""" Base object representing a lithography mask. """ from typing import List, Callable, Tuple, Dict, Union, Set, Sequence, Optional, Type, overload from typing import MutableMapping, Iterable import copy import itertools import pickle from collections import defaultdict import numpy from numpy import inf # .visualize imports matplotlib and matplotlib.collections from .subpattern import SubPattern, subpattern_t from .repetition import GridRepetition from .shapes import Shape, Polygon from .label import Label from .utils import rotation_matrix_2d, vector2, normalize_mirror from .error import PatternError, PatternLockedError visitor_function_t = Callable[['Pattern', Tuple['Pattern'], Dict, numpy.ndarray], 'Pattern'] class Pattern: """ 2D layout consisting of some set of shapes, labels, and references to other Pattern objects (via SubPattern and GridRepetition). Shapes are assumed to inherit from masque.shapes.Shape or provide equivalent functions. """ __slots__ = ('shapes', 'labels', 'subpatterns', 'name', 'locked') shapes: List[Shape] """ List of all shapes in this Pattern. Elements in this list are assumed to inherit from Shape or provide equivalent functions. """ labels: List[Label] """ List of all labels in this Pattern. """ subpatterns: List[subpattern_t] """ List of all objects referencing other patterns in this Pattern. Examples are SubPattern (gdsii "instances") or GridRepetition (gdsii "arrays") Multiple objects in this list may reference the same Pattern object (multiple instances of the same object). """ name: str """ A name for this pattern """ locked: bool """ When the pattern is locked, no changes may be made. """ def __init__(self, name: str = '', shapes: Sequence[Shape] = (), labels: Sequence[Label] = (), subpatterns: Sequence[subpattern_t] = (), locked: bool = False, ): """ Basic init; arguments get assigned to member variables. Non-list inputs for shapes and subpatterns get converted to lists. Args: shapes: Initial shapes in the Pattern labels: Initial labels in the Pattern subpatterns: Initial subpatterns in the Pattern name: An identifier for the Pattern locked: Whether to lock the pattern after construction """ object.__setattr__(self, 'locked', False) if isinstance(shapes, list): self.shapes = shapes else: self.shapes = list(shapes) if isinstance(labels, list): self.labels = labels else: self.labels = list(labels) if isinstance(subpatterns, list): self.subpatterns = subpatterns else: self.subpatterns = list(subpatterns) self.name = name self.locked = locked def __setattr__(self, name, value): if self.locked and name != 'locked': raise PatternLockedError() object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __copy__(self, memo: Dict = None) -> 'Pattern': return Pattern(name=self.name, shapes=copy.deepcopy(self.shapes), labels=copy.deepcopy(self.labels), subpatterns=[copy.copy(sp) for sp in self.subpatterns], locked=self.locked) def __deepcopy__(self, memo: Dict = None) -> 'Pattern': memo = {} if memo is None else memo new = Pattern(name=self.name, shapes=copy.deepcopy(self.shapes, memo), labels=copy.deepcopy(self.labels, memo), subpatterns=copy.deepcopy(self.subpatterns, memo), locked=self.locked) return new def rename(self, name: str) -> 'Pattern': self.name = name return self def append(self, other_pattern: 'Pattern') -> 'Pattern': """ Appends all shapes, labels and subpatterns from other_pattern to self's shapes, labels, and supbatterns. Args: other_pattern: The Pattern to append Returns: self """ self.subpatterns += other_pattern.subpatterns self.shapes += other_pattern.shapes self.labels += other_pattern.labels return self def subset(self, shapes_func: Callable[[Shape], bool] = None, labels_func: Callable[[Label], bool] = None, subpatterns_func: Callable[[subpattern_t], bool] = None, recursive: bool = False, ) -> 'Pattern': """ Returns a Pattern containing only the entities (e.g. shapes) for which the given entity_func returns True. Self is _not_ altered, but shapes, labels, and subpatterns are _not_ copied. Args: shapes_func: Given a shape, returns a boolean denoting whether the shape is a member of the subset. Default always returns False. labels_func: Given a label, returns a boolean denoting whether the label is a member of the subset. Default always returns False. subpatterns_func: Given a subpattern, returns a boolean denoting if it is a member of the subset. Default always