dup_warn_filter(pat.name): logger.warning(f'Pattern name "{pat.name}" ({sanitized_name}) appears multiple times;\n' + f' renaming to "{suffixed_name}"') # Encode into a byte-string and perform some final checks encoded_name = suffixed_name.encode('ASCII') if len(encoded_name) == 0: # Should never happen since zero-length names are replaced raise PatternError(f'Zero-length name after sanitize+encode,\n originally "{pat.name}"') if len(encoded_name) > max_name_length: raise PatternError(f'Pattern name "{encoded_name!r}" length > {max_name_length} after encode,\n' + f' originally "{pat.name}"') pat.name = suffixed_name used_names.append(suffixed_name) def load_library(stream: BinaryIO, tag: str, is_secondary: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Library, Dict[str, Any]]: """ Scan a GDSII file to determine what structures are present, and create a library from them. This enables deferred reading of structures on an as-needed basis. All structures are loaded as secondary Args: stream: Seekable stream. Position 0 should be the start of the file. The caller should leave the stream open while the library is still in use, since the library will need to access it in order to read the structure contents. tag: Unique identifier that will be used to identify this data source is_secondary: Function which takes a structure name and returns True if the structure should only be used as a subcell and not appear in the main Library interface. Default always returns False. Returns: Library object, allowing for deferred load of structures. Additional library info (dict, same format as from `read`). """ if is_secondary is None: is_secondary = lambda k: False stream.seek(0) library_info = _read_header(stream) structs = klamath.library.scan_structs(stream) lib = Library() for name_bytes, pos in structs.items(): name = name_bytes.decode('ASCII') def mkstruct(pos: int = pos, name: str = name) -> Pattern: stream.seek(pos) return read_elements(stream, name, raw_mode=True) lib.set_value(name, tag, mkstruct, secondary=is_secondary(name)) return lib