from typing import ClassVar, Self from import Callable, Sequence import numpy from numpy.typing import NDArray, ArrayLike import pickle import warnings import copy from . import GridError from .base import GridBase from .draw import GridDrawMixin from .read import GridReadMixin from .position import GridPosMixin foreground_callable_type = Callable[[NDArray, NDArray, NDArray], NDArray] class Grid(GridDrawMixin, GridReadMixin, GridPosMixin): """ Simulation grid metadata for finite-difference simulations. Can be used to generate non-uniform rectangular grids (the entire grid is generated based on the coordinates of the boundary points). Also does straightforward natural <-> grid unit conversion. This class handles data describing the grid, and should be paired with a (separate) ndarray that contains the actual data in each cell. The `allocate()` method can be used to create this ndarray. The resulting `cell_data[i, a, b, c]` should correspond to the value in the `i`-th grid, in the cell centered around ``` (xyz[0][a] + dxyz[0][a] * shifts[i, 0], xyz[1][b] + dxyz[1][b] * shifts[i, 1], xyz[2][c] + dxyz[2][c] * shifts[i, 2]). ``` You can get raw edge coordinates (`exyz`), center coordinates (`xyz`), cell sizes (`dxyz`), from the properties named as above, or get them for a given grid by using the `self.shifted_*xyz(which_shifts)` functions. The sizes of adjacent cells are taken into account when applying shifts. The total shift for each edge is chosen using `(shift * dx_of_cell_being_moved_through)`. It is tricky to determine the size of the right-most cell after shifting, since its right boundary should shift by `shifts[i][a] * dxyz[a][dxyz[a].size]`, where the dxyz element refers to a cell that does not exist. Because of this, we either assume this 'ghost' cell is the same size as the last real cell, or, if `self.periodic[a]` is set to `True`, the same size as the first cell. """ exyz: list[NDArray] """Cell edges. Monotonically increasing without duplicates.""" periodic: list[bool] """For each axis, determines how far the rightmost boundary gets shifted. """ shifts: NDArray """Offsets `[[x0, y0, z0], [x1, y1, z1], ...]` for grid `0,1,...`""" Yee_Shifts_E: ClassVar[NDArray] = 0.5 * numpy.array([ [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], ], dtype=float) """Default shifts for Yee grid E-field""" Yee_Shifts_H: ClassVar[NDArray] = 0.5 * numpy.array([ [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0], ], dtype=float) """Default shifts for Yee grid H-field""" def __init__( self, pixel_edge_coordinates: Sequence[ArrayLike], shifts: ArrayLike = Yee_Shifts_E, periodic: bool | Sequence[bool] = False, ) -> None: """ Args: pixel_edge_coordinates: 3-element list of (ndarrays or lists) specifying the coordinates of the pixel edges in each dimensions (ie, `[[x0, x1, x2,...], [y0,...], [z0,...]]` where the first pixel has x-edges x=`x0` and x=`x1`, the second has edges x=`x1` and x=`x2`, etc.) shifts: Nx3 array containing `[x, y, z]` offsets for each of N grids. E-field Yee shifts are used by default. periodic: Specifies how the sizes of edge cells are calculated; see main class documentation. List of 3 bool, or a single bool that gets broadcast. Default `False`. Raises: `GridError` on invalid input """ edge_arrs = [numpy.array(cc, copy=False) for cc in pixel_edge_coordinates] self.exyz = [numpy.unique(edges) for edges in edge_arrs] self.shifts = numpy.array(shifts, dtype=float) for i in range(3): if self.exyz[i].size != edge_arrs[i].size: warnings.warn(f'Dimension {i} had duplicate edge coordinates', stacklevel=2) if isinstance(periodic, bool): self.periodic = [periodic] * 3 else: self.periodic = list(periodic) if len(self.shifts.shape) != 2: raise GridError('Misshapen shifts: shifts must have two axes! ' f' The given shifts has shape {self.shifts.shape}') if self.shifts.shape[1] != 3: raise GridError('Misshapen shifts; second axis size should be 3,' f' shape is {self.shifts.shape}') if (numpy.abs(self.shifts) > 1).any(): raise GridError('Only shifts in the range [-1, 1] are currently supported') if (self.shifts < 0).any(): # TODO: Test negative shifts warnings.warn('Negative shifts are still experimental and mostly untested, be careful!', stacklevel=2) @staticmethod def load(filename: str) -> 'Grid': """ Load a grid from a file Args: filename: Filename to load from. """ with open(filename, 'rb') as f: tmp_dict = pickle.load(f) g = Grid([[-1, 1]] * 3) g.__dict__.update(tmp_dict) return g def save(self, filename: str) -> Self: """ Save to file. Args: filename: Filename to save to. Returns: self """ with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self.__dict__, f, protocol=2) return self def copy(self) -> Self: """ Returns: Deep copy of the grid. """ return copy.deepcopy(self)