returns False. recursive: If True, also calls .subset() recursively on patterns referenced by this pattern. Returns: A Pattern containing all the shapes and subpatterns for which the parameter functions return True """ def do_subset(src: Optional['Pattern']) -> Optional['Pattern']: if src is None: return None pat = Pattern(name=src.name) if shapes_func is not None: pat.shapes = [s for s in src.shapes if shapes_func(s)] if labels_func is not None: pat.labels = [s for s in src.labels if labels_func(s)] if subpatterns_func is not None: pat.subpatterns = [s for s in src.subpatterns if subpatterns_func(s)] return pat if recursive: pat = self.apply(do_subset) else: pat = do_subset(self) assert(pat is not None) return pat def apply(self, func: Callable[[Optional['Pattern']], Optional['Pattern']], memo: Optional[Dict[int, Optional['Pattern']]] = None, ) -> Optional['Pattern']: """ Recursively apply func() to this pattern and any pattern it references. func() is expected to take and return a Pattern. func() is first applied to the pattern as a whole, then any referenced patterns. It is only applied to any given pattern once, regardless of how many times it is referenced. Args: func: Function which accepts a Pattern, and returns a pattern. memo: Dictionary used to avoid re-running on multiply-referenced patterns. Stores `{id(pattern): func(pattern)}` for patterns which have already been processed. Default `None` (no already-processed patterns). Returns: The result of applying func() to this pattern and all subpatterns. Raises: PatternError if called on a pattern containing a circular reference. """ if memo is None: memo = {} pat_id = id(self) if pat_id not in memo: memo[pat_id] = None pat = func(self) if pat is not None: for subpat in pat.subpatterns: if subpat.pattern is None: subpat.pattern = func(None) else: subpat.pattern = subpat.pattern.apply(func, memo) memo[pat_id] = pat elif memo[pat_id] is None: raise PatternError('.apply() called on pattern with circular reference') else: pat = memo[pat_id] return pat def dfs(self, visit_before: visitor_function_t = None, visit_after: visitor_function_t = None, transform: Union[numpy.ndarray, bool, None] = False, memo: Optional[Dict] = None, hierarchy: Tuple['Pattern', ...] = (), ) -> 'Pattern': """ Experimental convenience function. Performs a depth-first traversal of this pattern and its subpatterns. At each pattern in the tree, the following sequence is called: ``` current_pattern = visit_before(current_pattern, **vist_args) for sp in current_pattern.subpatterns] sp.pattern = sp.pattern.df(visit_before, visit_after, updated_transform, memo, (current_pattern,) + hierarchy) current_pattern = visit_after(current_pattern, **visit_args) ``` where `visit_args` are `hierarchy`: (top_pattern, L1_pattern, L2_pattern, ..., parent_pattern) tuple of all parent-and-higher patterns `transform`: numpy.ndarray containing cumulative [x_offset, y_offset, rotation (rad), mirror_x (0 or 1)] for the instance being visited `memo`: Arbitrary dict (not altered except by visit_*()) Args: visit_before: Function to call before traversing subpatterns. Should accept a `Pattern` and `**visit_args`, and return the (possibly modified) pattern. Default `None` (not called). visit_after: Function to call after traversing subpatterns. Should accept a Pattern and **visit_args, and return the (possibly modified) pattern. Default `None` (not called). transform: Initial value for `visit_args['transform']`. Can be `False`, in which case the transform is not calculated. `True` or `None` is interpreted as `[0, 0, 0, 0]`. memo: Arbitrary dict for use by `visit_*()` functions. Default `None` (empty dict). hierarchy: Tuple of patterns specifying the hierarchy above the current pattern. Appended to the start of the generated `visit_args['hierarchy']`. Default is an empty tuple. Returns: The result, including `visit_before(self, ...)` and `visit_after(self, ...)