/* Show backend computer vision for curious users */ void showCV() { rectMode(CORNER); stroke(100); noFill(); rect(roiCornerX, roiCornerY, roiWidth, roiHeight); // Outlines region of interest noFill(); stroke(255, 0, 0); strokeWeight(3); for (Contour contour : contours) { beginShape(); for (PVector p : contour.getPoints()) { vertex(p.x + roiCornerX, p.y + roiCornerY); } endShape(PConstants.CLOSE); // Draws outlines of moving objects } image(dst, roiCornerX + roiWidth, roiCornerY, roiWidth, roiHeight); // Displays backend cv textSize(56); text("Count: " + count, 300, 600); // COunts number of euglena in region of interest }