import controlP5.ControlEvent; import processing.core.*; public class EuglenaApplet extends PApplet { /* This is the main Processing applet. This applet draws the main window and menu */ // Camera capture mode. See the comments in for an explanation. final int cameraMode = 8; // Which arduino to use. final int whichArduino = 0; // Hardware ProjectorApplet projectorApplet; Camera camera; LEDControl ledControl; // Software components Menu menu; Calibrator calibrator; ClickGetter clickGetter; //Pen int penColor = color(200); int penWidth = 15; int operationSpeed = 10; //speed for Shrink, Expand, etc. public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main("EuglenaApplet"); } @Override public void settings() { size(1920, 1200, P2D); } @Override public void setup() { /* Applet initialization */ clear(); smooth(); // Initialize hardware camera = new Camera(this, cameraMode); ledControl = new LEDControl(this, whichArduino); // Initialize software components menu = new Menu(this); // Start up projectorApplet window // Do this last, in case ProjectorApplet wants to use the camera, arduino, etc. projectorApplet = new ProjectorApplet(this); String[] args = {"Euglena projector"}; PApplet.runSketch(args, projectorApplet); } @Override public void draw() { /* Draw loop */ //Draw the menu menu.draw(this, ledControl); //Update webcam and draw the updated image to the screen camera.updateImage(); imageMode(PApplet.CORNER); image(camera.getImage(), 0, 0, width - menu.width, height); } @Override public void mouseClicked(){ // Ignore mouse clicks in menu area if (mouseX > width - menu.width) { return; } // If we have a clickGetter, use that to handle the mouse click if (clickGetter != null) { boolean done =, mouseY); if (done) { clickGetter = null; } } } @Override public void keyPressed() { /* Key-down handler */ ledControl.keyPressed(key); if (key == CODED) { projectorApplet.calibrator.buttonPressed(keyCode); } else { switch(key) { case ENTER: //TODO: snapshot //snapshot(); break; case 'r': //TODO: record break; } } } @Override public void keyReleased() { /* Key-up handler */ ledControl.keyReleased(key); } public void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) { /* Pass menu events to the menu component */ menu.controlEvent(theEvent); } void drawArrow(int cx, int cy, int len, float angle){ /* Utility function for drawing an arrow */ pushMatrix(); translate(cx, cy); rotate(radians(angle)); line(0,0,len, 0); line(len, 0, len - 8, -8); line(len, 0, len - 8, 8); popMatrix(); } void reset() { /* Reset the applet to a known state */ if ( { projectorApplet.calibrator.deactivate(); } else { projectorApplet.calibrator.deactivate(); ledControl.allOff(); projectorApplet.reset(); } } }