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1f9a9949c0 | |||
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@ -1,11 +1,5 @@
# fdfd_tools
The functionality in this module is now provided by [meanas](
**fdfd_tools** is a python package containing utilities for
creating and analyzing 2D and 3D finite-difference frequency-domain (FDFD)
electromagnetic simulations.
@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ g2.shifts = numpy.zeros((6,3))
g2.grids = [numpy.zeros(g.shape) for _ in range(6)]
epsilon = [g.grids[0],] * 3
reciprocal_lattice = numpy.diag(1e6/numpy.array([x_period, y_period, z_period])) #cols are vectors
reciprocal_lattice = numpy.diag(1000/numpy.array([x_period, y_period, z_period])) #cols are vectors
#print('Finding k at 1550nm')
#k, f = bloch.find_k(frequency=1/1550,
# tolerance=(1/1550 - 1/1551),
#k, f = bloch.find_k(frequency=1000/1550,
# tolerance=(1000 * (1/1550 - 1/1551)),
# direction=[1, 0, 0],
# G_matrix=reciprocal_lattice,
# epsilon=epsilon,
@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ for k0x in [.25]:
k0 = numpy.array([k0x, 0, 0])
kmag = norm(reciprocal_lattice @ k0)
tolerance = (1e6/1550) * 1e-4/1.5 # df = f * dn_eff / n
tolerance = (1000/1550) * 1e-4/1.5 # df = f * dn_eff / n
||||'tolerance {}'.format(tolerance))
n, v = bloch.eigsolve(4, k0, G_matrix=reciprocal_lattice, epsilon=epsilon, tolerance=tolerance)
n, v = bloch.eigsolve(4, k0, G_matrix=reciprocal_lattice, epsilon=epsilon, tolerance=tolerance**2)
v2e = bloch.hmn_2_exyz(k0, G_matrix=reciprocal_lattice, epsilon=epsilon)
v2h = bloch.hmn_2_hxyz(k0, G_matrix=reciprocal_lattice, epsilon=epsilon)
ki = bloch.generate_kmn(k0, reciprocal_lattice, g.shape)
@ -73,21 +73,44 @@ This module contains functions for generating and solving the
from typing import List, Tuple, Callable, Dict
from typing import Tuple, Callable
import logging
import numpy
from numpy.fft import fftn, ifftn, fftfreq
from numpy import pi, real, trace
from numpy.fft import fftfreq
import scipy
import scipy.optimize
from scipy.linalg import norm
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spalg
from .eigensolvers import rayleigh_quotient_iteration
from . import field_t
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft
import pyfftw.interfaces
import multiprocessing
fftw_args = {
'threads': multiprocessing.cpu_count(),
'overwrite_input': True,
'planner_effort': 'FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE',
def fftn(*args, **kwargs):
return pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.fftn(*args, **kwargs, **fftw_args)
def ifftn(*args, **kwargs):
return pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.ifftn(*args, **kwargs, **fftw_args)
except ImportError:
from numpy.fft import fftn, ifftn
def generate_kmn(k0: numpy.ndarray,
G_matrix: numpy.ndarray,
shape: numpy.ndarray
@ -255,7 +278,7 @@ def hmn_2_hxyz(k0: numpy.ndarray,
:return: Function for converting h_mn into H_xyz
shape = epsilon[0].shape + (1,)
k_mag, m, n = generate_kmn(k0, G_matrix, shape)
_k_mag, m, n = generate_kmn(k0, G_matrix, shape)
def operator(h: numpy.ndarray):
hin_m, hin_n = [hi.reshape(shape) for hi in numpy.split(h, 2)]
@ -329,147 +352,14 @@ def inverse_maxwell_operator_approx(k0: numpy.ndarray,
d_xyz = fftn(ifftn(e_xyz, axes=range(3)) * epsilon, axes=range(3))
# cross product and transform into mn basis crossinv_t2c
h_m = numpy.sum(e_xyz * n, axis=3)[:, :, :, None] / +k_mag
h_n = numpy.sum(e_xyz * m, axis=3)[:, :, :, None] / -k_mag
h_m = numpy.sum(d_xyz * n, axis=3)[:, :, :, None] / +k_mag
h_n = numpy.sum(d_xyz * m, axis=3)[:, :, :, None] / -k_mag
return numpy.hstack((h_m.ravel(), h_n.ravel()))
return operator
def eigsolve(num_modes: int,
k0: numpy.ndarray,
G_matrix: numpy.ndarray,
epsilon: field_t,
mu: field_t = None,
tolerance = 1e-8,
) -> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:
Find the first (lowest-frequency) num_modes eigenmodes with Bloch wavevector
k0 of the specified structure.
:param k0: Bloch wavevector, [k0x, k0y, k0z].
