# meanas README **meanas** is a python package for electromagnetic simulations ** UNSTABLE / WORK IN PROGRESS ** Formerly known as [fdfd_tools](https://mpxd.net/code/jan/fdfd_tools). This package is intended for building simulation inputs, analyzing simulation outputs, and running short simulations on unspecialized hardware. It is designed to provide tooling and a baseline for other, high-performance purpose- and hardware-specific solvers. **Contents** - Finite difference frequency domain (FDFD) * Library of sparse matrices for representing the electromagnetic wave equation in 3D, as well as auxiliary matrices for conversion between fields * Waveguide mode operators * Waveguide mode eigensolver * Stretched-coordinate PML boundaries (SCPML) * Functional versions of most operators * Anisotropic media (limited to diagonal elements eps_xx, eps_yy, eps_zz, mu_xx, ...) * Arbitrary distributions of perfect electric and magnetic conductors (PEC / PMC) - Finite difference time domain (FDTD) * Basic Maxwell time-steps * Poynting vector and energy calculation * Convolutional PMLs This package does *not* provide a fast matrix solver, though by default `meanas.fdfd.solvers.generic(...)` will call `scipy.sparse.linalg.qmr(...)` to perform a solve. For 2D FDFD problems this should be fine; likewise, the waveguide mode solver uses scipy's eigenvalue solver, with reasonable results. For solving large (or 3D) FDFD problems, I recommend a GPU-based iterative solver, such as [opencl_fdfd](https://mpxd.net/code/jan/opencl_fdfd) or those included in [MAGMA](http://icl.cs.utk.edu/magma/index.html). Your solver will need the ability to solve complex symmetric (non-Hermitian) linear systems, ideally with double precision. - [Source repository](https://mpxd.net/code/jan/meanas) - PyPI *TBD* ## Installation **Requirements:** * python 3 (tests require 3.7) * numpy * scipy Install from PyPI with pip: ```bash pip3 install 'meanas[test,examples]' ``` ### Development install Install python3.7 and virtualenv: ```bash # This is for Debian/Ubuntu/other-apt-based systems; you may need an alternative command sudo apt install python3.7 virtualenv build-essential python3.7-dev ``` If python 3.7 is not your default python3 version, create a virtualenv: ```bash # Check python3 version: python3 --version # output: Python 3.7.5rc1 # Create a virtual environment using python3.7 and place it in the directory `venv/` virtualenv -p python3.7 venv ``` In-place development install: ```bash # Download using git git clone --branch ongoing https://mpxd.net/code/jan/fdfd_tools.git meanas/ # NOTE: In the future this will become #git clone https://mpxd.net/code/jan/meanas.git # If you are using a virtualenv, activate it source venv/bin/activate # Install in-place (-e, editable) from ./meanas, including testing and example dependencies ([test, examples]) pip3 install --user -e './meanas[test,examples]' # Run tests python3 -m pytest ``` ## Use See `examples/` for some simple examples; you may need additional packages such as [gridlock](https://mpxd.net/code/jan/gridlock) to run the examples.