`. Note that `self` may also be altered! """ if memo is None: memo = {} if transform is None or transform is True: transform = numpy.zeros(4) if self in hierarchy: raise PatternError('.dfs() called on pattern with circular reference') pat = self if visit_before is not None: pat = visit_before(pat, hierarchy=hierarchy, memo=memo, transform=transform) # type: ignore for subpattern in self.subpatterns: if transform is not False: sign = numpy.ones(2) if transform[3]: sign[1] = -1 xy = numpy.dot(rotation_matrix_2d(transform[2]), subpattern.offset * sign) mirror_x, angle = normalize_mirror(subpattern.mirrored) angle += subpattern.rotation sp_transform = transform + (xy[0], xy[1], angle, mirror_x) sp_transform[3] %= 2 else: sp_transform = False if subpattern.pattern is not None: subpattern.pattern = subpattern.pattern.dfs(visit_before=visit_before, visit_after=visit_after, transform=sp_transform, memo=memo, hierarchy=hierarchy + (self,)) if visit_after is not None: pat = visit_after(pat, hierarchy=hierarchy, memo=memo, transform=transform) # type: ignore return pat def polygonize(self, poly_num_points: Optional[int] = None, poly_max_arclen: Optional[float] = None, ) -> 'Pattern': """ Calls `.to_polygons(...)` on all the shapes in this Pattern and any referenced patterns, replacing them with the returned polygons. Arguments are passed directly to `shape.to_polygons(...)`. Args: poly_num_points: Number of points to use for each polygon. Can be overridden by `poly_max_arclen` if that results in more points. Optional, defaults to shapes' internal defaults. poly_max_arclen: Maximum arclength which can be approximated by a single line segment. Optional, defaults to shapes' internal defaults. Returns: self """ old_shapes = self.shapes self.shapes = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable( (shape.to_polygons(poly_num_points, poly_max_arclen) for shape in old_shapes))) for subpat in self.subpatterns: if subpat.pattern is not None: subpat.pattern.polygonize(poly_num_points, poly_max_arclen) return self def manhattanize(self, grid_x: numpy.ndarray, grid_y: numpy.ndarray, ) -> 'Pattern': """ Calls `.polygonize()` and `.flatten()` on the pattern, then calls `.manhattanize()` on all the resulting shapes, replacing them with the returned Manhattan polygons. Args: grid_x: List of allowed x-coordinates for the Manhattanized polygon edges. grid_y: List of allowed y-coordinates for the Manhattanized polygon edges. Returns: self """ self.polygonize().flatten() old_shapes = self.shapes self.shapes = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable( (shape.manhattanize(grid_x, grid_y) for shape in old_shapes))) return self def subpatternize(self, recursive: bool = True, norm_value: int = int(1e6), exclude_types: Tuple[Type] = (Polygon,) ) -> 'Pattern': """ Iterates through this `Pattern` and all referenced `Pattern`s. Within each `Pattern`, it iterates over all shapes, calling `.normalized_form(norm_value)` on them to retrieve a scale-, offset-, dose-, and rotation-independent form. Each shape whose normalized form appears more than once is removed and re-added using subpattern objects referencing a newly-created `Pattern` containing only the normalized form of the shape. Note: The default norm_value was chosen to give a reasonable precision when converting to GDSII, which uses integer values for pixel coordinates. Args: recursive: Whether to call recursively on self's subpatterns. Default `True`. norm_value: Passed to `shape.normalized_form(norm_value)`. Default `1e6` (see function note about GDSII) exclude_types: Shape types passed in this argument are always left untouched, for speed or convenience. Default: `(shapes.Polygon,)` Returns: self """ if exclude_types is None: exclude_types = () if recursive: for subpat in self.subpatterns: if subpat.pattern is None: continue subpat.pattern.subpatternize(recursive=True, norm_value=norm_value, exclude_types=exclude_types) # Create a dict which uses the label tuple from `.normalized_form()` as a key, and which # stores `(function_to_create_normalized_shape, [(index_in_shapes, values), ...])`, where # values are the `(offset, scale, rotation, dose)` values as calculated by `.normalized_form()` shape_table: MutableMapping[Tuple, List] = defaultdict(lambda: [None, list()]) for i, shape in enumerate(self.shapes): if not any((isinstance(shape, t) for t in exclude_types)): label, values, func = shape.normalized_form(norm_value) shape_table[label][0] = func shape_table[label][1].append((i, values)) # Iterate over the normalized shapes in the table. If any normalized shape occurs more than # once, create a `Pattern` holding a normalized shape object, and add `self.subpatterns` # entries for each occurrence in self. Also, note down that we should delete the # `self.shapes` entries for which we made SubPatterns. shapes_to_remove = [] for