""" Functions for performing near-to-farfield transformation (and the reverse). """ from typing import Dict, List, Any import numpy from numpy.fft import fft2, fftshift, fftfreq, ifft2, ifftshift from numpy import pi from ..fdmath import fdfield_t def near_to_farfield(E_near: fdfield_t, H_near: fdfield_t, dx: float, dy: float, padded_size: List[int] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Compute the farfield, i.e. the distribution of the fields after propagation through several wavelengths of uniform medium. The input fields should be complex phasors. :param E_near: List of 2 ndarrays containing the 2D phasor field slices for the transverse E fields (e.g. [Ex, Ey] for calculating the farfield toward the z-direction). :param H_near: List of 2 ndarrays containing the 2D phasor field slices for the transverse H fields (e.g. [Hx, hy] for calculating the farfield towrad the z-direction). :param dx: Cell size along x-dimension, in units of wavelength. :param dy: Cell size along y-dimension, in units of wavelength. :param padded_size: Shape of the output. A single integer `n` will be expanded to `(n, n)`. Powers of 2 are most efficient for FFT computation. Default is the smallest power of 2 larger than the input, for each axis. :returns: Dict with keys 'E_far': Normalized E-field farfield; multiply by (i k exp(-i k r) / (4 pi r)) to get the actual field value. 'H_far': Normalized H-field farfield; multiply by (i k exp(-i k r) / (4 pi r)) to get the actual field value. 'kx', 'ky': Wavevector values corresponding to the x- and y- axes in E_far and H_far, normalized to wavelength (dimensionless). 'dkx', 'dky': step size for kx and ky, normalized to wavelength. 'theta': arctan2(ky, kx) corresponding to each (kx, ky). This is the angle in the x-y plane, counterclockwise from above, starting from +x. 'phi': arccos(kz / k) corresponding to each (kx, ky). This is the angle away from +z. """ if not len(E_near) == 2: raise Exception('E_near must be a length-2 list of ndarrays') if not len(H_near) == 2: raise Exception('H_near must be a length-2 list of ndarrays') s = E_near[0].shape if not all(s == f.shape for f in E_near + H_near): raise Exception('All fields must be the same shape!') if padded_size is None: padded_size = (2**numpy.ceil(numpy.log2(s))).astype(int) if not hasattr(padded_size, '__len__'): padded_size = (padded_size, padded_size) En_fft = [fftshift(fft2(fftshift(Eni), s=padded_size)) for Eni in E_near] Hn_fft = [fftshift(fft2(fftshift(Hni), s=padded_size)) for Hni in H_near] # Propagation vectors kx, ky k = 2 * pi kxx = 2 * pi * fftshift(fftfreq(padded_size[0], dx)) kyy = 2 * pi * fftshift(fftfreq(padded_size[1], dy)) kx, ky = numpy.meshgrid(kxx, kyy, indexing='ij') kxy2 = kx * kx + ky * ky kxy = numpy.sqrt(kxy2) kz = numpy.sqrt(k * k - kxy2) sin_th = ky / kxy cos_th = kx / kxy cos_phi = kz / k sin_th[numpy.logical_and(kx == 0, ky == 0)] = 0 cos_th[numpy.logical_and(kx == 0, ky == 0)] = 1 # Normalized vector potentials N, L N = [-Hn_fft[1] * cos_phi * cos_th + Hn_fft[0] * cos_phi * sin_th, Hn_fft[1] * sin_th + Hn_fft[0] * cos_th] L = [ En_fft[1] * cos_phi * cos_th - En_fft[0] * cos_phi * sin_th, -En_fft[1] * sin_th - En_fft[0] * cos_th] E_far = [-L[1] - N[0], L[0] - N[1]] H_far = [-E_far[1], E_far[0]] theta = numpy.arctan2(ky, kx) phi = numpy.arccos(cos_phi) theta[numpy.logical_and(kx == 0, ky == 0)] = 0 