/* ____ The area of interest is outlined is in blue and -> / a triangle is used as border to make sure euglena \____ are cleared out. The top coordinates of the top right x and y and width and height can be passed as parameters */ void protoClear(float x, float y, float screenWidth, float screenHeight) { noFill(); stroke(color(0, 0, 220)); strokeWeight(5); beginShape(); vertex(convertXCoord(x + screenWidth), convertYCoord(y)); vertex(convertXCoord(x), convertYCoord(y)); vertex(convertXCoord(x - menu.width), convertYCoord((y + y + screenHeight)/2)); vertex(convertXCoord(x), convertYCoord(y + screenHeight)); vertex(convertXCoord(x + screenWidth), convertYCoord(y + screenHeight)); endShape(); arduino.digitalWrite(left, Arduino.HIGH); }