label in shape_table: if len(shape_table[label][1]) > 1: shape = shape_table[label][0]() pat = Pattern(shapes=[shape]) for i, values in shape_table[label][1]: (offset, scale, rotation, mirror_x, dose) = values subpat = SubPattern(pattern=pat, offset=offset, scale=scale, rotation=rotation, dose=dose, mirrored=(mirror_x, False)) self.subpatterns.append(subpat) shapes_to_remove.append(i) # Remove any shapes for which we have created subpatterns. for i in sorted(shapes_to_remove, reverse=True): del self.shapes[i] return self def as_polygons(self) -> List[numpy.ndarray]: """ Represents the pattern as a list of polygons. Deep-copies the pattern, then calls `.polygonize()` and `.flatten()` on the copy in order to generate the list of polygons. Returns: A list of `(Ni, 2)` `numpy.ndarray`s specifying vertices of the polygons. Each ndarray is of the form `[[x0, y0], [x1, y1],...]`. """ pat = self.deepcopy().deepunlock().polygonize().flatten() return [shape.vertices + shape.offset for shape in pat.shapes] # type: ignore # mypy can't figure out that shapes are all Polygons now @overload def referenced_patterns_by_id(self) -> Dict[int, 'Pattern']: pass @overload def referenced_patterns_by_id(self, include_none: bool) -> Dict[int, Optional['Pattern']]: pass def referenced_patterns_by_id(self, include_none: bool = False, recursive: bool = True, ) -> Union[Dict[int, Optional['Pattern']], Dict[int, 'Pattern']]: """ Create a dictionary with `{id(pat): pat}` for all Pattern objects referenced by this Pattern (by default, operates recursively on all referenced Patterns as well). Args: include_none: If `True`, references to `None` will be included. Default `False`. recursive: If `True`, operates recursively on all referenced patterns. Default `True`. Returns: Dictionary with `{id(pat): pat}` for all referenced Pattern objects """ ids: Dict[int, Optional['Pattern']] = {} for subpat in self.subpatterns: pat = subpat.pattern if id(pat) in ids: continue if include_none or pat is not None: ids[id(pat)] = pat if recursive and pat is not None: ids.update(pat.referenced_patterns_by_id()) return ids def referenced_patterns_by_name(self, **kwargs) -> List[Tuple[Optional[str], Optional['Pattern']]]: """ Create a list of `(pat.name, pat)` tuples for all Pattern objects referenced by this Pattern (operates recursively on all referenced Patterns as well). Note that names are not necessarily unique, so a list of tuples is returned rather than a dict. Args: **kwargs: passed to `referenced_patterns_by_id()`. Returns: List of `(pat.name, pat)` tuples for all referenced Pattern objects """ pats_by_id = self.referenced_patterns_by_id(**kwargs) pat_list = [(p.name if p is not None else None, p) for p in pats_by_id.values()] return pat_list def subpatterns_by_id(self, include_none: bool = False, recursive: bool = True, ) -> Dict[int, List[subpattern_t]]: """ Create a dictionary which maps `{id(referenced_pattern): [subpattern0, ...]}` for all SubPattern objects referenced by this Pattern (by default, operates recursively on all referenced Patterns as well). Args: include_none: If `True`, references to `None` will be included. Default `False`. recursive: If `True`, operates recursively on all referenced patterns. Default `True`. Returns: Dictionary mapping each pattern id to a list of subpattern objects referencing the pattern. """ ids: Dict[int, List[subpattern_t]] = defaultdict(list) for subpat in self.subpatterns: pat = subpat.pattern if include_none or pat is not None: ids[id(pat)].append(subpat) if recursive and pat is not None: ids.update(pat.subpatterns_by_id(include_none=include_none)) return dict(ids) def get_bounds(self) -> Union[numpy.ndarray, None]: """ Return a `numpy.ndarray` containing `[[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]]`, corresponding to the extent of the Pattern's contents in each dimension. Returns `None` if the Pattern is empty. Returns: `[[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]]` or `None` """ entries = self.shapes + self.subpatterns + self.labels if not entries: return None min_bounds = numpy.array((+inf, +inf)) max_bounds = numpy.array((-inf, -inf)) for entry in entries: bounds = entry.get_bounds() if bounds is None: continue min_bounds = numpy.minimum(min_bounds, bounds[0, :]) max_bounds = numpy.maximum(max_bounds, bounds[1, :]) if (max_bounds < min_bounds).any(): return None else: return