""" File-level read/write functionality. """ from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Optional, BinaryIO, TypeVar, Type, MutableMapping import io from datetime import datetime from dataclasses import dataclass from collections import defaultdict from .basic import KlamathError from .record import Record from .records import HEADER, BGNLIB, ENDLIB, UNITS, LIBNAME from .records import BGNSTR, STRNAME, ENDSTR, SNAME, COLROW, ENDEL from .records import BOX, BOUNDARY, NODE, PATH, TEXT, SREF, AREF from .elements import Element, Reference, Text, Box, Boundary, Path, Node FH = TypeVar('FH', bound='FileHeader') @dataclass class FileHeader: """ Representation of the GDS file header. File header records: HEADER BGNLIB LIBNAME UNITS Optional record are ignored if present and never written. Version is written as `600`. """ name: bytes """ Library name """ user_units_per_db_unit: float """ Number of user units in one database unit """ meters_per_db_unit: float """ Number of meters in one database unit """ mod_time: datetime = datetime(1900, 1, 1) """ Last-modified time """ acc_time: datetime = datetime(1900, 1, 1) """ Last-accessed time """ @classmethod def read(cls: Type[FH], stream: BinaryIO) -> FH: """ Read and construct a header from the provided stream. Args: stream: Seekable stream to read from Returns: FileHeader object """ version = HEADER.read(stream)[0] mod_time, acc_time = BGNLIB.read(stream) name = LIBNAME.skip_and_read(stream) uu, dbu = UNITS.skip_and_read(stream) return cls(mod_time=mod_time, acc_time=acc_time, name=name, user_units_per_db_unit=uu, meters_per_db_unit=dbu) def write(self, stream: BinaryIO) -> int: """ Write the header to a stream Args: stream: Stream to write to Returns: number of bytes written """ b = HEADER.write(stream, 600) b += BGNLIB.write(stream, (self.mod_time, self.acc_time)) b += LIBNAME.write(stream, self.name) b += UNITS.write(stream, (self.user_units_per_db_unit, self.meters_per_db_unit)) return b def scan_structs(stream: BinaryIO) -> Dict[bytes, int]: """ Scan through a GDS file, building a table of {b'structure_name': byte_offset}. The intent of this function is to enable random access and/or partial (structure-by-structure) reads. Args: stream: Seekable stream to read from. Should be positioned before the first structure record, but possibly already past the file header. """ positions = {} size, tag = Record.read_header(stream) while tag != ENDLIB.tag: stream.seek(size, io.SEEK_CUR) if tag == BGNSTR.tag: name = STRNAME.read(stream) if name in positions: raise KlamathError(f'Duplicate structure name: {name!r}') positions[name] = stream.tell() size, tag = Record.read_header(stream) return positions def try_read_struct(stream: BinaryIO) -> Optional[Tuple[bytes, List[Element]]]: """ Skip to the next structure and attempt to read it. Args: stream: Seekable stream to read from. Returns: (name, elements) if a structure was found. None if no structure was found before the end of the library. """ if not BGNSTR.skip_past(stream): return None name = STRNAME.read(stream) elements = read_elements(stream) return name, elements def write_struct(stream: BinaryIO, name: bytes, elements: List[Element], cre_time: datetime = datetime(1900, 1, 1), mod_time: datetime = datetime(1900, 1, 1), ) -> int: """ Write a structure to the provided stream. Args: name: Structure name (ascii-encoded). elements: List of Elements containing the geometry and text in this struct. cre_time: Creation time (optional). mod_time: Modification time (optional). Return: Number of bytes written """ b = BGNSTR.write(stream, (cre_time, mod_time)) b += STRNAME.write(stream, name) b += sum(el.write(stream) for el in elements) b += ENDSTR.write(stream, None) return b def read_elements(stream: BinaryIO) -> List[Element]: """ Read elements from the stream until an ENDSTR record is encountered. The ENDSTR record is also consumed. Args: stream: Seekable stream to read from. Returns: List of element objects. """ data: List[Element] = [] size, tag = Record.read_header(stream) while tag != ENDSTR.tag: if tag == BOUNDARY.tag: data.append(Boundary.read(stream)) elif tag == PATH.tag: data.append(Path.read(stream)) elif tag == NODE.tag: data.append(Node.read(stream)) elif tag == BOX.tag: data.append(Box.read(stream)) elif tag == TEXT.tag: data.append(Text.read(stream)) elif tag == SREF.tag: data.append(Reference.read(stream)) elif tag == AREF.tag: data.append(Reference.read(stream)) else: # don't care, skip stream.seek(size, io.SEEK_CUR) size, tag = Record.read_header(stream) return data def scan_hierarchy(stream: BinaryIO) -> Dict[bytes, Dict[bytes, int]]: """ Scan through a GDS file, building a table of instance counts `{b'structure_name': {b'ref_name': count}}`. This is intended to provide a fast overview of the file's contents without performing a full read of all elements. Args: stream: Seekable stream to read from. Should be positioned before the first structure record, but possibly already past the file header. """ structures = {} ref_name = None ref_count = None cur_structure: MutableMapping[bytes, int] = defaultdict(int) size, tag = Record.read_header(stream) while tag != ENDLIB.tag: if tag == BGNSTR.tag: stream.seek(size, io.SEEK_CUR) name = STRNAME.read(stream) if name in structures: raise KlamathError(f'Duplicate structure name: {name!r}') cur_structure = defaultdict(int) structures[name] = cur_structure ref_name = None ref_count = None elif tag == SNAME.tag: ref_name = SNAME.read_data(stream, size) elif tag == COLROW.tag: colrow = COLROW.read_data(stream, size) ref_count = colrow[0] * colrow[1] elif tag == ENDEL.tag: if ref_count is None: ref_count = 1 assert(ref_name is not None) cur_structure[ref_name] += ref_count else: stream.seek(size, io.SEEK_CUR) size, tag = Record.read_header(stream) dict_structures = {key: dict(value) for key, value in structures.items()} return dict_structures