import org.firmata.*; import gab.opencv.*; import*; import processing.serial.*; import cc.arduino.*; import controlP5.*; OpenCV opencv; // One opencv object needed per region of interest with unique dimension /* CONSTANTS */ /////////////////// Program Controls final long ledDelay = 5000; // Duration of light from LED during LED sequence final int recordDelay = 0; // Time delay befoe taking next xcoord in case of lag final int paintSize = 100; // Number of xcoord taken in limited paint activity //////////////////// Image Processing for doodle exploration final int roiWidth = 500; // Width of ROI final int roiHeight = 500; // Height of region of interest final int roiCornerX = 610; final int roiCornerY = 290; final int centerY = 540; // Center Y coordinate final int centerX = 860; // Center X coordinate /* Global Variables */ ///////////////// Miscellaneaous Variables boolean load = false; // Boolean to determine if user wants to load previously saved led sequences or paint long ledTime; // Temporary time storage used to keep LED's on for certain period of time long paintTime; // Temporary time storage used to determine when paint "runs out" ////////////////// Image Processing Variables boolean showcv = false; // Show image tracking during doodle mode PImage roiFrame; // Region of interest PImage dst; // Backend computer vision ArrayList contours; // Stores outlines of moving objects within region of interest int count; // Equivalent to number of outline ///////////////////////// Color Variables int iColor=0;//current color float lagTime = 1; int totalTime = 15000; //////////////////// Storage Variables IntList paintLimit = new IntList(); // Stores finite limit of XCoord of points drawn. Once limit is reached "drawing" is stopped IntList ledDirections = new IntList(); // Stores a certain number of LED pins in the order they will be turned on IntList storedColor = new IntList(); // Stores color of each point FloatList storedXCoord = new FloatList(); // Stores x-coordinate of each point FloatList storedYCoord = new FloatList(); // Stores y-coordinate of each point IntList storedPenWidth = new IntList(); // Stores stroke weight of each point IntList storedLED = new IntList(); // Stores ledPin numbers IntList tempLED = new IntList(); // Duplicates storedLED so the intList can be called again and again without losing any data points ////////////////////// Game Variables // Image processing of goal regions in game ArrayList plusContours; // Stores outlines of moving objects ArrayList minusContours; ArrayList euglenaCount; PImage o1; // Backend computer vision to make sure image is being processed correctly PImage o2; PImage o3; PImage goal1; // Region of interest PImage goal2; PImage gameScreen; PImage entireScreen; PImage cvscreen; static float densityThreshold = 6; boolean densityMeasured = false; FloatList fadeXCoord = new FloatList(); // Stores x-coordinate of each point FloatList fadeYCoord = new FloatList(); Shrink shrink = new Shrink(); Expand expand = new Expand(); Translate translate = new Translate(); Rotate rotate = new Rotate(); void setup() { count = 1; totalCount = 1; background(200); smooth(); clearDisplay(); } /* Runs contionous display of mouse in the background; keeps track of what mode app is in and where mouse is on the screen */ void draw() { if (showcv) { // Show image tracking when CTRL is pressed identifyEuglena(); showCV(); } recordTimelapse(lagTime, totalTime); //Note: the maximum fps is around 5 for (int i=0; i < shrinkwindows.size(); i++) { shrinkwindows.get(i).draw(); } for (int i=0; i < expandwindows.size(); i++) { expandwindows.get(i).draw(); } for (int i=0; i < translatewindows.size(); i++) { translatewindows.get(i).draw(); } for (int i=0; i < rotatewindows.size(); i++) { rotatewindows.get(i).draw(); } } /*Uses keys to create uniform movement in the Euglena by turniing LEDs on and off with standard directional keys. It also allows calibration of the projectorApplet field of view */ void keyPressed() { case CONTROL: if(showcv) showcv = false; else showcv = true; break; default: break; } } else if (startSession != 7 && startSession != 9) { // Control LED with standard directional keys switch(key) { case ENTER: // Takes a snapshot of the FOV snapshot(); break; case 'r': // Toggles between recording timelapse and not recording record = !record; } } } /* Listens for user dragging mouse and draws points of appropriate color and width on the screen */ void mouseDragged() { if(mouseX < displayWidth-menu.width){ // Determines if mouse is in drawing area stroke(color(rVal, gVal, bVal)); // Sets pent to current color strokeWeight(penWidth); // Sets pen to current Width point(convertXCoord(mouseX), convertYCoord(mouseY)); // Moves points on to second monitor with correct sizing } }