# Gridlock README Gridlock is a Python module for drawing on coupled grids. Gridlock is used primarily for 'painting' shapes in 3D on multiple grids which represent the same spatial region, but are offset from each other. It does straightforward natural <-> grid unit conversion and can handle non-uniform rectangular grids (the entire grid is generated based on the coordinates of the boundary points along each axis). - [Source repository](https://mpxd.net/code/jan/gridlock) - [PyPi](https://pypi.org/project/gridlock) ## Installation Requirements: * python >3.11 (written and tested with 3.12) * numpy * [float_raster](https://mpxd.net/code/jan/float_raster) * matplotlib (optional, used for visualization functions) * mpl_toolkits.mplot3d (optional, used for isosurface visualization) * skimage (optional, used for isosurface visualization) Install with pip: ```bash pip3 install gridlock ``` Alternatively, install via git ```bash pip3 install git+https://mpxd.net/code/jan/float_raster.git@release pip3 install git+https://mpxd.net/code/jan/gridlock.git@release ```