numpy.vstack((min_bounds, max_bounds)) def flatten(self) -> 'Pattern': """ Removes all subpatterns and adds equivalent shapes. Shape identifiers are changed to represent their original position in the pattern hierarchy: `(L1_name (str), L1_index (int), L2_name, L2_index, ..., *original_shape_identifier)` where `L1_name` is the first-level subpattern's name (e.g. `self.subpatterns[0].pattern.name`), `L2_name` is the next-level subpattern's name (e.g. `self.subpatterns[0].pattern.subpatterns[0].pattern.name`) and `L1_index` is an integer used to differentiate between multiple instance ofi the same (or same-named) subpatterns. Returns: self """ subpatterns = copy.deepcopy(self.subpatterns) self.subpatterns = [] shape_counts: Dict[Tuple, int] = {} for subpat in subpatterns: if subpat.pattern is None: continue subpat.pattern.flatten() p = subpat.as_pattern() # Update identifiers so each shape has a unique one for shape in p.shapes: combined_identifier = (subpat.pattern.name,) + shape.identifier shape_count = shape_counts.get(combined_identifier, 0) shape.identifier = (subpat.pattern.name, shape_count) + shape.identifier shape_counts[combined_identifier] = shape_count + 1 self.append(p) return self def translate_elements(self, offset: vector2) -> 'Pattern': """ Translates all shapes, label, and subpatterns by the given offset. Args: offset: (x, y) to translate by Returns: self """ for entry in self.shapes + self.subpatterns + self.labels: entry.translate(offset) return self def scale_elements(self, c: float) -> 'Pattern': """" Scales all shapes and subpatterns by the given value. Args: c: factor to scale by Returns: self """ for entry in self.shapes + self.subpatterns: entry.scale_by(c) return self def scale_by(self, c: float) -> 'Pattern': """ Scale this Pattern by the given value (all shapes and subpatterns and their offsets are scaled) Args: c: factor to scale by Returns: self """ for entry in self.shapes + self.subpatterns: entry.offset *= c entry.scale_by(c) for label in self.labels: label.offset *= c return self def rotate_around(self, pivot: vector2, rotation: float) -> 'Pattern': """ Rotate the Pattern around the a location. Args: pivot: (x, y) location to rotate around rotation: Angle to rotate by (counter-clockwise, radians) Returns: self """ pivot = numpy.array(pivot) self.translate_elements(-pivot) self.rotate_elements(rotation) self.rotate_element_centers(rotation) self.translate_elements(+pivot) return self def rotate_element_centers(self, rotation: float) -> 'Pattern': """ Rotate the offsets of all shapes, labels, and subpatterns around (0, 0) Args: rotation: Angle to rotate by (counter-clockwise, radians) Returns: self """ for entry in self.shapes + self.subpatterns + self.labels: entry.offset = numpy.dot(rotation_matrix_2d(rotation), entry.offset) return self def rotate_elements(self, rotation: float) -> 'Pattern': """ Rotate each shape and subpattern around its center (offset) Args: rotation: Angle to rotate by (counter-clockwise, radians) Returns: self """ for entry in self.shapes + self.subpatterns: entry.rotate(rotation) return self def mirror_element_centers(self, axis: int) -> 'Pattern': """ Mirror the offsets of all shapes, labels, and subpatterns across an axis Args: axis: Axis to mirror across (0: mirror across x axis, 1: mirror across y axis) Returns: self """ for entry in self.shapes + self.subpatterns + self.labels: entry.offset[axis - 1] *= -1 return self def mirror_elements(self, axis: int) -> 'Pattern': """ Mirror each shape and subpattern across an axis, relative to its offset Args: axis: Axis to mirror across (0: mirror across x axis, 1: mirror across y axis) Returns: self """ for entry in self.shapes + self.subpatterns: entry.mirror(axis) return self def mirror(self, axis: int) -> 'Pattern': """ Mirror the Pattern across an axis Args: axis: Axis to mirror across (0: mirror across x axis, 1: mirror across y axis) Returns: self """ self.mirror_elements(axis) self.mirror_element_centers(axis) return self def scale_element_doses(self, c: float) -> 'Pattern': """ Multiply all shape and subpattern doses by a factor Args: c: Factor to multiply doses by Return: self """ for entry in self.shapes + self.subpatterns: entry.dose *= c return self def copy(self) -> 'Pattern': """ Return a copy of the Pattern, deep-copying shapes and copying subpattern entries, but not deep-copying any referenced