phi[numpy.logical_and(kx == 0, ky == 0)] = 0 # Zero fields beyond valid (phi, theta) invalid_ind = kxy2 >= k * k theta[invalid_ind] = 0 phi[invalid_ind] = 0 for i in range(2): E_far[i][invalid_ind] = 0 H_far[i][invalid_ind] = 0 outputs = { 'E': E_far, 'H': H_far, 'dkx': kx[1]-kx[0], 'dky': ky[1]-ky[0], 'kx': kx, 'ky': ky, 'theta': theta, 'phi': phi, } return outputs def far_to_nearfield(E_far: fdfield_t, H_far: fdfield_t, dkx: float, dky: float, padded_size: List[int] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Compute the farfield, i.e. the distribution of the fields after propagation through several wavelengths of uniform medium. The input fields should be complex phasors. :param E_far: List of 2 ndarrays containing the 2D phasor field slices for the transverse E fields (e.g. [Ex, Ey] for calculating the nearfield toward the z-direction). Fields should be normalized so that E_far = E_far_actual / (i k exp(-i k r) / (4 pi r)) :param H_far: List of 2 ndarrays containing the 2D phasor field slices for the transverse H fields (e.g. [Hx, hy] for calculating the nearfield toward the z-direction). Fields should be normalized so that H_far = H_far_actual / (i k exp(-i k r) / (4 pi r)) :param dkx: kx discretization, in units of wavelength. :param dky: ky discretization, in units of wavelength. :param padded_size: Shape of the output. A single integer `n` will be expanded to `(n, n)`. Powers of 2 are most efficient for FFT computation. Default is the smallest power of 2 larger than the input, for each axis. :returns: Dict with keys 'E': E-field nearfield 'H': H-field nearfield 'dx', 'dy': spatial discretization, normalized to wavelength (dimensionless) """ if not len(E_far) == 2: raise Exception('E_far must be a length-2 list of ndarrays') if not len(H_far) == 2: raise Exception('H_far must be a length-2 list of ndarrays') s = E_far[0].shape if not all(s == f.shape for f in E_far + H_far): raise Exception('All fields must be the same shape!') if padded_size is None: padded_size = (2**numpy.ceil(numpy.log2(s))).astype(int) if not hasattr(padded_size, '__len__'): padded_size = (padded_size, padded_size) k = 2 * pi kxs = fftshift(fftfreq(s[0], 1/(s[0] * dkx))) kys = fftshift(fftfreq(s[0], 1/(s[1] * dky))) kx, ky = numpy.meshgrid(kxs, kys, indexing='ij') kxy2 = kx * kx + ky * ky kxy = numpy.sqrt(kxy2) kz = numpy.sqrt(k * k - kxy2) sin_th = ky / kxy cos_th = kx / kxy cos_phi = kz / k sin_th[numpy.logical_and(kx == 0, ky == 0)] = 0 cos_th[numpy.logical_and(kx == 0, ky == 0)] = 1 # Zero fields beyond valid (phi, theta) invalid_ind = kxy2 >= k * k theta[invalid_ind] = 0 phi[invalid_ind] = 0 for i in range(2): E_far[i][invalid_ind] = 0 H_far[i][invalid_ind] = 0 # Normalized vector potentials N, L L = [0.5 * E_far[1], -0.5 * E_far[0]] N = [L[1], -L[0]] En_fft = [-( L[0] * sin_th + L[1] * cos_phi * cos_th)/cos_phi, -(-L[0] * cos_th + L[1] * cos_phi * sin_th)/cos_phi] Hn_fft = [( N[0] * sin_th + N[1] * cos_phi * cos_th)/cos_phi, (-N[0] * cos_th + N[1] * cos_phi * sin_th)/cos_phi] for i in range(2): En_fft[i][cos_phi == 0] = 0 Hn_fft[i][cos_phi == 0] = 0 E_near = [ifftshift(ifft2(ifftshift(Ei), s=padded_size)) for Ei in En_fft] H_near = [ifftshift(ifft2(ifftshift(Hi), s=padded_size)) for Hi in Hn_fft] dx = 2 * pi / (s[0] * dkx) dy = 2 * pi / (s[0] * dky) outputs = { 'E': E_near, 'H': H_near, 'dx': dx, 'dy': dy, } return outputs