Use complex number representation for vertex coordinates,
ie. (x, y) becomes x + iy. This gives a bit of a speedup over repeating stuff for multiple arrays, and lets you keep using the numpy +- operators (unlike structured numpy arrays)
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,19 +57,24 @@ def raster(poly_xy: numpy.ndarray,
num_poly_vertices = poly_xy.shape[1]
# ## Calculate intersections
Calculate intersections between polygon and grid line segments
xy1b = numpy.roll(poly_xy, -1, axis=1)
# Lists of initial/final coordinates for polygon segments
xi1 = poly_xy[0, :, newaxis]
yi1 = poly_xy[1, :, newaxis]
xf1 = xy1b[0, :, newaxis]
yf1 = xy1b[1, :, newaxis]
# Lists of initial/final coordinates for grid segments
xi2 = hstack((full_like(x_seg_ys, min_bounds[0]), y_seg_xs))
xf2 = hstack((full_like(x_seg_ys, max_bounds[0]), y_seg_xs))
yi2 = hstack((x_seg_ys, full_like(y_seg_xs, min_bounds[0])))
yf2 = hstack((x_seg_ys, full_like(y_seg_xs, max_bounds[1])))
# Perform calculation
dxi = xi1 - xi2
dyi = yi1 - yi2
dx1 = xf1 - xi1
@ -92,68 +97,80 @@ def raster(poly_xy: numpy.ndarray,
int_b = logical_and.reduce((u_a >= 0, u_a <= 1, u_b >= 0, u_b <= 1))
# Arrange output.
# int_adjacency_matrix[i, j] tells us if polygon segment i intersects with grid line j
# int_xy_matrix[i, j] tells us the x,y coordinates of the intersection in the form x+iy
# int_normalized_distance_1to2[i, j] tells us the fraction of the segment i
# we have to traverse in order to reach the intersection
int_adjacency_matrix = int_b
int_matrix_x = int_x * int_b
int_matrix_y = int_y * int_b
int_xy_matrix = (int_x + 1j * int_y) * int_b
int_normalized_distance_1to2 = u_a
# ## Insert intersection points as vertices
# If new points fall outside the window, shrink them back onto it
int_matrix_x = int_matrix_x.clip(grid_x[0], grid_x[-1])
int_matrix_y = int_matrix_y.clip(grid_y[0], grid_y[-1])
# print('sparsity', int_adjacency_matrix.astype(int).sum() / int_adjacency_matrix.size)
# sort intersections based on distance from first vertex, to add in order
Insert any polygon-grid intersections as new polygon vertices
# Figure out how to sort each row of the intersection matrices
# based on distance from (xi1, yi1) (the polygon segment's first point)
# This lets us insert them as new vertices in the proper order
sortix = int_normalized_distance_1to2.argsort(axis=1)
sortix_paired = (numpy.arange(num_poly_vertices)[:, newaxis], sortix)
assert(int_normalized_distance_1to2.shape[0] == num_poly_vertices)
# Use sortix to sort adjacency matrix and the intersection (x, y) coordinates,
# and vstack the original points on top of the top row
xs = vstack((poly_xy[0, :], int_matrix_x[sortix_paired].T))
ys = vstack((poly_xy[1, :], int_matrix_y[sortix_paired].T))
has_intersection = r_[ones((1, poly_xy.shape[1]), dtype=bool),
# If any new points fall outside the window, shrink them back onto it
xy_shrunken = (numpy.real(int_xy_matrix).clip(grid_x[0], grid_x[-1]) + 1j *
numpy.imag(int_xy_matrix).clip(grid_y[0], grid_y[-1]))
# Now use has_intersection to index the intersection coordinates, thus creating a 2-column
# array which holds the [[x, y], ...] for the polygon with added vertices at pixel-boundary
# intersections
poly_xy_xy = c_[xs.T[has_intersection.T], ys.T[has_intersection.T]]
