493 lines
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493 lines
18 KiB
Various operators and helper functions for solving for waveguide modes.
Assuming a z-dependence of the from exp(-i * wavenumber * z), we can simplify Maxwell's
equations in the absence of sources to the form
A @ [H_x, H_y] = wavenumber**2 * [H_x, H_y]
with A =
omega**2 * epsilon * mu +
epsilon * [[-Dy], [Dx]] / epsilon * [-Dy, Dx] +
[[Dx], [Dy]] / mu * [Dx, Dy] * mu
which is the form used in this file.
As the z-dependence is known, all the functions in this file assume a 2D grid
(ie. dxes = [[[dx_e_0, dx_e_1, ...], [dy_e_0, ...]], [[dx_h_0, ...], [dy_h_0, ...]]])
with propagation along the z axis.
# TODO update module docs
from typing import List, Tuple
import numpy
from numpy.linalg import norm
import scipy.sparse as sparse
from .. import vec, unvec, dx_lists_t, field_t, vfield_t
from . import operators
__author__ = 'Jan Petykiewicz'
def operator_e(omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
epsilon: vfield_t,
mu: vfield_t = None,
) -> sparse.spmatrix:
if numpy.any(numpy.equal(mu, None)):
mu = numpy.ones_like(epsilon)
Dfx, Dfy = operators.deriv_forward(dxes[0])
Dbx, Dby = operators.deriv_back(dxes[1])
eps_parts = numpy.split(epsilon, 3)
eps_xy = sparse.diags(numpy.hstack((eps_parts[0], eps_parts[1])))
eps_z_inv = sparse.diags(1 / eps_parts[2])
mu_parts = numpy.split(mu, 3)
mu_yx = sparse.diags(numpy.hstack((mu_parts[1], mu_parts[0])))
mu_z_inv = sparse.diags(1 / mu_parts[2])
op = omega * omega * mu_yx @ eps_xy + \
mu_yx @ sparse.vstack((-Dby, Dbx)) @ mu_z_inv @ sparse.hstack((-Dfy, Dfx)) + \
sparse.vstack((Dfx, Dfy)) @ eps_z_inv @ sparse.hstack((Dbx, Dby)) @ eps_xy
return op
def operator_h(omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
epsilon: vfield_t,
mu: vfield_t = None,
) -> sparse.spmatrix:
Waveguide operator of the form
omega**2 * epsilon * mu +
epsilon * [[-Dy], [Dx]] / epsilon * [-Dy, Dx] +
[[Dx], [Dy]] / mu * [Dx, Dy] * mu
for use with a field vector of the form [H_x, H_y].
This operator can be used to form an eigenvalue problem of the form
A @ [H_x, H_y] = wavenumber**2 * [H_x, H_y]
which can then be solved for the eigenmodes of the system (an exp(-i * wavenumber * z)
z-dependence is assumed for the fields).
:param omega: The angular frequency of the system
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types (2D)
:param epsilon: Vectorized dielectric constant grid
:param mu: Vectorized magnetic permeability grid (default 1 everywhere)
:return: Sparse matrix representation of the operator
if numpy.any(numpy.equal(mu, None)):
mu = numpy.ones_like(epsilon)
Dfx, Dfy = operators.deriv_forward(dxes[0])
Dbx, Dby = operators.deriv_back(dxes[1])
eps_parts = numpy.split(epsilon, 3)
eps_yx = sparse.diags(numpy.hstack((eps_parts[1], eps_parts[0])))
eps_z_inv = sparse.diags(1 / eps_parts[2])
mu_parts = numpy.split(mu, 3)
mu_xy = sparse.diags(numpy.hstack((mu_parts[0], mu_parts[1])))
mu_z_inv = sparse.diags(1 / mu_parts[2])
op = omega * omega * eps_yx @ mu_xy + \
eps_yx @ sparse.vstack((-Dfy, Dfx)) @ eps_z_inv @ sparse.hstack((-Dby, Dbx)) + \
sparse.vstack((Dbx, Dby)) @ mu_z_inv @ sparse.hstack((Dfx, Dfy)) @ mu_xy
return op
def normalized_fields_e(e_xy: numpy.ndarray,
wavenumber: complex,
omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
epsilon: vfield_t,
mu: vfield_t = None,
prop_phase: float = 0,
) -> Tuple[vfield_t, vfield_t]:
Given a vector e_xy containing the vectorized E_x and E_y fields,
returns normalized, vectorized E and H fields for the system.
:param e_xy: Vector containing E_x and E_y fields
:param wavenumber: Wavenumber satisfying `operator_e(...) @ e_xy == wavenumber**2 * e_xy`
:param omega: The angular frequency of the system
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types (2D)
:param epsilon: Vectorized dielectric constant grid
:param mu: Vectorized magnetic permeability grid (default 1 everywhere)
:param prop_phase: Phase shift (dz * corrected_wavenumber) over 1 cell in propagation direction.
