/** * HSV Space * by Ben Fry. * * Arrange the pixels from live video into the HSV Color Cone. */ import processing.video.*; import java.awt.Color; Capture video; int count; boolean cheatScreen = true; static final float BOX_SIZE = 0.75; static final float CONE_HEIGHT = 1.2; static final float MAX_RADIUS = 10; static final float ROT_INCREMENT = 3.0; static final float TRANS_INCREMENT = 1; static final float STEP_AMOUNT = 0.1; Tuple[] farbe; Tuple[] trans; float[] hsb = new float[3]; float leftRightAngle; float upDownAngle; float fwdBackTrans; float upDownTrans; float leftRightTrans; boolean motion; boolean blobby = false; void setup() { size(640, 480, P3D); // This the default video input, see the GettingStartedCapture // example if it creates an error video = new Capture(this, 160, 120); // Start capturing the images from the camera video.start(); count = video.width * video.height; sphereDetail(60); upDownTrans = 0; leftRightTrans = 0; motion = false; leftRightAngle = 101.501297; upDownAngle = -180.098694; fwdBackTrans = 14.800003; farbe = new Tuple[count]; trans = new Tuple[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { farbe[i] = new Tuple(); trans[i] = new Tuple(); } } void draw() { background(0); if (!blobby) { lights(); } pushMatrix(); translate(width/2, height/2); scale(min(width, height) / 10.0); translate(0, 0, -20 + fwdBackTrans); rotateY(radians(36 + leftRightAngle)); //, 0, 1, 0); rotateX(radians(-228 + upDownAngle)); //, 1, 0, 0); strokeWeight(0.1); if (blobby) { stroke(0.35, 0.35, 0.25, 0.15); wireCone(MAX_RADIUS, MAX_RADIUS * CONE_HEIGHT, 18, 18); } else { stroke(0.35, 0.35, 0.25, 0.25); wireCone(MAX_RADIUS, MAX_RADIUS * CONE_HEIGHT, 180, 18); } noStroke(); video.loadPixels(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int pixelColor = video.pixels[i]; int r = (pixelColor >> 16) & 0xff; int g = (pixelColor >> 8) & 0xff; int b = pixelColor & 0xff; Color.RGBtoHSB(r, g, b, hsb); float radius = hsb[1] * hsb[2]; float angle = hsb[0] * 360.0 * DEG_TO_RAD; float nx = MAX_RADIUS * radius * cos(angle); float ny = MAX_RADIUS * radius * sin(angle); float nz = hsb[2] * MAX_RADIUS * CONE_HEIGHT; trans[i].set(trans[i].x - (trans[i].x - nx)*STEP_AMOUNT, trans[i].y - (trans[i].y - ny)*STEP_AMOUNT, trans[i].z - (trans[i].z - nz)*STEP_AMOUNT); farbe[i].set(farbe[i].x - (farbe[i].x - r)*STEP_AMOUNT, farbe[i].y - (farbe[i].y - g)*STEP_AMOUNT, farbe[i].z - (farbe[i].z - b)*STEP_AMOUNT); pushMatrix(); farbe[i].phil(); trans[i].tran(); rotate(radians(45), 1, 1, 0); if (blobby) { sphere(BOX_SIZE * 2); //, 20, 20); } else { box(BOX_SIZE); } popMatrix(); } popMatrix(); if (motion) { upDownAngle--; leftRightAngle--; } if (cheatScreen) { image(video, 0, height - video.height); } } void captureEvent(Capture c) { c.read(); } void keyPressed() { switch (key) { case 'g': saveFrame(); break; case 'c': cheatScreen = !cheatScreen; break; case 'm': motion = !motion; break; case '=': fwdBackTrans += TRANS_INCREMENT; break; case '-': fwdBackTrans -= TRANS_INCREMENT; break; case 'b': blobby = !blobby; break; } } void mouseDragged() { float dX, dY; switch (mouseButton) { case LEFT: // left right up down dX = pmouseX - mouseX; dY = pmouseY - mouseY; leftRightAngle -= dX * 0.2; upDownAngle += dY * 0.4; break; case CENTER: dX = pmouseX - mouseX; dY = pmouseY - mouseY; leftRightTrans -= TRANS_INCREMENT * dX; upDownTrans -= TRANS_INCREMENT * dY; break; case RIGHT: // in and out dY = (float) (pmouseY - mouseY); fwdBackTrans -= TRANS_INCREMENT * dY; break; } } void wireCone(float radius, float height, int stepX, int stepY) { int steps = 10; stroke(40); for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) { float angle = map(i, 0, steps, 0, TWO_PI); float x = radius * cos(angle); float y = radius * sin(angle); line(x, y, height, 0, 0, 0); } noFill(); pushMatrix(); translate(0, 0, height); ellipseMode(CENTER); ellipse(0, 0, radius, radius); popMatrix(); }