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4 years ago
Generic record-level read/write functionality.
from typing import Optional, Sequence, IO
4 years ago
from typing import TypeVar, List, Tuple, ClassVar, Type
import struct
import io
from datetime import datetime
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import numpy # type: ignore
from .basic import KlamathError
from .basic import parse_int2, parse_int4, parse_real8, parse_datetime, parse_bitarray
from .basic import pack_int2, pack_int4, pack_real8, pack_datetime, pack_bitarray
from .basic import parse_ascii, pack_ascii, read
_RECORD_HEADER_FMT = struct.Struct('>HH')
def write_record_header(stream: IO[bytes], data_size: int, tag: int) -> int:
4 years ago
record_size = data_size + 4
if record_size > 0xFFFF:
raise KlamathError(f'Record size is too big: {record_size}')
header = _RECORD_HEADER_FMT.pack(record_size, tag)
return stream.write(header)
def read_record_header(stream: IO[bytes]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
4 years ago
Read a record's header (size and tag).
stream: stream to read from
data_size: size of data (not including header)
tag: Record type tag
header = read(stream, 4)
record_size, tag = _RECORD_HEADER_FMT.unpack(header)
if record_size < 4:
raise KlamathError(f'Record size is too small: {record_size} @ pos 0x{stream.tell():x}')
if record_size % 2:
raise KlamathError(f'Record size is odd: {record_size} @ pos 0x{stream.tell():x}')
data_size = record_size - 4 # substract header size
return data_size, tag
def expect_record(stream: IO[bytes], tag: int) -> int:
4 years ago
data_size, actual_tag = read_record_header(stream)
if tag != actual_tag:
raise KlamathError(f'Unexpected record! Got tag 0x{actual_tag:04x}, expected 0x{tag:04x}')
4 years ago
return data_size
R = TypeVar('R', bound='Record')
class Record(metaclass=ABCMeta):
tag: ClassVar[int] = -1
expected_size: ClassVar[Optional[int]] = None
def check_size(cls, size: int):
if cls.expected_size is not None and size != cls.expected_size:
raise KlamathError(f'Expected size {cls.expected_size}, got {size}')
def check_data(cls, data):
def read_data(cls, stream: IO[bytes], size: int):
4 years ago
def pack_data(cls, data) -> bytes:
def read_header(stream: IO[bytes]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
4 years ago
return read_record_header(stream)
def write_header(cls, stream: IO[bytes], data_size: int) -> int:
4 years ago
return write_record_header(stream, data_size, cls.tag)
def skip_past(cls, stream: IO[bytes]) -> bool:
4 years ago
Skip to the end of the next occurence of this record.
stream: Seekable stream to read from.
True if the record was encountered and skipped.
False if the end of the library was reached.
from .records import ENDLIB
size, tag = Record.read_header(stream)
while tag != cls.tag:, io.SEEK_CUR)
if tag == ENDLIB.tag:
return False
size, tag = Record.read_header(stream), io.SEEK_CUR)
return True
def skip_and_read(cls, stream: IO[bytes]):
4 years ago
size, tag = Record.read_header(stream)
while tag != cls.tag:, io.SEEK_CUR)
size, tag = Record.read_header(stream)
data = cls.read_data(stream, size)
return data
def read(cls: Type[R], stream: IO[bytes]):
4 years ago
size = expect_record(stream, cls.tag)
data = cls.read_data(stream, size)
return data
def write(cls, stream: IO[bytes], data) -> int:
4 years ago
data_bytes = cls.pack_data(data)
b = cls.write_header(stream, len(data_bytes))
b += stream.write(data_bytes)
return b
class NoDataRecord(Record):
expected_size: ClassVar[Optional[int]] = 0
def read_data(cls, stream: IO[bytes], size: int) -> None:
4 years ago
def pack_data(cls, data: None) -> bytes:
if data is not None:
raise KlamathError('?? Packing {data} into NoDataRecord??')
return b''
class BitArrayRecord(Record):
expected_size: ClassVar[Optional[int]] = 2
def read_data(cls, stream: IO[bytes], size: int) -> int:
4 years ago
return parse_bitarray(read(stream, 2))
def pack_data(cls, data: int) -> bytes:
return pack_bitarray(data)
class Int2Record(Record):
def read_data(cls, stream: IO[bytes], size: int) -> numpy.ndarray:
4 years ago
return parse_int2(read(stream, size))
def pack_data(cls, data: Sequence[int]) -> bytes:
return pack_int2(data)
class Int4Record(Record):
def read_data(cls, stream: IO[bytes], size: int) -> numpy.ndarray:
4 years ago
return parse_int4(read(stream, size))
def pack_data(cls, data: Sequence[int]) -> bytes:
return pack_int4(data)
class Real8Record(Record):
def read_data(cls, stream: IO[bytes], size: int) -> numpy.ndarray:
4 years ago
return parse_real8(read(stream, size))
def pack_data(cls, data: Sequence[int]) -> bytes:
return pack_real8(data)
class ASCIIRecord(Record):
def read_data(cls, stream: IO[bytes], size: int) -> bytes:
4 years ago
return parse_ascii(read(stream, size))
def pack_data(cls, data: bytes) -> bytes:
return pack_ascii(data)
class DateTimeRecord(Record):
def read_data(cls, stream: IO[bytes], size: int) -> List[datetime]:
4 years ago
return parse_datetime(read(stream, size))
def pack_data(cls, data: Sequence[datetime]) -> bytes:
return pack_datetime(data)