Default 0 (continuous propagation direction, i.e. dz->0).
:return: Normalized, vectorized (e, h) containing all vector components.
e = exy2e(wavenumber=wavenumber, dxes=dxes, epsilon=epsilon) @ e_xy
h = exy2h(wavenumber=wavenumber, omega=omega, dxes=dxes, epsilon=epsilon, mu=mu) @ e_xy
e_norm, h_norm = _normalized_fields(e=e, h=h, omega=omega, dxes=dxes, epsilon=epsilon,
mu=mu, prop_phase=prop_phase)
return e_norm, h_norm
def normalized_fields_h(h_xy: numpy.ndarray,
wavenumber: complex,
omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
epsilon: vfield_t,
mu: vfield_t = None,
prop_phase: float = 0,
) -> Tuple[vfield_t, vfield_t]:
Given a vector e_xy containing the vectorized E_x and E_y fields,
returns normalized, vectorized E and H fields for the system.
:param e_xy: Vector containing E_x and E_y fields
:param wavenumber: Wavenumber satisfying `operator_e(...) @ e_xy == wavenumber**2 * e_xy`
:param omega: The angular frequency of the system
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types (2D)
:param epsilon: Vectorized dielectric constant grid
:param mu: Vectorized magnetic permeability grid (default 1 everywhere)
:param dxes_prop: Grid cell width in the propagation direction. Default 0 (continuous).
:return: Normalized, vectorized (e, h) containing all vector components.
e = hxy2e(wavenumber=wavenumber, omega=omega, dxes=dxes, epsilon=epsilon, mu=mu) @ h_xy
h = hxy2h(wavenumber=wavenumber, dxes=dxes, mu=mu) @ h_xy
e_norm, h_norm = _normalized_fields(e=e, h=h, omega=omega, dxes=dxes, epsilon=epsilon,
mu=mu, prop_phase=prop_phase)
return e_norm, h_norm
def _normalized_fields(e: numpy.ndarray,
h: numpy.ndarray,
omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
epsilon: vfield_t,
mu: vfield_t = None,
prop_phase: float = 0,
) -> Tuple[vfield_t, vfield_t]:
# TODO documentation
shape = [s.size for s in dxes[0]]
dxes_real = [[numpy.real(d) for d in numpy.meshgrid(*dxes[v], indexing='ij')] for v in (0, 1)]
E = unvec(e, shape)
H = unvec(h, shape)
# Find time-averaged Sz and normalize to it
# H phase is adjusted by a half-cell forward shift for Yee cell, and 1-cell reverse shift for Poynting
phase = numpy.exp(-1j * -prop_phase / 2)
Sz_a = E[0] * numpy.conj(H[1] * phase) * dxes_real[0][1] * dxes_real[1][0]
Sz_b = E[1] * numpy.conj(H[0] * phase) * dxes_real[0][0] * dxes_real[1][1]
Sz_tavg = numpy.real(Sz_a.sum() - Sz_b.sum()) * 0.5 # 0.5 since E, H are assumed to be peak (not RMS) amplitudes
assert Sz_tavg > 0, 'Found a mode propagating in the wrong direction! Sz_tavg={}'.format(Sz_tavg)
energy = epsilon * e.conj() * e
norm_amplitude = 1 / numpy.sqrt(Sz_tavg)
norm_angle = -numpy.angle(e[energy.argmax()]) # Will randomly add a negative sign when mode is symmetric
# Try to break symmetry to assign a consistent sign [experimental TODO]
E_weighted = unvec(e * energy * numpy.exp(1j * norm_angle), shape)
sign = numpy.sign(E_weighted[:, :max(shape[0]//2, 1), :max(shape[1]//2, 1)].real.sum())
norm_factor = sign * norm_amplitude * numpy.exp(1j * norm_angle)
e *= norm_factor
h *= norm_factor
return e, h
def exy2h(wavenumber: complex,
omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
epsilon: vfield_t,
mu: vfield_t = None
) -> sparse.spmatrix:
Operator which transforms the vector e_xy containing the vectorized E_x and E_y fields,
into a vectorized H containing all three H components
:param wavenumber: Wavenumber satisfying `operator_e(...) @ e_xy == wavenumber**2 * e_xy`
:param omega: The angular frequency of the system
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types (2D)
:param epsilon: Vectorized dielectric constant grid
:param mu: Vectorized magnetic permeability grid (default 1 everywhere)
:return: Sparse matrix representing the operator
e2hop = e2h(wavenumber=wavenumber, omega=omega, dxes=dxes, mu=mu)
return e2hop @ exy2e(wavenumber=wavenumber, dxes=dxes, epsilon=epsilon)
def hxy2e(wavenumber: complex,
omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
epsilon: vfield_t,
mu: vfield_t = None
) -> sparse.spmatrix:
Operator which transforms the vector h_xy containing the vectorized H_x and H_y fields,
into a vectorized E containing all three E components
:param wavenumber: Wavenumber satisfying `operator_h(...) @ h_xy == wavenumber**2 * h_xy`
