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5 years ago
from typing import List, Tuple
import dataclasses
import pytest
import numpy
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose, assert_array_equal
from .. import fdfd, vec, unvec
from .utils import assert_close, assert_fields_close, PRNG
5 years ago
def test_poynting_planes(sim):
mask = (sim.j != 0).any(axis=0)
if mask.sum() != 2:
pytest.skip(f'test_poynting_planes will only test 2-point sources, got {mask.sum()}')
points = numpy.where(mask)
mask[points[0][0], points[1][0], points[2][0]] = 0
5 years ago
mx = numpy.roll(mask, -1, axis=0)
my = numpy.roll(mask, -1, axis=1)
mz = numpy.roll(mask, -1, axis=2)
e2h = fdfd.operators.e2h(, dxes=sim.dxes, pmc=sim.pmc)
ev = vec(sim.e)
hv = e2h @ ev
exh = fdfd.operators.poynting_e_cross(e=ev, dxes=sim.dxes) @ hv.conj()
s = unvec(exh.real / 2, sim.shape[1:])
planes = [s[0, mask].sum(), -s[0, mx].sum(),
s[1, mask].sum(), -s[1, my].sum(),
s[2, mask].sum(), -s[2, mz].sum()]
5 years ago
e_dot_j = sim.e * sim.j * sim.dxes[0][0][:, None, None] * sim.dxes[0][1][None, :, None] * sim.dxes[0][2][None, None, :]
src_energy = -e_dot_j[:, mask].real / 2
5 years ago
assert_close(sum(planes), (src_energy).sum())
# Test fixtures
# Also see
def omega(request):
yield request.param
def pec(request):
yield request.param
def pmc(request):
yield request.param
@pytest.fixture(params=['center', 'diag'])
def j_distribution(request, shape, j_mag):
j = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=complex)
center_mask = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=bool)
center_mask[:, shape[1]//2, shape[2]//2, shape[3]//2] = True
if request.param == 'center':
j[center_mask] = j_mag
elif request.param == 'diag':
j[numpy.roll(center_mask, [1, 1, 1], axis=(1, 2, 3))] = j_mag
j[numpy.roll(center_mask, [-1, -1, -1], axis=(1, 2, 3))] = -1j * j_mag
yield j
5 years ago
class SimResult:
shape: Tuple[int]
dxes: List[List[numpy.ndarray]]
epsilon: numpy.ndarray
omega: complex
j: numpy.ndarray
e: numpy.ndarray
pmc: numpy.ndarray
pec: numpy.ndarray
5 years ago
def sim(request, shape, epsilon, dxes, j_distribution, omega, pec, pmc):
# is3d = (numpy.array(shape) == 1).sum() == 0
# if is3d:
# pytest.skip('Skipping dt != 0.3 because test is 3D (for speed)')
j_vec = vec(j_distribution)
eps_vec = vec(epsilon)
e_vec = fdfd.solvers.generic(J=j_vec, omega=omega, dxes=dxes, epsilon=eps_vec, matrix_solver_opts={'atol': 1e-12})
5 years ago
e = unvec(e_vec, shape[1:])
sim = SimResult(
return sim