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# float_raster README
float_raster is a Python module for accurately drawing polygons onto non-uniform rectangular grids
float_raster calculates pixel values with float64 precision and is capable of drawing on grids
with variable pixel widths and heights.
## Installation
* python 3 (written and tested with 3.5)
* numpy
Install with pip, via git:
>pip install --upgrade git+
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Module for rasterizing polygons, with float-precision anti-aliasing on
a non-uniform rectangular grid.
See the documentation for raster(...) for details.
import numpy
from numpy import r_, c_, logical_and, diff, floor, ceil, ones, zeros, vstack, hstack,\
full_like, newaxis
__author__ = 'Jan Petykiewicz'
def raster(poly_xy: numpy.ndarray,
grid_x: numpy.ndarray,
grid_y: numpy.ndarray
) -> numpy.ndarray:
Draws a polygon onto a 2D grid of pixels, setting pixel values equal to the fraction of the
pixel area covered by the polygon. This implementation is written for accuracy and works with
double precision, in contrast to most other implementations which are written for speed and
usually only allow for 256 (and often fewer) possible pixel values without performing (very
slow) super-sampling.
:param poly_xy: 2xN ndarray containing x,y coordinates for each point in the polygon
:param grid_x: x-coordinates for the edges of each pixel (ie, the leftmost two columns span
x=grid_x[0] to x=grid_x[1] and x=grid_x[1] to x=grid_x[2])
:param grid_y: y-coordinates for the edges of each pixel (see grid_x)
:return: 2D ndarray with pixel values in the range [0, 1] containing the anti-aliased polygon
poly_xy = numpy.array(poly_xy)
grid_x = numpy.array(grid_x)
grid_y = numpy.array(grid_y)
if poly_xy.shape[0] != 2:
raise Exception('poly_xy must be 2xN')
if grid_x.size < 1 or grid_y.size < 1:
raise Exception('Grid must contain at least one full pixel')
num_xy_px = numpy.array([grid_x.size, grid_y.size]) - 1
min_bounds = floor(poly_xy.min(axis=1))
max_bounds = ceil(poly_xy.max(axis=1))
keep_x = logical_and(numpy.greater_equal(grid_x, min_bounds[0]),
numpy.less_equal(grid_x, max_bounds[0]))
keep_y = logical_and(numpy.greater_equal(grid_y, min_bounds[1]),
numpy.less_equal(grid_y, max_bounds[1]))
if not (keep_x.any() and keep_y.any()): # polygon doesn't overlap grid
return zeros(num_xy_px)
y_seg_xs = hstack((min_bounds[0], grid_x[keep_x], max_bounds[0])).T
x_seg_ys = hstack((min_bounds[1], grid_y[keep_y], max_bounds[1])).T
num_poly_vertices = poly_xy.shape[1]
# ## Calculate intersections
xy1b = numpy.roll(poly_xy, -1, axis=1)
xi1 = poly_xy[0, :, newaxis]
yi1 = poly_xy[1, :, newaxis]
xf1 = xy1b[0, :, newaxis]
yf1 = xy1b[1, :, newaxis]
xi2 = hstack((full_like(x_seg_ys, min_bounds[0]), y_seg_xs))
xf2 = hstack((full_like(x_seg_ys, max_bounds[0]), y_seg_xs))
yi2 = hstack((x_seg_ys, full_like(y_seg_xs, min_bounds[0])))
yf2 = hstack((x_seg_ys, full_like(y_seg_xs, max_bounds[1])))
dxi = xi1 - xi2
dyi = yi1 - yi2
dx1 = xf1 - xi1
dx2 = xf2 - xi2
dy1 = yf1 - yi1
dy2 = yf2 - yi2
numerator_a = dx2 * dyi - dy2 * dxi
numerator_b = dx1 * dyi - dy1 * dxi
denominator = dy2 * dx1 - dx2 * dy1
# Avoid warnings since we may multiply eg. NaN*False
with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'):
u_a = numerator_a / denominator
u_b = numerator_b / denominator
# Find the adjacency matrix A of intersecting lines.
int_x = xi1 + dx1 * u_a
int_y = yi1 + dy1 * u_a
int_b = logical_and.reduce((u_a >= 0, u_a <= 1, u_b >= 0, u_b <= 1))