:param omega: The angular frequency of the system
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types (2D)
:param epsilon: Vectorized dielectric constant grid
:param mu: Vectorized magnetic permeability grid (default 1 everywhere)
:return: Sparse matrix representing the operator
h2eop = h2e(wavenumber=wavenumber, omega=omega, dxes=dxes, epsilon=epsilon)
return h2eop @ hxy2h(wavenumber=wavenumber, dxes=dxes, mu=mu)
def hxy2h(wavenumber: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
mu: vfield_t = None
) -> sparse.spmatrix:
Operator which transforms the vector h_xy containing the vectorized H_x and H_y fields,
into a vectorized H containing all three H components
:param wavenumber: Wavenumber satisfying `operator_h(...) @ h_xy == wavenumber**2 * h_xy`
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types (2D)
:param mu: Vectorized magnetic permeability grid (default 1 everywhere)
:return: Sparse matrix representing the operator
Dfx, Dfy = operators.deriv_forward(dxes[0])
hxy2hz = sparse.hstack((Dfx, Dfy)) / (1j * wavenumber)
if not numpy.any(numpy.equal(mu, None)):
mu_parts = numpy.split(mu, 3)
mu_xy = sparse.diags(numpy.hstack((mu_parts[0], mu_parts[1])))
mu_z_inv = sparse.diags(1 / mu_parts[2])
hxy2hz = mu_z_inv @ hxy2hz @ mu_xy
n_pts = dxes[1][0].size * dxes[1][1].size
op = sparse.vstack((sparse.eye(2 * n_pts),
return op
def exy2e(wavenumber: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
epsilon: vfield_t,
) -> sparse.spmatrix:
Operator which transforms the vector e_xy containing the vectorized E_x and E_y fields,
into a vectorized E containing all three E components
:param wavenumber: Wavenumber satisfying `operator_e(...) @ e_xy == wavenumber**2 * e_xy`
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types (2D)
:param epsilon: Vectorized dielectric constant grid
:return: Sparse matrix representing the operator
Dbx, Dby = operators.deriv_back(dxes[1])
exy2ez = sparse.hstack((Dbx, Dby)) / (1j * wavenumber)
if not numpy.any(numpy.equal(epsilon, None)):
epsilon_parts = numpy.split(epsilon, 3)
epsilon_xy = sparse.diags(numpy.hstack((epsilon_parts[0], epsilon_parts[1])))
epsilon_z_inv = sparse.diags(1 / epsilon_parts[2])
exy2ez = epsilon_z_inv @ exy2ez @ epsilon_xy
n_pts = dxes[0][0].size * dxes[0][1].size
op = sparse.vstack((sparse.eye(2 * n_pts),
return op
def e2h(wavenumber: complex,
omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
mu: vfield_t = None
) -> sparse.spmatrix:
Returns an operator which, when applied to a vectorized E eigenfield, produces
the vectorized H eigenfield.
:param wavenumber: Wavenumber satisfying A @ v == wavenumber**2 * v
:param omega: The angular frequency of the system
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types (2D)
:param mu: Vectorized magnetic permeability grid (default 1 everywhere)
:return: Sparse matrix representation of the operator
op = curl_e(wavenumber, dxes) / (-1j * omega)
if not numpy.any(numpy.equal(mu, None)):
op = sparse.diags(1 / mu) @ op
return op
def h2e(wavenumber: complex,
omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
epsilon: vfield_t
) -> sparse.spmatrix:
Returns an operator which, when applied to a vectorized H eigenfield, produces
the vectorized E eigenfield.
:param wavenumber: Wavenumber satisfying A @ v == wavenumber**2 * v
:param omega: The angular frequency of the system
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types (2D)
:param epsilon: Vectorized dielectric constant grid
:return: Sparse matrix representation of the operator
op = sparse.diags(1 / (1j * omega * epsilon)) @ curl_h(wavenumber, dxes)
return op
def curl_e(wavenumber: complex, dxes: dx_lists_t) -> sparse.spmatrix:
Discretized curl operator for use with the waveguide E field.
:param wavenumber: Wavenumber satisfying A @ v == wavenumber**2 * v
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types (2D)
:return: Sparse matrix representation of the operator
n = 1
for d in dxes[0]:
n *= len(d)
Bz = -1j * wavenumber * sparse.eye(n)
Dfx, Dfy = operators.deriv_forward(dxes[0])
return operators.cross([Dfx, Dfy, Bz])
def curl_h(wavenumber: complex, dxes: dx_lists_t) -> sparse.spmatrix:
Discretized curl operator for use with the waveguide H field.
