""" OASIS file format readers and writers Note that OASIS references follow the same convention as `masque`, with this order of operations: 1. Mirroring 2. Rotation 3. Scaling 4. Offset and array expansion (no mirroring/rotation/scaling applied to offsets) Scaling, rotation, and mirroring apply to individual instances, not grid vectors or offsets. """ from typing import List, Any, Dict, Tuple, Callable, Union, Sequence, Iterable, Optional import re import io import copy import base64 import struct import logging import pathlib import gzip import numpy import fatamorgana import fatamorgana.records as fatrec from fatamorgana.basic import PathExtensionScheme, AString, NString, PropStringReference from .utils import clean_pattern_vertices, is_gzipped from .. import Pattern, SubPattern, PatternError, Label, Shape from ..shapes import Polygon, Path, Circle from ..repetition import Grid, Arbitrary, Repetition from ..utils import layer_t, normalize_mirror, annotations_t logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.warning('OASIS support is experimental and mostly untested!') path_cap_map = { PathExtensionScheme.Flush: Path.Cap.Flush, PathExtensionScheme.HalfWidth: Path.Cap.Square, PathExtensionScheme.Arbitrary: Path.Cap.SquareCustom, } #TODO implement more shape types? def build( patterns: Union[Pattern, Sequence[Pattern]], units_per_micron: int, layer_map: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]]] = None, *, modify_originals: bool = False, disambiguate_func: Optional[Callable[[Iterable[Pattern]], None]] = None, annotations: Optional[annotations_t] = None, ) -> fatamorgana.OasisLayout: """ Convert a `Pattern` or list of patterns to an OASIS stream, writing patterns as OASIS cells, subpatterns as Placement records, and other shapes and labels mapped to equivalent record types (Polygon, Path, Circle, Text). Other shape types may be converted to polygons if no equivalent record type exists (or is not implemented here yet). For each shape, layer is chosen to be equal to `shape.layer` if it is an int, or `shape.layer[0]` if it is a tuple datatype is chosen to be `shape.layer[1]` if available, otherwise `0` If a layer map is provided, layer strings will be converted automatically, and layer names will be written to the file. If you want pattern polygonized with non-default arguments, just call `pattern.polygonize()` prior to calling this function. Args: patterns: A Pattern or list of patterns to convert. units_per_micron: Written into the OASIS file, number of grid steps per micrometer. All distances are assumed to be an integer multiple of the grid step, and are stored as such. layer_map: Dictionary which translates layer names into layer numbers. If this argument is provided, input shapes and labels are allowed to have layer names instead of numbers. It is assumed that geometry and text share the same layer names, and each name is assigned only to a single layer (not a range). If more fine-grained control is needed, manually pre-processing shapes' layer names into numbers, omit this argument, and manually generate the required `fatamorgana.records.LayerName` entries. Default is an empty dict (no names provided). modify_originals: If `True`, the original pattern is modified as part of the writing process. Otherwise, a copy is made. Default `False`. disambiguate_func: Function which takes a list of patterns and alters them to make their names valid and unique. Default is `disambiguate_pattern_names`. annotations: dictionary of key-value pairs which are saved as library-level properties Returns: `fatamorgana.OasisLayout` """ if isinstance(patterns, Pattern): patterns = [patterns] if layer_map is None: layer_map = {} if disambiguate_func is None: disambiguate_func = disambiguate_pattern_names if annotations is None: annotations = {} if not modify_originals: patterns = copy.deepcopy(patterns) # Create library lib = fatamorgana.OasisLayout(unit=units_per_micron, validation=None) lib.properties = annotations_to_properties(annotations) if layer_map: for name, layer_num in layer_map.items(): layer, data_type = _mlayer2oas(layer_num) lib.layers += [ fatrec.LayerName(nstring=name, layer_interval=(layer, layer), type_interval=(data_type, data_type), is_textlayer=tt) for tt in (True, False)] def layer2oas(mlayer: layer_t) -> Tuple[int, int]: assert(layer_map is not None) layer_num = layer_map[mlayer] if isinstance(mlayer, str) else mlayer return _mlayer2oas(layer_num) else: layer2oas = _mlayer2oas # Get a dict of id(pattern) -> pattern patterns_by_id = {id(pattern): pattern for pattern in patterns} for pattern in patterns: for i, p in pattern.referenced_patterns_by_id().items(): patterns_by_id[i] = p disambiguate_func(patterns_by_id.values()) # Now create a structure for each pattern for pat in patterns_by_id.values(): structure = fatamorgana.Cell(name=pat.name) lib.cells.append(structure) structure.properties += annotations_to_properties(pat.annotations) structure.geometry += _shapes_to_elements(pat.shapes, layer2oas) structure.geometry += _labels_to_texts(pat.labels, layer2oas) structure.placements += _subpatterns_to_placements(pat.subpatterns) return lib def write( patterns: Union[Sequence[Pattern], Pattern], stream: io.BufferedIOBase, *args, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Write a `Pattern` or list of patterns to a OASIS file. See `oasis.build()` for details. Args: patterns: A Pattern or list of patterns to write to file. stream: Stream to write to. *args: passed to `oasis.build()` **kwargs: passed to `oasis.build()` """ lib = build(patterns, *args, **kwargs) lib.write(stream) def writefile( patterns: Union[Sequence[Pattern], Pattern], filename: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *args, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Wrapper for `oasis.write()` that takes a filename or path instead of a stream. Will automatically compress the file if it has a .gz suffix. Args: patterns: `Pattern` or list of patterns to save filename: Filename to save to. *args: passed to `oasis.write` **kwargs: passed to `oasis.write` """ path = pathlib.Path(filename) if path.suffix == '.gz': open_func: Callable = gzip.open else: open_func = open with io.BufferedWriter(open_func(path, mode='wb')) as stream: write(patterns, stream, *args, **kwargs) def readfile( filename: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *args, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Pattern], Dict[str, Any]]: """ Wrapper for `oasis.read()` that takes a filename or path instead of a stream. Will automatically decompress gzipped files. Args: filename: Filename to save to. *args: passed to `oasis.read` **kwargs: passed to `oasis.read` """ path = pathlib.Path(filename) if is_gzipped(path): open_func: Callable = gzip.open else: open_func = open with io.BufferedReader(open_func(path, mode='rb')) as stream: results = read(stream, *args, **kwargs) return results def read( stream: io.BufferedIOBase, clean_vertices: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Pattern], Dict[str, Any]]: """ Read a OASIS file and translate it into a dict of Pattern objects. OASIS cells are translated into Pattern objects; Polygons are translated into polygons, and Placements are translated into SubPattern objects. Additional library info is returned in a dict, containing: 'units_per_micrometer': number of database units per micrometer (all values are in database units) 'layer_map': Mapping from layer names to fatamorgana.LayerName objects 'annotations': Mapping of {key: value} pairs from library's properties Args: stream: Stream to read from. clean_vertices: If `True`, remove any redundant vertices when loading polygons. The cleaning process removes any polygons with zero area or <3 vertices. Default `True`. Returns: - Dict of `pattern_name`:`Pattern`s generated from OASIS cells - Dict of OASIS library info """ lib = fatamorgana.OasisLayout.read(stream) library_info: Dict[str, Any] = { 'units_per_micrometer': lib.unit, 'annotations': properties_to_annotations(lib.properties, lib.propnames, lib.propstrings), } layer_map = {} for layer_name in lib.layers: layer_map[str(layer_name.nstring)] = layer_name library_info['layer_map'] = layer_map patterns = [] for cell in lib.cells: if isinstance(cell.name, int): cell_name = lib.cellnames[cell.name].nstring.string else: cell_name = cell.name.string pat = Pattern(name=cell_name) for element in cell.geometry: if isinstance(element, fatrec.XElement): logger.warning('Skipping XElement record') # note XELEMENT has no repetition continue assert(not isinstance(element.repetition, fatamorgana.ReuseRepetition)) repetition = repetition_fata2masq(element.repetition) # Switch based on element type: if isinstance(element, fatrec.Polygon): vertices = numpy.cumsum(numpy.vstack(((0, 0), element.get_point_list())), axis=0) annotations = properties_to_annotations(element.properties, lib.propnames, lib.propstrings) poly = Polygon(vertices=vertices, layer=element.get_layer_tuple(), offset=element.get_xy(), annotations=annotations, repetition=repetition) pat.shapes.append(poly) elif isinstance(element, fatrec.Path): vertices = numpy.cumsum(numpy.vstack(((0, 0), element.get_point_list())), axis=0) cap_start = path_cap_map[element.get_extension_start()[0]] cap_end = path_cap_map[element.get_extension_end()[0]] if cap_start != cap_end: raise Exception('masque does not support multiple cap types on a single path.') # TODO handle multiple cap types cap = cap_start path_args: Dict[str, Any] = {} if cap == Path.Cap.SquareCustom: path_args['cap_extensions'] = numpy.array((element.get_extension_start()[1], element.get_extension_end()[1])) annotations = properties_to_annotations(element.properties, lib.propnames, lib.propstrings) path = Path(vertices=vertices, layer=element.get_layer_tuple(), offset=element.get_xy(), repetition=repetition, annotations=annotations, width=element.get_half_width() * 2, cap=cap, **path_args) pat.shapes.append(path) elif isinstance(element, fatrec.Rectangle): width = element.get_width() height = element.get_height() annotations = properties_to_annotations(element.properties, lib.propnames, lib.propstrings) rect = Polygon(layer=element.get_layer_tuple(), offset=element.get_xy(), repetition=repetition, vertices=numpy.array(((0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1))) * (width, height), annotations=annotations, ) pat.shapes.append(rect) elif isinstance(element, fatrec.Trapezoid): vertices = numpy.array(((0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1))) * (element.get_width(), element.get_height()) a = element.get_delta_a() b = element.get_delta_b() if element.get_is_vertical(): if a > 0: vertices[0, 1] += a else: vertices[3, 1] += a if b > 0: vertices[2, 1] -= b else: vertices[1, 1] -= b else: if a > 0: vertices[1, 0] += a else: vertices[0, 0] += a if b > 0: vertices[3, 0] -= b else: vertices[2, 0] -= b annotations = properties_to_annotations(element.properties, lib.propnames, lib.propstrings) trapz = Polygon(layer=element.get_layer_tuple(), offset=element.get_xy(), repetition=repetition, vertices=vertices, annotations=annotations, ) pat.shapes.append(trapz) elif isinstance(element, fatrec.CTrapezoid): cttype = element.get_ctrapezoid_type() height = element.get_height() width = element.get_width() vertices = numpy.array(((0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1))) * (width, height) if cttype in (0, 4, 7): vertices[2, 0] -= height if cttype in (1, 5, 6): vertices[3, 0] -= height if cttype in (2, 4, 6): vertices[1, 0] += height if cttype in (3, 5, 7): vertices[0, 0] += height if cttype in (8, 12, 15): vertices[2, 0] -= width if cttype in (9, 13, 14): vertices[1, 0] -= width if cttype in (10, 12, 14): vertices[3, 0] += width if cttype in (11, 13, 15): vertices[0, 0] += width if cttype == 16: vertices = vertices[[0, 1, 3], :] elif cttype == 17: vertices = vertices[[0, 1, 2], :] elif cttype == 18: vertices = vertices[[0, 2, 3], :] elif cttype == 19: vertices = vertices[[1, 2, 3], :] elif cttype == 20: vertices = vertices[[0, 1, 3], :] vertices[1, 0] += height elif cttype == 21: vertices = vertices[[0, 1, 2], :] vertices[0, 0] += height elif cttype == 22: vertices = vertices[[0, 1, 3], :] vertices[3, 1] += width elif cttype == 23: vertices = vertices[[0, 2, 3], :] vertices[0, 1] += width annotations = properties_to_annotations(element.properties, lib.propnames, lib.propstrings) ctrapz = Polygon(layer=element.get_layer_tuple(), offset=element.get_xy(), repetition=repetition, vertices=vertices, annotations=annotations, ) pat.shapes.append(ctrapz) elif isinstance(element, fatrec.Circle): annotations = properties_to_annotations(element.properties, lib.propnames, lib.propstrings) circle = Circle(layer=element.get_layer_tuple(), offset=element.get_xy(), repetition=repetition, annotations=annotations, radius=float(element.get_radius())) pat.shapes.append(circle) elif isinstance(element, fatrec.Text): annotations = properties_to_annotations(element.properties, lib.propnames, lib.propstrings) str_or_ref = element.get_string() if isinstance(str_or_ref, int): string = lib.textstrings[str_or_ref].string else: string = str_or_ref.string label = Label(layer=element.get_layer_tuple(), offset=element.get_xy(), repetition=repetition, annotations=annotations, string=string) pat.labels.append(label) else: logger.warning(f'Skipping record {element} (unimplemented)') continue for placement in cell.placements: pat.subpatterns.append(_placement_to_subpat(placement, lib)) if clean_vertices: clean_pattern_vertices(pat) patterns.append(pat) # Create a dict of {pattern.name: pattern, ...