:param G_matrix: 3x3 matrix, with reciprocal lattice vectors as columns.
:param epsilon: Dielectric constant distribution for the simulation.
All fields are sampled at cell centers (i.e., NOT Yee-gridded)
:param mu: Magnetic permability distribution for the simulation.
Default None (1 everywhere).
:return: (eigenvalues, eigenvectors) where eigenvalues[i] corresponds to the
vector eigenvectors[i, :]
h_size = 2 * epsilon[0].size
kmag = norm(G_matrix @ k0)
Generate the operators
mop = maxwell_operator(k0=k0, G_matrix=G_matrix, epsilon=epsilon, mu=mu)
imop = inverse_maxwell_operator_approx(k0=k0, G_matrix=G_matrix, epsilon=epsilon, mu=mu)
scipy_op = spalg.LinearOperator(dtype=complex, shape=(h_size, h_size), matvec=mop)
scipy_iop = spalg.LinearOperator(dtype=complex, shape=(h_size, h_size), matvec=imop)
y_shape = (h_size, num_modes)
def rayleigh_quotient(Z: numpy.ndarray, approx_grad: bool = True):
Absolute value of the block Rayleigh quotient, and the associated gradient.
See Johnson and Joannopoulos, Opt. Expr. 8, 3 (2001) for details (full
citation in module docstring).
Notes on my understanding of the procedure:
Minimize f(Y) = |trace((Y.H @ A @ Y)|, making use of Y = Z @ inv(Z.H @ Z)^(1/2)
(a polar orthogonalization of Y). This gives f(Z) = |trace(Z.H @ A @ Z @ U)|,
where U = inv(Z.H @ Z). We minimize the absolute value to find the eigenvalues
with smallest magnitude.
The gradient is P @ (A @ Z @ U), where P = (1 - Z @ U @ Z.H) is a projection
onto the space orthonormal to Z. If approx_grad is True, the approximate
inverse of the maxwell operator is used to precondition the gradient.
z = Z.view(dtype=complex).reshape(y_shape)
U = numpy.linalg.inv(z.conj().T @ z)
zU = z @ U
AzU = scipy_op @ zU
zTAzU = z.conj().T @ AzU
f = numpy.real(numpy.trace(zTAzU))
if approx_grad:
df_dy = scipy_iop @ (AzU - zU @ zTAzU)
df_dy = (AzU - zU @ zTAzU)
df_dy_flat = df_dy.view(dtype=float).ravel()
return numpy.abs(f), numpy.sign(f) * df_dy_flat
Use the conjugate gradient method and the approximate gradient calculation to
quickly find approximate eigenvectors.
result = scipy.optimize.minimize(rayleigh_quotient,
numpy.random.rand(*y_shape, 2),
options={'maxiter': 2000, 'gtol':0, 'ftol':1e-20 , 'disp':True})#, 'maxls':80, 'm':30})
result = scipy.optimize.minimize(lambda y: rayleigh_quotient(y, True),
options={'maxiter': 2000, 'gtol':0, 'disp':True})
result = scipy.optimize.minimize(lambda y: rayleigh_quotient(y, False),
options={'maxiter': 2000, 'gtol':0, 'disp':True})
for i in range(20):
result = scipy.optimize.minimize(lambda y: rayleigh_quotient(y, False),
options={'maxiter': 70, 'gtol':0, 'disp':True})
if result.nit == 0:
# We took 0 steps, so re-running won't help
z = result.x.view(dtype=complex).reshape(y_shape)
Recover eigenvectors from Z
U = numpy.linalg.inv(z.conj().T @ z)
y = z @ scipy.linalg.sqrtm(U)
w = y.conj().T @ (scipy_op @ y)
eigvals, w_eigvecs = numpy.linalg.eig(w)
eigvecs = y @ w_eigvecs
for i in range(len(eigvals)):
v = eigvecs[:, i]
n = eigvals[i]
v /= norm(v)
eigness = norm(scipy_op @ v - (v.conj() @ (scipy_op @ v)) * v )
f = numpy.sqrt(-numpy.real(n))
df = numpy.sqrt(-numpy.real(n + eigness))
neff_err = kmag * (1/df - 1/f)
||||'eigness {}: {}\n neff_err: {}'.format(i, eigness, neff_err))
order = numpy.argsort(numpy.abs(eigvals))
return eigvals[order], eigvecs.T[order]
def find_k(frequency: float,
tolerance: float,
direction: numpy.ndarray,
@ -499,7 +389,7 @@ def find_k(frequency: float,
def get_f(k0_mag: float, band: int = 0):
k0 = direction * k0_mag
n, _v = eigsolve(band + 1, k0, G_matrix=G_matrix, epsilon=epsilon)
n, _v = eigsolve(band + 1, k0, G_matrix=G_matrix, epsilon=epsilon, mu=mu)
f = numpy.sqrt(numpy.abs(numpy.real(n[band])))
return f
@ -511,3 +401,244 @@ def find_k(frequency: float,
return res.x * direction, + frequency
def eigsolve(num_modes: int,
k0: numpy.ndarray,
G_matrix: numpy.ndarray,
epsilon: field_t,
mu: field_t = None,
tolerance: float = 1e-20,
max_iters: int = 10000,
reset_iters: int = 100,
) -> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:
Find the first (lowest-frequency) num_modes eigenmodes with Bloch wavevector
k0 of the specified structure.