:param wavenumber: Wavenumber satisfying A @ v == wavenumber**2 * v
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types (2D)
:return: Sparse matrix representation of the operator
n = 1
for d in dxes[1]:
n *= len(d)
Bz = -1j * wavenumber * sparse.eye(n)
Dbx, Dby = operators.deriv_back(dxes[1])
return operators.cross([Dbx, Dby, Bz])
def h_err(h: vfield_t,
wavenumber: complex,
omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
epsilon: vfield_t,
mu: vfield_t = None
) -> float:
Calculates the relative error in the H field
:param h: Vectorized H field
:param wavenumber: Wavenumber satisfying A @ v == wavenumber**2 * v
:param omega: The angular frequency of the system
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types (2D)
:param epsilon: Vectorized dielectric constant grid
:param mu: Vectorized magnetic permeability grid (default 1 everywhere)
:return: Relative error norm(OP @ h) / norm(h)
ce = curl_e(wavenumber, dxes)
ch = curl_h(wavenumber, dxes)
eps_inv = sparse.diags(1 / epsilon)
if numpy.any(numpy.equal(mu, None)):
op = ce @ eps_inv @ ch @ h - omega ** 2 * h
op = ce @ eps_inv @ ch @ h - omega ** 2 * (mu * h)
return norm(op) / norm(h)
def e_err(e: vfield_t,
wavenumber: complex,
omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
epsilon: vfield_t,
mu: vfield_t = None
) -> float:
Calculates the relative error in the E field
:param e: Vectorized E field
:param wavenumber: Wavenumber satisfying A @ v == wavenumber**2 * v
:param omega: The angular frequency of the system
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types (2D)
:param epsilon: Vectorized dielectric constant grid
:param mu: Vectorized magnetic permeability grid (default 1 everywhere)
:return: Relative error norm(OP @ e) / norm(e)
ce = curl_e(wavenumber, dxes)
ch = curl_h(wavenumber, dxes)
if numpy.any(numpy.equal(mu, None)):
op = ch @ ce @ e - omega ** 2 * (epsilon * e)
mu_inv = sparse.diags(1 / mu)
op = ch @ mu_inv @ ce @ e - omega ** 2 * (epsilon * e)
return norm(op) / norm(e)
def cylindrical_operator(omega: complex,
dxes: dx_lists_t,
epsilon: vfield_t,
r0: float,
) -> sparse.spmatrix:
Cylindrical coordinate waveguide operator of the form
for use with a field vector of the form [E_r, E_y].
This operator can be used to form an eigenvalue problem of the form
A @ [E_r, E_y] = wavenumber**2 * [E_r, E_y]
which can then be solved for the eigenmodes of the system (an exp(-i * wavenumber * theta)
theta-dependence is assumed for the fields).
:param omega: The angular frequency of the system
:param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in meanas.types (2D)
:param epsilon: Vectorized dielectric constant grid
:param r0: Radius of curvature for the simulation. This should be the minimum value of
r within the simulation domain.
:return: Sparse matrix representation of the operator
Dfx, Dfy = operators.deriv_forward(dxes[0])
Dbx, Dby = operators.deriv_back(dxes[1])
rx = r0 + numpy.cumsum(dxes[0][0])
ry = r0 + dxes[0][0]/2.0 + numpy.cumsum(dxes[1][0])
tx = rx/r0
ty = ry/r0
Tx = sparse.diags(vec(tx[:, None].repeat(dxes[0][1].size, axis=1)))
Ty = sparse.diags(vec(ty[:, None].repeat(dxes[1][1].size, axis=1)))
eps_parts = numpy.split(epsilon, 3)
eps_x = sparse.diags(eps_parts[0])
eps_y = sparse.diags(eps_parts[1])
eps_z_inv = sparse.diags(1 / eps_parts[2])
pa = sparse.vstack((Dfx, Dfy)) @ Tx @ eps_z_inv @ sparse.hstack((Dbx, Dby))
pb = sparse.vstack((Dfx, Dfy)) @ Tx @ eps_z_inv @ sparse.hstack((Dby, Dbx))
a0 = Ty @ eps_x + omega**-2 * Dby @ Ty @ Dfy
a1 = Tx @ eps_y + omega**-2 * Dbx @ Ty @ Dfx
b0 = Dbx @ Ty @ Dfy
b1 = Dby @ Ty @ Dfx
diag = sparse.block_diag
op = (omega**2 * diag((Tx, Ty)) + pa) @ diag((a0, a1)) + \
- (sparse.bmat(((None, Ty), (Tx, None))) + omega**-2 * pb) @ diag((b0, b1))
return op