/** * Background Subtraction * by Golan Levin. * * Detect the presence of people and objects in the frame using a simple * background-subtraction technique. To initialize the background, press a key. */ import processing.video.*; int numPixels; int[] backgroundPixels; Capture video; void setup() { size(640, 480); // This the default video input, see the GettingStartedCapture // example if it creates an error //video = new Capture(this, 160, 120); video = new Capture(this, width, height); // Start capturing the images from the camera video.start(); numPixels = video.width * video.height; // Create array to store the background image backgroundPixels = new int[numPixels]; // Make the pixels[] array available for direct manipulation loadPixels(); } void draw() { if (video.available()) { video.read(); // Read a new video frame video.loadPixels(); // Make the pixels of video available // Difference between the current frame and the stored background int presenceSum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++) { // For each pixel in the video frame... // Fetch the current color in that location, and also the color // of the background in that spot color currColor = video.pixels[i]; color bkgdColor = backgroundPixels[i]; // Extract the red, green, and blue components of the current pixel's color int currR = (currColor >> 16) & 0xFF; int currG = (currColor >> 8) & 0xFF; int currB = currColor & 0xFF; // Extract the red, green, and blue components of the background pixel's color int bkgdR = (bkgdColor >> 16) & 0xFF; int bkgdG = (bkgdColor >> 8) & 0xFF; int bkgdB = bkgdColor & 0xFF; // Compute the difference of the red, green, and blue values int diffR = abs(currR - bkgdR); int diffG = abs(currG - bkgdG); int diffB = abs(currB - bkgdB); // Add these differences to the running tally presenceSum += diffR + diffG + diffB; // Render the difference image to the screen pixels[i] = color(diffR, diffG, diffB); // The following line does the same thing much faster, but is more technical //pixels[i] = 0xFF000000 | (diffR << 16) | (diffG << 8) | diffB; } updatePixels(); // Notify that the pixels[] array has changed println(presenceSum); // Print out the total amount of movement } } // When a key is pressed, capture the background image into the backgroundPixels // buffer, by copying each of the current frame's pixels into it. void keyPressed() { video.loadPixels(); arraycopy(video.pixels, backgroundPixels); }