/* -*- mode: java; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* Part of the Processing project - http://processing.org Copyright (c) 2011-12 Ben Fry and Casey Reas This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package processing.video; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import com.sun.jna.Library; import com.sun.jna.Native; import com.sun.jna.Platform; /** * This class loads the gstreamer native libraries. * By Andres Colubri * Based on code by Tal Shalif * */ public class LibraryLoader { public interface DummyLibrary extends Library { } private static LibraryLoader instance; static final Object[][] WINDOWS_DEPENDENCIES = { // glib libraries { "gio-2.0", new String[] {}, true }, { "glib-2.0", new String[] {}, true }, { "gmodule-2.0", new String[] {}, true }, { "gobject-2.0", new String[] {}, true }, { "gthread-2.0", new String[] {}, true }, // Core gstreamer libraries { "gstapp-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstaudio-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstbase-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstbasevideo-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstcdda-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstcontroller-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstdataprotocol-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstfft-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstinterfaces-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstnet-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstnetbuffer-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstpbutils-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstphotography-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstreamer-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstriff-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstrtp-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstrtsp-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstsdp-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstsignalprocessor-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gsttag-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstvideo-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, // External libraries { "libiconv-2", new String[] {}, false }, { "libintl-8", new String[] {}, false }, { "libjpeg-8", new String[] {}, false }, { "libogg-0", new String[] {}, false }, { "liborc-0.4-0", new String[] {}, false }, { "liborc-test-0.4-0", new String[] {}, false }, { "libpng14-14", new String[] {}, false }, { "libtheora-0", new String[] {}, false }, { "libtheoradec-1", new String[] {}, false }, { "libtheoraenc-1", new String[] {}, false }, { "libvorbis-0", new String[] {}, false }, { "libvorbisenc-2", new String[] {}, false }, { "libvorbisfile-3", new String[] {}, false }, { "libxml2-2", new String[] {}, false }, { "zlib1", new String[] {}, false } }; static final Object[][] MACOSX_DEPENDENCIES = { { "gstbase-0.10", new String[] { "gstreamer-0.10" }, true }, { "gstinterfaces-0.10", new String[] { "gstreamer-0.10" }, true }, { "gstcontroller-0.10", new String[] { "gstreamer-0.10" }, true }, { "gstaudio-0.10", new String[] { "gstbase-0.10" }, true }, { "gstvideo-0.10", new String[] { "gstbase-0.10" }, true } }; static final Object[][] DEFAULT_DEPENDENCIES = { { "gstreamer-0.10", new String[] {}, true }, { "gstbase-0.10", new String[] { "gstreamer-0.10" }, true }, { "gstinterfaces-0.10", new String[] { "gstreamer-0.10" }, true }, { "gstcontroller-0.10", new String[] { "gstreamer-0.10" }, true }, { "gstaudio-0.10", new String[] { "gstbase-0.10" }, true }, { "gstvideo-0.10", new String[] { "gstbase-0.10" }, true }, }; static final Object[][] dependencies = Platform.isWindows() ? WINDOWS_DEPENDENCIES : Platform.isMac() ? MACOSX_DEPENDENCIES : DEFAULT_DEPENDENCIES; private static final Map loadedMap = new HashMap(); private static final int RECURSIVE_LOAD_MAX_DEPTH = 5; private LibraryLoader() { } private void preLoadLibs() { for (Object[] a : dependencies) { load(a[0].toString(), DummyLibrary.class, true, 0, (Boolean) a[2]); } } private String[] findDeps(String name) { for (Object[] a : dependencies) { if (name.equals(a[0])) { return (String[]) a[1]; } } return new String[] {}; // library dependancy load chain unspecified - // probably client call } public Object load(String name, Class clazz, boolean reqLib) { return load(name, clazz, true, 0, reqLib); } private Object load(String name, Class clazz, boolean forceReload, int depth, boolean reqLib) { assert depth < RECURSIVE_LOAD_MAX_DEPTH : String.format( "recursive max load depth %s has been exceeded", depth); Object library = loadedMap.get(name); if (null == library || forceReload) { // Logger.getAnonymousLogger().info(String.format("%" + ((depth + 1) * 2) // + "sloading %s", "->", name)); try { String[] deps = findDeps(name); for (String lib : deps) { load(lib, DummyLibrary.class, false, depth + 1, reqLib); } library = loadLibrary(name, clazz, reqLib); if (library != null) { loadedMap.put(name, library); } } catch (Exception e) { if (reqLib) throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "can not load required library %s", name, e)); else System.out.println(String.format("can not load library %s", name, e)); } } return library; } private static Object loadLibrary(String name, Class clazz, boolean reqLib) { // Logger.getAnonymousLogger().info(String.format("loading %s", name)); String[] nameFormats; nameFormats = Platform.isWindows() ? new String[] { "lib%s", "lib%s-0", "%s" } : new String[] { "%s-0", "%s" }; UnsatisfiedLinkError linkError = null; for (String fmt : nameFormats) { try { String s = String.format(fmt, name); //System.out.println("Trying to load library file " + s); Object obj = Native.loadLibrary(s, clazz); //System.out.println("Loaded library " + s + " succesfully!"); return obj; } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ex) { linkError = ex; } } if (reqLib) throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError( String.format( "can't load library %s (%1$s|lib%1$s|lib%1$s-0) with " + "-Djna.library.path=%s. Last error:%s", name, System.getProperty("jna.library.path"), linkError)); else { System.out.println(String.format( "can't load library %s (%1$s|lib%1$s|lib%1$s-0) with " + "-Djna.library.path=%s. Last error:%s", name, System.getProperty("jna.library.path"), linkError)); return null; } } public static synchronized LibraryLoader getInstance() { if (null == instance) { instance = new LibraryLoader(); instance.preLoadLibs(); } return instance; } }