""" Repetitions provide support for efficiently representing multiple identical instances of an object . """ from typing import Union, Dict, Optional, Any, Type import copy from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import numpy from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray from .error import PatternError from .utils import rotation_matrix_2d, AutoSlots from .traits import Copyable, Scalable, Rotatable, Mirrorable class Repetition(Copyable, Rotatable, Mirrorable, Scalable, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Interface common to all objects which specify repetitions """ __slots__ = () @property @abstractmethod def displacements(self) -> NDArray[numpy.float64]: """ An Nx2 ndarray specifying all offsets generated by this repetition """ pass class Grid(Repetition, metaclass=AutoSlots): """ `Grid` describes a 2D grid formed by two basis vectors and two 'counts' (sizes). The second basis vector and count (`b_vector` and `b_count`) may be omitted, which makes the grid describe a 1D array. Note that the offsets in either the 2D or 1D grids do not have to be axis-aligned. """ __slots__ = ( '_a_vector', '_b_vector', '_a_count', '_b_count', ) _a_vector: NDArray[numpy.float64] """ Vector `[x, y]` specifying the first lattice vector of the grid. Specifies center-to-center spacing between adjacent elements. """ _a_count: int """ Number of instances along the direction specified by the `a_vector` """ _b_vector: Optional[NDArray[numpy.float64]] """ Vector `[x, y]` specifying a second lattice vector for the grid. Specifies center-to-center spacing between adjacent elements. Can be `None` for a 1D array. """ _b_count: int """ Number of instances along the direction specified by the `b_vector` """ def __init__( self, a_vector: ArrayLike, a_count: int, b_vector: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, b_count: Optional[int] = 1, ) -> None: """ Args: a_vector: First lattice vector, of the form `[x, y]`. Specifies center-to-center spacing between adjacent instances. a_count: Number of elements in the a_vector direction. b_vector: Second lattice vector, of the form `[x, y]`. Specifies center-to-center spacing between adjacent instances. Can be omitted when specifying a 1D array. b_count: Number of elements in the `b_vector` direction. Should be omitted if `b_vector` was omitted. Raises: PatternError if `b_*` inputs conflict with each other or `a_count < 1`. """ if b_count is None: b_count = 1 if b_vector is None: if b_count > 1: raise PatternError('Repetition has b_count > 1 but no b_vector') else: b_vector = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0]) if a_count < 1: raise PatternError(f'Repetition has too-small a_count: {a_count}') if b_count < 1: raise PatternError(f'Repetition has too-small b_count: {b_count}') self.a_vector = a_vector # type: ignore # setter handles type conversion self.b_vector = b_vector # type: ignore # setter handles type conversion self.a_count = a_count self.b_count = b_count @classmethod def aligned( cls: Type, x: float, y: float, x_count: int, y_count: int, ) -> 'Grid': """ Simple constructor for an axis-aligned 2D grid Args: x: X-step y: Y-step x_count: count of columns y_count: count of rows Returns: An Grid instance with the requested values """ return cls(a_vector=(x, 0), b_vector=(0, y), a_count=x_count, b_count=y_count) def __copy__(self) -> 'Grid': new = Grid( a_vector=self.a_vector.copy(), b_vector=copy.copy(self.b_vector), a_count=self.a_count, b_count=self.b_count, ) return new def __deepcopy__(self, memo: Optional[Dict] = None) -> 'Grid': memo = {} if memo is None else memo new = copy.copy(self) return new # a_vector property @property def a_vector(self) -> NDArray[numpy.float64]: return self._a_vector @a_vector.setter def a_vector(self, val: ArrayLike) -> None: if not isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray): val = numpy.array(val, dtype=float) if val.size != 2: raise PatternError('a_vector must be convertible to size-2 ndarray') self._a_vector = val.flatten().astype(float) # b_vector property @property def b_vector(self) -> Optional[NDArray[numpy.float64]]: return self._b_vector @b_vector.setter def b_vector(self, val: ArrayLike) -> None: if not isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray): val = numpy.array(val, dtype=float, copy=True) if val.size != 2: raise PatternError('b_vector must be convertible to size-2 ndarray') self._b_vector = val.flatten() # a_count property @property def a_count(self) -> int: return self._a_count @a_count.setter def a_count(self, val: int) -> None: if val != int(val): raise PatternError('a_count must be convertable to an int!') self._a_count = int(val) # b_count property @property def b_count(self) -> int: return self._b_count @b_count.setter def