patterns. See also: `Pattern.deepcopy()` Returns: A copy of the current Pattern. """ return copy.copy(self) def deepcopy(self) -> 'Pattern': """ Convenience method for `copy.deepcopy(pattern)` Returns: A deep copy of the current Pattern. """ return copy.deepcopy(self) def is_empty(self) -> bool: """ Returns: True if the pattern is contains no shapes, labels, or subpatterns. """ return (len(self.subpatterns) == 0 and len(self.shapes) == 0 and len(self.labels) == 0) def lock(self) -> 'Pattern': """ Lock the pattern, raising an exception if it is modified. Also see `deeplock()`. Returns: self """ if not self.locked: self.shapes = tuple(self.shapes) self.labels = tuple(self.labels) self.subpatterns = tuple(self.subpatterns) object.__setattr__(self, 'locked', True) return self def unlock(self) -> 'Pattern': """ Unlock the pattern Returns: self """ if self.locked: object.__setattr__(self, 'locked', False) self.shapes = list(self.shapes) self.labels = list(self.labels) self.subpatterns = list(self.subpatterns) return self def deeplock(self) -> 'Pattern': """ Recursively lock the pattern, all referenced shapes, subpatterns, and labels. Returns: self """ self.lock() for ss in self.shapes + self.labels: ss.lock() for sp in self.subpatterns: sp.deeplock() return self def deepunlock(self) -> 'Pattern': """ Recursively unlock the pattern, all referenced shapes, subpatterns, and labels. This is dangerous unless you have just performed a deepcopy, since anything you change will be changed everywhere it is referenced! Return: self """ self.unlock() for ss in self.shapes + self.labels: ss.unlock() for sp in self.subpatterns: sp.deepunlock() return self @staticmethod def load(filename: str) -> 'Pattern': """ Load a Pattern from a file using pickle Args: filename: Filename to load from Returns: Loaded Pattern """ with open(filename, 'rb') as f: pattern = pickle.load(f) return pattern def save(self, filename: str) -> 'Pattern': """ Save the Pattern to a file using pickle Args: filename: Filename to save to Returns: self """ with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) return self def visualize(self, offset: vector2 = (0., 0.), line_color: str = 'k', fill_color: str = 'none', overdraw: bool = False): """ Draw a picture of the Pattern and wait for the user to inspect it Imports `matplotlib`. Note that this can be slow; it is often faster to export to GDSII and use klayout or a different GDS viewer! Args: offset: Coordinates to offset by before drawing line_color: Outlines are drawn with this color (passed to `matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection`) fill_color: Interiors are drawn with this color (passed to `matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection`) overdraw: Whether to create a new figure or draw on a pre-existing one """ # TODO: add text labels to visualize() from matplotlib import pyplot import matplotlib.collections offset = numpy.array(offset, dtype=float) if not overdraw: figure = pyplot.figure() pyplot.axis('equal') else: figure = pyplot.gcf() axes = figure.gca() polygons = [] for shape in self.shapes: polygons += [offset + s.offset + s.vertices for s in shape.to_polygons()] mpl_poly_collection = matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection(polygons, facecolors=fill_color, edgecolors=line_color) axes.add_collection(mpl_poly_collection) pyplot.axis('equal') for subpat in self.subpatterns: subpat.as_pattern().visualize(offset=offset, overdraw=True, line_color=line_color, fill_color=fill_color) if not overdraw: pyplot.show() @staticmethod def find_toplevel(patterns: Iterable['Pattern']) -> List['Pattern']: """ Given a list of Pattern objects, return those that are not referenced by any other pattern. Args: patterns: A list of patterns to filter. Returns: A filtered list in which no pattern is referenced by any other pattern. """ def get_children(pat: Pattern, memo: Set) -> Set: children = set(sp.pattern for sp in pat.subpatterns if sp.pattern is not None) new_children = children - memo memo |= new_children for child_pat in new_children: memo |= get_children(child_pat, memo) return memo patterns = set(patterns) not_toplevel: Set['Pattern'] = set() for pattern in patterns: not_toplevel |= get_children(pattern, not_toplevel) toplevel = list(patterns - not_toplevel) return toplevel def __repr__(self) -> str: locked = ' L' if self.locked else '' return (f'')