/* \__ Draws shape like this and activates arduino so that -> __| euglena stream into the opening. The top coordinates of the top right / x and y and width and height of containment box can be passed as parameters After amount of time or (yet to be implemented) after number of euglena enter the box is closed */ float t_temp = 0; float t = 0; void protoGather(float x, float y, float boxWidth, float boxHeight) { noFill(); strokeWeight(10); // Controls thickness of blue border stroke(color(0, 0, 220)); beginShape(); // Draws shape vertex(convertXCoord(x - menu.width), displayHeight*calibrator.offsety+displayHeight/calibrator.magy-10); vertex(convertXCoord(x), convertYCoord(y)); vertex(convertXCoord(x + boxWidth), convertYCoord(y)); vertex(convertXCoord(x + boxWidth), convertYCoord(y + boxHeight)); vertex(convertXCoord(x), convertYCoord(y + boxHeight)); vertex(convertXCoord(x - menu.width), displayHeight*calibrator.offsety); endShape(); if (t < 180) { arduino.analogWrite(down, 64); // Turns on arduino light (can make ledPin into a parameter that is passed in) } else { arduino.analogWrite(down, 0); } t_temp = t_temp + 1; t = t_temp / framerate; }