# Arrange output.
int_adjacency_matrix = int_b
int_matrix_x = int_x * int_b
int_matrix_y = int_y * int_b
int_normalized_distance_1to2 = u_a
# ## Insert intersection points as vertices
# If new points fall outside the window, shrink them back onto it
int_matrix_x = int_matrix_x.clip(grid_x[0], grid_x[-1])
int_matrix_y = int_matrix_y.clip(grid_y[0], grid_y[-1])
# sort intersections based on distance from first vertex, to add in order
sortix = int_normalized_distance_1to2.argsort(axis=1)
sortix_paired = (numpy.arange(num_poly_vertices)[:, newaxis], sortix)
assert(int_normalized_distance_1to2.shape[0] == num_poly_vertices)
# Use sortix to sort adjacency matrix and the intersection (x, y) coordinates,
# and vstack the original points on top of the top row
xs = vstack((poly_xy[0, :], int_matrix_x[sortix_paired].T))
ys = vstack((poly_xy[1, :], int_matrix_y[sortix_paired].T))
has_intersection = r_[ones((1, poly_xy.shape[1]), dtype=bool),
# Now use has_intersection to index the intersection coordinates, thus creating a 2-column
# array which holds the [[x, y], ...] for the polygon with added vertices at pixel-boundary
# intersections
poly_xy_xy = c_[xs.T[has_intersection.T], ys.T[has_intersection.T]]
# Remove points outside the window (these will only be original points)
# Since the boundaries of the window are also pixel boundaries, this just
# makes the polygon boundary proceed along the window edge
inside_window = logical_and.reduce((poly_xy_xy[:, 1] <= grid_y[-1],
poly_xy_xy[:, 1] >= grid_y[0],
poly_xy_xy[:, 0] <= grid_x[-1],
poly_xy_xy[:, 0] >= grid_x[0]))
poly_xy_xy = poly_xy_xy[inside_window, :]
# Remove consecutive duplicate entries
consecutive = diff(poly_xy_xy, axis=0).any(axis=1) # use any() as !=0
poly_xy_xy = poly_xy_xy[r_[True, consecutive], :]
# If the shape fell completely outside our area, just return a blank grid
if poly_xy_xy.size == 0:
# for matlab:
# rg = array.array('d', numpy.nditer(zeros(num_xy_px), order='F'))
# return rg
return zeros(num_xy_px)
# ## Calculate area, cover
# Calculate segment cover, area, and corresponding pixel's subscripts
poly = vstack((poly_xy_xy,
poly_xy_xy[0, :]))
endpoint_avg = (poly[:-1, :] + poly[1:, :]) / 2
# Remove segments along the right,top edges
# (they correspond to outside pixels, but couldn't be removed until now
# because poly_xy stores points, not segments, and the edge points are needed
# when creating endpoint_avg)
non_edge = numpy.logical_and(numpy.less(endpoint_avg[:, 0], grid_x[-1]),
numpy.less(endpoint_avg[:, 1], grid_y[-1]))
x_sub = numpy.digitize(endpoint_avg[non_edge, 0], grid_x) - 1
y_sub = numpy.digitize(endpoint_avg[non_edge, 1], grid_y) - 1
cover = diff(poly[:, 1], axis=0)[non_edge] / diff(grid_y)[y_sub]
area = (endpoint_avg[non_edge, 0] - grid_x[x_sub]) * cover / diff(grid_x)[x_sub]
hist_range = [[0, num_xy_px[0]], [0, num_xy_px[1]]]
poly_grid = numpy.histogram2d(x_sub, y_sub, bins=num_xy_px, range=hist_range, weights=-area)[0]
cover_grid = numpy.histogram2d(x_sub, y_sub, bins=num_xy_px, range=hist_range, weights=cover)[0]
poly_grid += cover_grid.cumsum(axis=0)
# do other stuff for dealing with multiple polygons?
# # deal with the user inputting the vertices in the wrong order
# if poly_grid.sum() < 0:
# poly_grid = -poly_grid
return poly_grid
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from distutils.core import setup
description='High-precision anti-aliasing polygon rasterizer',
author='Jan Petykiewicz',
Reference in New Issue
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