Switch to >= <= operators instead of functions

For clarity
jan 8 лет назад
Родитель 936ae800b5
Коммит f68555cb0b

@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ def raster(poly_xy: numpy.ndarray,
min_bounds = floor(poly_xy.min(axis=1))
max_bounds = ceil(poly_xy.max(axis=1))
keep_x = logical_and(numpy.greater_equal(grid_x, min_bounds[0]),
numpy.less_equal(grid_x, max_bounds[0]))
keep_y = logical_and(numpy.greater_equal(grid_y, min_bounds[1]),
numpy.less_equal(grid_y, max_bounds[1]))
keep_x = logical_and(grid_x >= min_bounds[0],
grid_x <= max_bounds[0])
keep_y = logical_and(grid_y >= min_bounds[1],
grid_y <= max_bounds[1])
if not (keep_x.any() and keep_y.any()): # polygon doesn't overlap grid
return zeros(num_xy_px)
@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ def raster(poly_xy: numpy.ndarray,
# (they correspond to outside pixels, but couldn't be removed until now
# because poly_xy stores points, not segments, and the edge points are needed
# when creating endpoint_avg)
non_edge = numpy.logical_and(numpy.less(endpoint_avg[:, 0], grid_x[-1]),
numpy.less(endpoint_avg[:, 1], grid_y[-1]))
non_edge = numpy.logical_and(endpoint_avg[:, 0] < grid_x[-1],
endpoint_avg[:, 1] < grid_y[-1])
x_sub = numpy.digitize(endpoint_avg[non_edge, 0], grid_x) - 1
y_sub = numpy.digitize(endpoint_avg[non_edge, 1], grid_y) - 1