}, then fix up all subpattern.pattern entries # according to the subpattern.identifier (which is deleted after use). patterns_dict = dict(((p.name, p) for p in patterns)) for p in patterns_dict.values(): for sp in p.subpatterns: ident = sp.identifier[0] name = ident if isinstance(ident, str) else lib.cellnames[ident].nstring.string sp.pattern = patterns_dict[name] del sp.identifier return patterns_dict, library_info def _mlayer2oas(mlayer: layer_t) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Helper to turn a layer tuple-or-int into a layer and datatype""" if isinstance(mlayer, int): layer = mlayer data_type = 0 elif isinstance(mlayer, tuple): layer = mlayer[0] if len(mlayer) > 1: data_type = mlayer[1] else: data_type = 0 else: raise PatternError(f'Invalid layer for OASIS: {layer}. Note that OASIS layers cannot be ' f'strings unless a layer map is provided.') return layer, data_type def _placement_to_subpat(placement: fatrec.Placement, lib: fatamorgana.OasisLayout) -> SubPattern: """ Helper function to create a SubPattern from a placment. Sets subpat.pattern to None and sets the instance .identifier to (struct_name,). """ assert(not isinstance(placement.repetition, fatamorgana.ReuseRepetition)) xy = numpy.array((placement.x, placement.y)) mag = placement.magnification if placement.magnification is not None else 1 pname = placement.get_name() name = pname if isinstance(pname, int) else pname.string annotations = properties_to_annotations(placement.properties, lib.propnames, lib.propstrings) if placement.angle is None: rotation = 0 else: rotation = numpy.deg2rad(float(placement.angle)) subpat = SubPattern(offset=xy, pattern=None, mirrored=(placement.flip, False), rotation=rotation, scale=float(mag), identifier=(name,), repetition=repetition_fata2masq(placement.repetition), annotations=annotations) return subpat def _subpatterns_to_placements( subpatterns: List[SubPattern], ) -> List[fatrec.Placement]: refs = [] for subpat in subpatterns: if subpat.pattern is None: continue # Note: OASIS mirrors first and rotates second mirror_across_x, extra_angle = normalize_mirror(subpat.mirrored) frep, rep_offset = repetition_masq2fata(subpat.repetition) offset = numpy.round(subpat.offset + rep_offset).astype(int) angle = numpy.rad2deg(subpat.rotation + extra_angle) % 360 ref = fatrec.Placement( name=subpat.pattern.name, flip=mirror_across_x, angle=angle, magnification=subpat.scale, properties=annotations_to_properties(subpat.annotations), x=offset[0], y=offset[1], repetition=frep) refs.append(ref) return refs def _shapes_to_elements( shapes: List[Shape], layer2oas: Callable[[layer_t], Tuple[int, int]], ) -> List[Union[fatrec.Polygon, fatrec.Path, fatrec.Circle]]: # Add a Polygon record for each shape, and Path elements if necessary elements: List[Union[fatrec.Polygon, fatrec.Path, fatrec.Circle]] = [] for shape in shapes: layer, datatype = layer2oas(shape.layer) repetition, rep_offset = repetition_masq2fata(shape.repetition) properties = annotations_to_properties(shape.annotations) if isinstance(shape, Circle): offset = numpy.round(shape.offset + rep_offset).astype(int) radius = numpy.round(shape.radius).astype(int) circle = fatrec.Circle(layer=layer, datatype=datatype, radius=radius, x=offset[0], y=offset[1], properties=properties, repetition=repetition) elements.append(circle) elif isinstance(shape, Path): xy = numpy.round(shape.offset + shape.vertices[0] + rep_offset).astype(int) deltas = numpy.round(numpy.diff(shape.vertices, axis=0)).astype(int) half_width = numpy.round(shape.width / 2).astype(int) path_type = next(k for k, v in path_cap_map.items() if v == shape.cap) # reverse lookup extension_start = (path_type, shape.cap_extensions[0] if shape.cap_extensions is not None else None) extension_end = (path_type, shape.cap_extensions[1] if shape.cap_extensions is not None else None) path = fatrec.Path(layer=layer, datatype=datatype, point_list=deltas, half_width=half_width, x=xy[0], y=xy[1], extension_start=extension_start, # TODO implement multiple cap types? extension_end=extension_end, properties=properties, repetition=repetition, ) elements.append(path) else: for polygon in shape.to_polygons(): xy = numpy.round(polygon.offset + polygon.vertices[0] + rep_offset).astype(int) points = numpy.round(numpy.diff(polygon.vertices, axis=0)).astype(int) elements.append(fatrec.Polygon(layer=layer, datatype=datatype, x=xy[0], y=xy[1], point_list=points, properties=properties, repetition=repetition)) return elements def _labels_to_texts( labels: List[Label], layer2oas: Callable[[layer_t], Tuple[int, int]], ) -> List[fatrec.Text]: texts = [] for label in labels: layer, datatype = layer2oas(label.layer) repetition, rep_offset = repetition_masq2fata(label.repetition) xy = numpy.round(label.offset + rep_offset).astype(int) properties = annotations_to_properties(label.annotations) texts.append(fatrec.Text(layer=layer, datatype=datatype, x=xy[0], y=xy[1], string=label.string, properties=properties, repetition=repetition)) return texts def disambiguate_pattern_names( patterns, dup_warn_filter: Callable[[str], bool] = None, # If returns False, don't warn about this name ) -> None: used_names = [] for pat in patterns: sanitized_name = re.compile(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_\?\$]').sub('_', pat.name) i = 0 suffixed_name = sanitized_name while suffixed_name in used_names or suffixed_name == '': suffix = base64.b64encode(struct.pack('>Q', i), b'$?').decode('ASCII') suffixed_name = sanitized_name + '$' + suffix[:-1].lstrip('A') i += 1 if sanitized_name == '': logger.warning(f'Empty pattern name saved as "{suffixed_name}"') elif suffixed_name != sanitized_name: if dup_warn_filter is None or dup_warn_filter(pat.name): logger.warning(f'Pattern name "{pat.name}" ({sanitized_name}) appears multiple times;\n' + f' renaming to "{suffixed_name}"') if len(suffixed_name) == 0: # Should never happen since zero-length names are replaced raise PatternError(f'Zero-length name after sanitize+encode,\n originally "{pat.name}"') pat.name = suffixed_name used_names.append(suffixed_name) def repetition_fata2masq( rep: Union[fatamorgana.GridRepetition, fatamorgana.ArbitraryRepetition, None], ) -> Optional[Repetition]: mrep: Optional[Repetition] if isinstance(rep, fatamorgana.GridRepetition): mrep = Grid(a_vector=rep.a_vector, b_vector=rep.b_vector, a_count=rep.a_count, b_count=rep.b_count) elif isinstance(rep, fatamorgana.ArbitraryRepetition): displacements = numpy.cumsum(numpy.column_stack((rep.x_displacements, rep.y_displacements)), axis=0) displacements = numpy.vstack(([0, 0], displacements)) mrep = Arbitrary(displacements) elif rep is None: mrep = None return mrep def repetition_masq2fata( rep: Optional[Repetition], ) -> Tuple[Union[fatamorgana.GridRepetition, fatamorgana.ArbitraryRepetition, None], Tuple[int, int]]: frep: Union[fatamorgana.GridRepetition, fatamorgana.ArbitraryRepetition, None] if isinstance(rep, Grid): frep = fatamorgana.GridRepetition( a_vector=numpy.round(rep.a_vector).astype(int), b_vector=numpy.round(rep.b_vector).astype(int), a_count=numpy.round(rep.a_count).astype(int), b_count=numpy.round(rep.b_count).astype(int)) offset = (0, 0) elif isinstance(rep, Arbitrary): diffs = numpy.diff(rep.displacements, axis=0) diff_ints = numpy.round(diffs).astype(int) frep = fatamorgana.ArbitraryRepetition(diff_ints[:, 0], diff_ints[:, 1]) offset = rep.displacements[0, :] else: assert(rep is None) frep = None offset = (0, 0) return frep, offset def annotations_to_properties(annotations: annotations_t) -> List[fatrec.Property]: #TODO determine is_standard based on key? properties = [] for key, values in annotations.items(): vals = [AString(v) if isinstance(v, str) else v for v in values] properties.append(fatrec.Property(key, vals, is_standard=False)) # type: ignore return properties def properties_to_annotations( properties: List[fatrec.Property], propnames: Dict[int, NString], propstrings: Dict[int, AString], ) -> annotations_t: annotations = {} for proprec in properties: assert(proprec.name is not None) if isinstance(proprec.name, int): key = propnames[proprec.name].string else: key = proprec.name.string values: List[Union[str, float, int]] = [] assert(proprec.values is not None) for value in proprec.values: if isinstance(value, (float, int)): values.append(value) elif isinstance(value, (NString, AString)): values.append(value.string) elif isinstance(value, PropStringReference): values.append(propstrings[value.ref].string) # dereference else: string = repr(value) logger.warning(f'Converting property value for key ({key}) to string ({string})') values.append(string) annotations[key] = values return annotations properties = [fatrec.Property(key, vals, is_standard=False) for key, vals in annotations.items()] return properties