:param k0: Bloch wavevector, [k0x, k0y, k0z].
:param G_matrix: 3x3 matrix, with reciprocal lattice vectors as columns.
:param epsilon: Dielectric constant distribution for the simulation.
All fields are sampled at cell centers (i.e., NOT Yee-gridded)
:param mu: Magnetic permability distribution for the simulation.
Default None (1 everywhere).
:param tolerance: Solver stops when fractional change in the objective
trace(Z.H @ A @ Z @ inv(Z Z.H)) is smaller than the tolerance
:return: (eigenvalues, eigenvectors) where eigenvalues[i] corresponds to the
vector eigenvectors[i, :]
h_size = 2 * epsilon[0].size
kmag = norm(G_matrix @ k0)
Generate the operators
mop = maxwell_operator(k0=k0, G_matrix=G_matrix, epsilon=epsilon, mu=mu)
imop = inverse_maxwell_operator_approx(k0=k0, G_matrix=G_matrix, epsilon=epsilon, mu=mu)
scipy_op = spalg.LinearOperator(dtype=complex, shape=(h_size, h_size), matvec=mop)
scipy_iop = spalg.LinearOperator(dtype=complex, shape=(h_size, h_size), matvec=imop)
y_shape = (h_size, num_modes)
prev_E = 0
d_scale = 1
prev_traceGtKG = 0
#prev_theta = 0.5
D = numpy.zeros(shape=y_shape, dtype=complex)
y0 = None
if y0 is None:
Z = numpy.random.rand(*y_shape) + 1j * numpy.random.rand(*y_shape)
Z = y0
while True:
Z *= num_modes / norm(Z)
ZtZ = Z.conj().T @ Z
U = numpy.linalg.inv(ZtZ)
except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError:
Z = numpy.random.rand(*y_shape) + 1j * numpy.random.rand(*y_shape)
trace_U = real(trace(U))
if trace_U > 1e8 * num_modes:
Z = Z @ scipy.linalg.sqrtm(U).conj().T
prev_traceGtKG = 0
for i in range(max_iters):
ZtZ = Z.conj().T @ Z
U = numpy.linalg.inv(ZtZ)
AZ = scipy_op @ Z
AZU = AZ @ U
ZtAZU = Z.conj().T @ AZU
E_signed = real(trace(ZtAZU))
sgn = numpy.sign(E_signed)
E = numpy.abs(E_signed)
G = (AZU - Z @ U @ ZtAZU) * sgn
if i > 0 and abs(E - prev_E) < tolerance * 0.5 * (E + prev_E + 1e-7):
||||'Optimization succeded: {} - 5e-8 < {} * {} / 2'.format(abs(E - prev_E), tolerance, E + prev_E))
KG = scipy_iop @ G
traceGtKG = _rtrace_AtB(G, KG)
if prev_traceGtKG == 0 or i % reset_iters == 0:
||||'CG reset')
gamma = 0
gamma = traceGtKG / prev_traceGtKG
D = gamma / d_scale * D + KG
d_scale = num_modes / norm(D)
D *= d_scale
ZtAZ = Z.conj().T @ AZ
AD = scipy_op @ D
DtD = D.conj().T @ D
DtAD = D.conj().T @ AD
symZtD = _symmetrize(Z.conj().T @ D)
symZtAD = _symmetrize(Z.conj().T @ AD)
Qi_memo = [None, None]
def Qi_func(theta):
nonlocal Qi_memo
if Qi_memo[0] == theta:
return Qi_memo[1]
c = numpy.cos(theta)
s = numpy.sin(theta)
Q = c*c * ZtZ + s*s * DtD + 2*s*c * symZtD
Qi = numpy.linalg.inv(Q)
except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError:
||||'taylor Qi')
# if c or s small, taylor expand
if c < 1e-4 * s and c != 0:
DtDi = numpy.linalg.inv(DtD)
Qi = DtDi / (s*s) - 2*c/(s*s*s) * (DtDi @ (DtDi @ symZtD).conj().T)
elif s < 1e-4 * c and s != 0:
ZtZi = numpy.linalg.inv(ZtZ)
Qi = ZtZi / (c*c) - 2*s/(c*c*c) * (ZtZi @ (ZtZi @ symZtD).conj().T)
raise Exception('Inexplicable singularity in trace_func')