# Use sortix to sort adjacency matrix and the intersection (x, y) coordinates,
# and hstack the original points to the left of the new ones
xy_with_original = hstack((poly_xy[0, :, newaxis] + 1j * poly_xy[1, :, newaxis],
has_intersection = hstack((ones((poly_xy.shape[1], 1), dtype=bool),
# Now remove all extra entries which don't correspond to new vertices
# (ie, no intersection happened), and then flatten, creating our
# polygon-with-extra-vertices, though some extra vertices are included,
# which we must remove manually.
vertices = xy_with_original[has_intersection]
# Remove points outside the window (these will only be original points)
# Since the boundaries of the window are also pixel boundaries, this just
# makes the polygon boundary proceed along the window edge
inside_window = logical_and.reduce((poly_xy_xy[:, 1] <= grid_y[-1],
poly_xy_xy[:, 1] >= grid_y[0],
poly_xy_xy[:, 0] <= grid_x[-1],
poly_xy_xy[:, 0] >= grid_x[0]))
poly_xy_xy = poly_xy_xy[inside_window, :]
inside = logical_and.reduce((numpy.real(vertices) <= grid_x[-1],
numpy.real(vertices) >= grid_x[0],
numpy.imag(vertices) <= grid_y[-1],
numpy.imag(vertices) >= grid_y[0]))
vertices = vertices[inside]
# Remove consecutive duplicate entries
consecutive = diff(poly_xy_xy, axis=0).any(axis=1) # use any() as !=0
poly_xy_xy = poly_xy_xy[r_[True, consecutive], :]
# Remove consecutive duplicate vertices
consecutive = numpy.ediff1d(vertices, to_begin=[1 + 1j]).astype(bool)
vertices = vertices[consecutive]
# If the shape fell completely outside our area, just return a blank grid
if poly_xy_xy.size == 0:
if vertices.size == 0:
return zeros(num_xy_px)
# ## Calculate area, cover
Calculate area, cover
# Calculate segment cover, area, and corresponding pixel's subscripts
poly = vstack((poly_xy_xy,
poly_xy_xy[0, :]))
endpoint_avg = (poly[:-1, :] + poly[1:, :]) / 2
poly = hstack((vertices, vertices[0]))
endpoint_avg = (poly[:-1] + poly[1:]) * 0.5
# Remove segments along the right,top edges
# (they correspond to outside pixels, but couldn't be removed until now
# because poly_xy stores points, not segments, and the edge points are needed
# when creating endpoint_avg)
non_edge = numpy.logical_and(endpoint_avg[:, 0] < grid_x[-1],
endpoint_avg[:, 1] < grid_y[-1])
non_edge = numpy.logical_and(numpy.real(endpoint_avg) < grid_x[-1],
numpy.imag(endpoint_avg) < grid_y[-1])
x_sub = numpy.digitize(endpoint_avg[non_edge, 0], grid_x) - 1
y_sub = numpy.digitize(endpoint_avg[non_edge, 1], grid_y) - 1
endpoint_final = endpoint_avg[non_edge]
x_sub = numpy.digitize(numpy.real(endpoint_final), grid_x) - 1
y_sub = numpy.digitize(numpy.imag(endpoint_final), grid_y) - 1
cover = diff(poly[:, 1], axis=0)[non_edge] / diff(grid_y)[y_sub]
area = (endpoint_avg[non_edge, 0] - grid_x[x_sub]) * cover / diff(grid_x)[x_sub]
cover = diff(numpy.imag(poly), axis=0)[non_edge] / diff(grid_y)[y_sub]
area = (numpy.real(endpoint_final) - grid_x[x_sub]) * cover / diff(grid_x)[x_sub]
# Use coo_matrix(...).toarray() to efficiently convert from (x, y, v) pairs to ndarrays.
# We can use v = (-area + 1j * cover) followed with calls to numpy.real() and numpy.imag() to
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