b_count(self, val: int) -> None: if val != int(val): raise PatternError('b_count must be convertable to an int!') self._b_count = int(val) @property def displacements(self) -> NDArray[numpy.float64]: if self.b_vector is None: return numpy.arange(self.a_count)[:, None] * self.a_vector[None, :] aa, bb = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(self.a_count), numpy.arange(self.b_count), indexing='ij') return (aa.flatten()[:, None] * self.a_vector[None, :] + bb.flatten()[:, None] * self.b_vector[None, :]) # noqa def rotate(self, rotation: float) -> 'Grid': """ Rotate lattice vectors (around (0, 0)) Args: rotation: Angle to rotate by (counterclockwise, radians) Returns: self """ self.a_vector = numpy.dot(rotation_matrix_2d(rotation), self.a_vector) if self.b_vector is not None: self.b_vector = numpy.dot(rotation_matrix_2d(rotation), self.b_vector) return self def mirror(self, axis: int) -> 'Grid': """ Mirror the Grid across an axis. Args: axis: Axis to mirror across. (0: mirror across x-axis, 1: mirror across y-axis) Returns: self """ self.a_vector[1 - axis] *= -1 if self.b_vector is not None: self.b_vector[1 - axis] *= -1 return self def get_bounds(self) -> Optional[NDArray[numpy.float64]]: """ Return a `numpy.ndarray` containing `[[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]]`, corresponding to the extent of the `Grid` in each dimension. Returns: `[[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]]` or `None` """ a_extent = self.a_vector * self.a_count b_extent = self.b_vector * self.b_count if (self.b_vector is not None) else 0 # type: Union[NDArray[numpy.float64], float] corners = numpy.stack(((0, 0), a_extent, b_extent, a_extent + b_extent)) xy_min = numpy.min(corners, axis=0) xy_max = numpy.max(corners, axis=0) return numpy.array((xy_min, xy_max)) def scale_by(self, c: float) -> 'Grid': """ Scale the Grid by a factor Args: c: scaling factor Returns: self """ self.a_vector *= c if self.b_vector is not None: self.b_vector *= c return self def __repr__(self) -> str: bv = f', {self.b_vector}' if self.b_vector is not None else '' return (f'') def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return False if self.a_count != other.a_count or self.b_count != other.b_count: return False if any(self.a_vector[ii] != other.a_vector[ii] for ii in range(2)): return False if self.b_vector is None and other.b_vector is None: return True if self.b_vector is None or other.b_vector is None: return False if any(self.b_vector[ii] != other.b_vector[ii] for ii in range(2)): return False return True class Arbitrary(Repetition, metaclass=AutoSlots): """ `Arbitrary` is a simple list of (absolute) displacements for instances. Attributes: displacements (numpy.ndarray): absolute displacements of all elements `[[x0, y0], [x1, y1], ...]` """ __slots__ = ('_displacements',) _displacements: NDArray[numpy.float64] """ List of vectors `[[x0, y0], [x1, y1], ...]` specifying the offsets of the instances. """ @property def displacements(self) -> Any: # TODO: mypy#3004 NDArray[numpy.float64]: return self._displacements @displacements.setter def displacements(self, val: ArrayLike) -> None: vala: NDArray[numpy.float64] = numpy.array(val, dtype=float) vala = numpy.sort(vala.view([('', vala.dtype)] * vala.shape[1]), 0).view(vala.dtype) # sort rows self._displacements = vala def __init__( self, displacements: ArrayLike, ) -> None: """ Args: displacements: List of vectors (Nx2 ndarray) specifying displacements. """ self.displacements = displacements def __repr__(self) -> str: return (f'') def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return False return numpy.array_equal(self.displacements, other.displacements) def rotate(self, rotation: float) -> 'Arbitrary': """ Rotate dispacements (around (0, 0)) Args: rotation: Angle to rotate by (counterclockwise, radians) Returns: self """ self.displacements = numpy.dot(rotation_matrix_2d(rotation), self.displacements.T).T return self def mirror(self, axis: int) -> 'Arbitrary': """ Mirror the displacements across an axis. Args: axis: Axis to mirror across. (0: mirror across x-axis, 1: mirror across y-axis) Returns: self """ self.displacements[1 - axis] *= -1 return self def get_bounds(self) -> Optional[NDArray[numpy.float64]]: """ Return a `numpy.ndarray` containing `[[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]]`, corresponding to the extent of the `displacements` in each dimension. Returns: `[[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]]` or `None` """ xy_min = numpy.min(self.displacements, axis=0) xy_max = numpy.max(self.displacements, axis=0) return numpy.array((xy_min, xy_max)) def scale_by(self, c: float) -> 'Arbitrary': """ Scale the displacements by a factor Args: c: scaling factor Returns: self """ self.displacements *= c return self