""" Tools for working with waveguide modes in 3D domains. This module relies heavily on `waveguide_2d` and mostly just transforms its parameters into 2D equivalents and expands the results back into 3D. """ from typing import Dict, List, Tuple import numpy import scipy.sparse as sparse from .. import vec, unvec, dx_lists_t, vfield_t, field_t from . import operators, waveguide_2d, functional def solve_mode(mode_number: int, omega: complex, dxes: dx_lists_t, axis: int, polarity: int, slices: List[slice], epsilon: field_t, mu: field_t = None, ) -> Dict[str, complex or numpy.ndarray]: """ Given a 3D grid, selects a slice from the grid and attempts to solve for an eigenmode propagating through that slice. Args: mode_number: Number of the mode, 0-indexed omega: Angular frequency of the simulation dxes: Grid parameters `[dx_e, dx_h]` as described in `meanas.types` axis: Propagation axis (0=x, 1=y, 2=z) polarity: Propagation direction (+1 for +ve, -1 for -ve) slices: `epsilon[tuple(slices)]` is used to select the portion of the grid to use as the waveguide cross-section. `slices[axis]` should select only one item. epsilon: Dielectric constant mu: Magnetic permeability (default 1 everywhere) Returns: `{'E': List[numpy.ndarray], 'H': List[numpy.ndarray], 'wavenumber': complex}` """ if mu is None: mu = numpy.ones_like(epsilon) slices = tuple(slices) ''' Solve the 2D problem in the specified plane ''' # Define rotation to set z as propagation direction order = numpy.roll(range(3), 2 - axis) reverse_order = numpy.roll(range(3), axis - 2) # Find dx in propagation direction dxab_forward = numpy.array([dx[order[2]][slices[order[2]]] for dx in dxes]) dx_prop = 0.5 * sum(dxab_forward)[0] # Reduce to 2D and solve the 2D problem args_2d = { 'omega': omega, 'dxes': [[dx[i][slices[i]] for i in order[:2]] for dx in dxes], 'epsilon': vec([epsilon[i][slices].transpose(order) for i in order]), 'mu': vec([mu[i][slices].transpose(order) for i in order]), } e_xy, wavenumber_2d = waveguide_2d.solve_mode(mode_number, **args_2d) ''' Apply corrections and expand to 3D ''' # Correct wavenumber to account for numerical dispersion. wavenumber = 2/dx_prop * numpy.arcsin(wavenumber_2d * dx_prop/2) shape = [d.size for d in args_2d['dxes'][0]] ve, vh = waveguide.normalized_fields_e(e_xy, wavenumber=wavenumber_2d, **args_2d, prop_phase=dx_prop * wavenumber) e = unvec(ve, shape) h = unvec(vh, shape) # Adjust for propagation direction h *= polarity # Apply phase shift to H-field h[:2] *= numpy.exp(-1j * polarity * 0.5 * wavenumber * dx_prop) e[2] *= numpy.exp(-1j * polarity * 0.5 * wavenumber * dx_prop) # Expand E, H to full epsilon space we were given E = numpy.zeros_like(epsilon, dtype=complex) H = numpy.zeros_like(epsilon, dtype=complex) for a, o in enumerate(reverse_order): E[(a, *slices)] = e[o][:, :, None].transpose(reverse_order) H[(a, *slices)] = h[o][:, :, None].transpose(reverse_order) results = { 'wavenumber': wavenumber, 'wavenumber_2d': wavenumber_2d, 'H': H, 'E': E, } return results def compute_source(E: field_t, wavenumber: complex, omega: complex, dxes: dx_lists_t, axis: int, polarity: int, slices: List[slice], epsilon: field_t, mu: field_t = None, ) -> field_t: """ Given an eigenmode obtained by `solve_mode`, returns the current source distribution necessary to position a unidirectional source at the slice location. Args: E: E-field of the mode wavenumber: Wavenumber of the mode omega: Angular frequency of the simulation dxes: Grid parameters `[dx_e, dx_h]` as described in `meanas.types` axis: Propagation axis (0=x, 1=y, 2=z) polarity: Propagation direction (+1 for +ve, -1 for -ve) slices: `epsilon[tuple(slices)]` is used to select the portion of the grid to use as the waveguide cross-section. `slices[axis]` should select only one item. mu: Magnetic permeability (default 1 everywhere) Returns: J distribution for the unidirectional source """ E_expanded = expand_e(E=E, dxes=dxes, wavenumber=wavenumber, axis=axis, polarity=polarity, slices=slices) smask = [slice(None)] * 4 if polarity > 0: smask[axis + 1] = slice(slices[axis].start, None) else: smask[axis + 1] = slice(None, slices[axis].stop) mask = numpy.zeros_like(E_expanded, dtype=int) mask[tuple(smask)] = 1 masked_e2j = operators.e_boundary_source(mask=vec(mask), omega=omega, dxes=dxes, epsilon=vec(epsilon), mu=vec(mu)) J = unvec(masked_e2j @ vec(E_expanded), E.shape[1:]) return J def compute_overlap_e(E: field_t, wavenumber: complex, dxes: dx_lists_t, axis: int, polarity: int, slices: List[slice], ) -> field_t: # TODO DOCS """ Given an eigenmode obtained by `solve_mode`, calculates an overlap_e for the mode orthogonality relation Integrate(((E x H_mode) + (E_mode x H)) dot dn) [assumes reflection symmetry]. Args: E: E-field of the mode H: H-field of the mode (advanced by half of a Yee cell from E) wavenumber: Wavenumber of the mode omega: Angular frequency of the simulation dxes: Grid parameters `[dx_e, dx_h]` as described in `meanas.types` axis: Propagation axis (0=x, 1=y, 2=z) polarity: Propagation direction (+1 for +ve, -1 for -ve) slices: `epsilon[tuple(slices)]` is used to select the portion of the grid to use as the waveguide cross-section. slices[axis] should select only one item. mu: Magnetic permeability (default 1 everywhere) Returns: overlap_e such that `numpy.sum(overlap_e * other_e)` computes the overlap integral """ slices = tuple(slices) Ee = expand_e(E=E, wavenumber=wavenumber, dxes=dxes, axis=axis, polarity=polarity, slices=slices) start, stop = sorted((slices[axis].start, slices[axis].start - 2 * polarity)) slices2 = list(slices) slices2[axis] = slice(start, stop) slices2 = (slice(None), *slices2) Etgt = numpy.zeros_like(Ee) Etgt[slices2] = Ee[slices2] Etgt /= (Etgt.conj() * Etgt).sum() return Etgt def expand_e(E: field_t, wavenumber: complex, dxes: dx_lists_t, axis: int, polarity: int, slices: List[slice], ) -> field_t: """ Given an eigenmode obtained by `solve_mode`, expands the E-field from the 2D slice where the mode was calculated to the entire domain (along the propagation axis). This assumes the epsilon cross-section remains constant throughout the entire domain; it is up to the caller to truncate the expansion to any regions where it is valid. Args: E: E-field of the mode wavenumber: Wavenumber of the mode dxes: Grid parameters `[dx_e, dx_h]` as described in `meanas.types` axis: Propagation axis (0=x, 1=y, 2=z) polarity: Propagation direction (+1 for +ve, -1 for -ve) slices: `epsilon[tuple(slices)]` is used to select the portion of the grid to use as the waveguide cross-section. slices[axis] should select only one item. Returns: `E`, with the original field expanded along the specified `axis`. """ slices = tuple(slices) # Determine phase factors for parallel slices a_shape = numpy.roll([1, -1, 1, 1], axis) a_E = numpy.real(dxes[0][axis]).cumsum() r_E = a_E - a_E[slices[axis]] iphi = polarity * -1j * wavenumber phase_E = numpy.exp(iphi * r_E).reshape(a_shape) # Expand our slice to the entire grid using the phase factors E_expanded = numpy.zeros_like(E) slices_exp = list(slices) slices_exp[axis] = slice(E.shape[axis + 1]) slices_exp = (slice(None), *slices_exp) slices_in = (slice(None), *slices) E_expanded[slices_exp] = phase_E * numpy.array(E)[slices_in] return E_expanded