Qi_memo[0] = theta
Qi_memo[1] = Qi
return Qi
def trace_func(theta):
c = numpy.cos(theta)
s = numpy.sin(theta)
Qi = Qi_func(theta)
R = c*c * ZtAZ + s*s * DtAD + 2*s*c * symZtAD
trace = _rtrace_AtB(R, Qi)
return numpy.abs(trace)
def trace_deriv(theta):
Qi = Qi_func(theta)
c2 = numpy.cos(2 * theta)
s2 = numpy.sin(2 * theta)
F = -0.5*s2 * (ZtAZ - DtAD) + c2 * symZtAD
trace_deriv = _rtrace_AtB(Qi, F)
G = Qi @ F.conj().T @ Qi.conj().T
H = -0.5*s2 * (ZtZ - DtD) + c2 * symZtD
trace_deriv -= _rtrace_AtB(G, H)
trace_deriv *= 2
return trace_deriv * sgn
U_sZtD = U @ symZtD
dE = 2.0 * (_rtrace_AtB(U, symZtAD) -
_rtrace_AtB(ZtAZU, U_sZtD))
d2E = 2 * (_rtrace_AtB(U, DtAD) -
_rtrace_AtB(ZtAZU, U @ (DtD - 4 * symZtD @ U_sZtD)) -
4 * _rtrace_AtB(U, symZtAD @ U_sZtD))
# Newton-Raphson to find a root of the first derivative:
theta = -dE/d2E
if d2E < 0 or abs(theta) >= pi:
theta = -abs(prev_theta) * numpy.sign(dE)
# theta, new_E, new_dE = linmin(theta, E, dE, 0.1, min(tolerance, 1e-6), 1e-14, 0, -numpy.sign(dE) * K_PI, trace_func)
theta, n, _, new_E, _, _new_dE = scipy.optimize.line_search(trace_func, trace_deriv, xk=theta, pk=numpy.ones((1,1)), gfk=dE, old_fval=E, c1=min(tolerance, 1e-6), c2=0.1, amax=pi)
result = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(trace_func, bounds=(0, pi), tol=tolerance)
new_E =
theta = result.x
improvement = numpy.abs(E - new_E) * 2 / numpy.abs(E + new_E)
||||'linmin improvement {}'.format(improvement))
Z *= numpy.cos(theta)
Z += D * numpy.sin(theta)
prev_traceGtKG = traceGtKG
#prev_theta = theta
prev_E = E
Recover eigenvectors from Z
U = numpy.linalg.inv(Z.conj().T @ Z)
Y = Z @ scipy.linalg.sqrtm(U)
W = Y.conj().T @ (scipy_op @ Y)
eigvals, W_eigvecs = numpy.linalg.eig(W)
eigvecs = Y @ W_eigvecs
for i in range(len(eigvals)):
v = eigvecs[:, i]
n = eigvals[i]
v /= norm(v)
eigness = norm(scipy_op @ v - (v.conj() @ (scipy_op @ v)) * v )
f = numpy.sqrt(-numpy.real(n))
df = numpy.sqrt(-numpy.real(n + eigness))
neff_err = kmag * (1/df - 1/f)
||||'eigness {}: {}\n neff_err: {}'.format(i, eigness, neff_err))
order = numpy.argsort(numpy.abs(eigvals))
return eigvals[order], eigvecs.T[order]
def linmin(x_guess, f0, df0, x_max, f_tol=0.1, df_tol=min(tolerance, 1e-6), x_tol=1e-14, x_min=0, linmin_func):
if df0 > 0:
x0, f0, df0 = linmin(-x_guess, f0, -df0, -x_max, f_tol, df_tol, x_tol, -x_min, lambda q, dq: -linmin_func(q, dq))
return -x0, f0, -df0
elif df0 == 0:
return 0, f0, df0
x = x_guess
fx = f0
dfx = df0
isave = numpy.zeros((2,), numpy.intc)
dsave = numpy.zeros((13,), float)
x, fx, dfx, task = minpack2.dsrch(x, fx, dfx, f_tol, df_tol, x_tol, task,
x_min, x_max, isave, dsave)
for i in range(int(1e6)):
if task != 'F':
||||'search converged in {} iterations'.format(i))
fx = f(x, dfx)
x, fx, dfx, task = minpack2.dsrch(x, fx, dfx, f_tol, df_tol, x_tol, task,
x_min, x_max, isave, dsave)
return x, fx, dfx
def _rtrace_AtB(A, B):
return real(numpy.sum(A.conj() * B))
def _symmetrize(A):
return (A + A.conj().T) * 0.5
Reference in New Issue
Block a user